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Новости за 29.02.2016

Union Budget 2016: Effects on the automotive industry

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

All eyes were glued to TV screens as Finance Minister Arun Jaitley presented the Union Budget for 2016-17 and we were really interested about the announcement relating to the automotive industry and road infrastructure. One of the biggest drawback for the industry was the customs duty on commercial vehicles which was hiked from 10% to a massive 40%. On […]

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Aston Martin DB11 exteriors revealed through leaked official images ahead of 2016 Geneva Motor Show debut

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

The Aston Martin DB11 was spied earlier when images of its front fascia surfaced online. Now, official images of the DB11 have hit the web just hours before its debut, scheduled to take place at the Geneva Motor Show which begins tomorrow. The DB11 is the direct successor to the DB9 as the DB10 was specifically built for […]

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Infiniti Q80 Inspiration concept wins iF Design Award 2016 for fastback saloon concept car

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

The Infiniti Q80 Inspiration concept that was first showcased at the 2014 Paris Motor Show has been awarded one of the most prestigious cross-industry design prizes. The concept car has received an iF Design Award in the ‘Professional Concept’ category, with the Q80 Inspiration’s striking fastback design winning over the 58-strong international jury. The concept vehicle […]

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Audi Q2 teased yet again in teaser images and video

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

Audi has teased its upcoming compact luxury SUV, the Q2 yet again. The German automobile manufacturer has now released a teaser video as well as some teaser images of their compact luxury SUV, which is scheduled to make its debut at the upcoming 2016 Geneva Motor Show. The Q2 has been teased earlier as well on […]

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Mahindra BAJA SAEINDIA 2016 concludes; Team Nemesis Racing of CoE Pune lifts the trophy

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

  Recently, on the outskirts of Indore, an Automotive Testing facility was converted into a war front for engineering students. It seemed like each and every engineering college of India had sent their own army to raid the region. For the occasion of Mahindra Baja SAEINDIA 2016, students from all over the country had brought […]

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2016 Geneva Motor Show: 200PS Ford Fiesta ST200 hot hatch revealed ahead of the motoring event

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

The Ford Fiesta ST gets even hotter as the car maker reveals a 200PS version of the compact hot hatch ahead of the Geneva Motor Show. The new Ford Fiesta ST200 model delivers 10 per cent more power and 20 per cent more torque, with 200PS and 290Nm from a specially calibrated 1.6-litre EcoBoost petrol engine. Moreover, the Fiesta […]

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Московские школьники стали победителями всероссийской олимпиады по математике


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Александр Пушной

Кировчанин обыграл телеведущего Александра Пушного и получил деньги


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