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Новости за 20.09.2016

Smart ForTwo, ForFour and Cabrio get Brabus treatment : Details and Images

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

The Smart ForTwo, ForFour and Cabrio have received the Brabus treatment as the compact cars now deliver slightly higher performance numbers. The Brabus range uses the existing turbo-charged 898 cc engine which now deliver an increased power output of 109 hp (up from 90 hp). In keeping with its sportier engine and exterior, it also comes with […]

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Sachin Tendulkar gets himself a customized BMW 750Li M-Sport

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

Recently, cricketer Sachin Tendulkar was in the news after he got a custom paintjob for his BMW i8. Sachin, who is the brand ambassador for the German luxury automobile manufacturer in India, is known for having some of the best BMW models in his garage, with the M5 Jahre edition being the most exclusive model. […]

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Reader Review : Yamaha FZ16 Ownership Review by Kshitij Deshmukh

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

The Yamaha FZ16 has been around for quite some time now but somehow, the motorcycle does not feel outdated by any means. It still is a potent competitor in the 150-180cc segment motorcycles in the Indian market and has managed to prevail despite the heavy competition. One of our readers, Kshitij Deshmukh, who is absolutely in […]

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Honda files patent for 11-speed triple-clutch transmission

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

Recent reports suggest that Japanese automobile manufacturer Honda has filed a patent for a 11-speed triple-clutch transmission. The patent was filed in the month of May at the Japan Patent Office. As the patent has been filed recently, it is unlikely that the transmission will make it to the production line soon. Also read: Honda City to get 6-speed […]

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Must read: This man built a working motorcycle from his broken down car to escape from the desert

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

In 1993, French man Emile Leray, then 43-years old and an electrician by profession, decided to embark on an adventure in his Citroen 2CV. From the city of Tanta in Egypt, Emile planned to drive across the Moroccan desert in his baby Citroen. However, things turned awry midway through the trip, as Emile crashed his car […]

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With 2300 HP, 9054 Nm of torque and a payload capacity of 220 metric tons, this is one of India’s biggest trucks

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

Thriveni Earthmovers, one of India’s leading Mine Development cum Operators (MDO) has introduced these gigantic 180-220 ton dumper trucks at its Polavaram Operations in Andhra Pradesh. Measuring 13.39 meters long, 7.82 meters wide and 6.65 meters high, these Belarus made BELAZ-7530 Series dumpers have become one of the biggest trucks to be rolling on Indian soil, usurped only […]

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Pioneer India introduces 12 new products; includes Double Din models, sub-woofers, and amplifiers

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

Pioneer India Electronics unveiled its new range of in-car products for 2016-2017. The product range comprises of car head-units with advanced smartphone connectivity and more.  Pioneer has introduced Android Auto in its latest navigation-cum-entertainment systems. These products are also equipped with Apple CarPlay. Android Auto, according to the company, enhances the user’s experience by using […]

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Шествие трубачей и уроки танцев: что ждет посетителей парков Москвы в майские праздники


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