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Новости за 12.04.2016

2017 Suzuki Swift Sport variant digitally rendered

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

Recently the design of the 2017 Suzuki Swift was revealed through leaked images that floated out of a dealer conference in Europe. The images also showed the interiors of the next-generation Swift. Following the leaked images, the 2017 Swift was spotted doing rounds during a public roadtest. The Japanese car maker had wrapped the hatchback in […]

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Exclusive: Observations from a Bajaj Pulsar CS400 spotting

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

The highly anticipated Bajaj Pulsar CS 400 has been spotted by an anonymous reader. Ever since it made an appearance at the 2014 Auto Expo, the Pulsar CS 400 has been sending pulses of the average Indian motorcycle enthusiast racing. CS, which stands for Cruiser Sport will be a mellowed down avatar of the sharp, […]

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Stage set for 2016 MRF MoGrip FMSCI national supercross in Goa

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

The 2016 MRF MoGrip FMSCI National Super cross Championship for two-wheelers will kick off at the Navellim Super cross Track in Goa on April 17, with the qualifying round being held a day earlier. Other rounds of the championship, being organized by Pune-based Godspeed Racing, will be held in Hyderabad on July 3, Delhi on Sept 25, Jaipur on Oct 2, […]

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Ford tests their Fusion Hybrid autonomous research vehicles in the dark

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

Ford Motor Company is going full throttle to test their autonomous vehicles project under various circumstances and environments. In one such test, the automaker put their Fusion Hybrid autonomous research vehicle through an extreme test under the moonlight. The bespoke autonomous Fusion sedan navigated on lonely roads of Ford Arizona Proving Ground under pitch-black darkness, […]

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Honda BR-V reaches Jaipur, to continue ahead with its #WhereNextWithBRV campaign

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

Honda Cars India is leaving no stone un-turned in order to promote their upcoming crossover, the BR-V. The Japanese automobile manufacturer has recently begun teasing the new BR-V with a set of images as it travels through the country. Also read: 2016 Beijing Motor Show: Honda Concept D based UR-V premium SUV spotted in China As images […]

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Ford India opens its first independent technical training centre at Manesar

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

Going further to create a pool of technicians, Ford India today inaugurated its first independent technical training facility for the North region at Manesar, Gurgaon. Established in partnership with Technical Training Inc. [TTi], Technical training is spread over 18,000-sq-ft and will provide training to over 13,500 trainees per year. As a part of the training program, trainees […]

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Lady of Harley, Veenu Paliwal passes away following a tragic accident

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

Veenu Paliwal, one of India’s renowned woman bikers, was en-route a national wide tour on her Harley Davidson bike when the catastrophic accident took place. She was accompanied by her fellow biker, Deepesh Tanwer. The nationwide tour was likely the International Chapter Ride initiated by Dunes Chapter Rajasthan and Harley Davidson. Paliwal was passionate about […]

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Honda Navi Review: First Ride Impressions and Image Gallery

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

  Our man Karan was piloting the new Honda Navi earlier today. Before I paraphrase his rants, here’s a quick round-up of the Honda Navi. Few know what it is; it isn’t a mini-moto, at least technically, because it’s engine is positioned at the rear, offset like on a scooter. It isn’t a scooter either, […]

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Шествие трубачей и уроки танцев: что ждет посетителей парков Москвы в майские праздники


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