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Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com)

Новости за 03.02.2018

Live blog: Rebels fall in overtime at Boise State, 93-91

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

Until recently, Mountain West play hadn't been a very pleasant experience for UNLV. After plowing through the non-conference schedule by winning 11 of 13 games, the Rebels looked uninspired while going 3-4 to open MWC play. Only this past week ...

Live blog: UNLV pulls ahead of Boise State late in first half

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

Until recently, Mountain West play hadn't been a very pleasant experience for UNLV. After plowing through the non-conference schedule by winning 11 of 13 games, the Rebels looked uninspired while going 3-4 to open MWC play. Only this past week ...

Three keys for UNLV basketball at Boise State

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

Until recently, Mountain West play hadn't been a very pleasant experience for UNLV. After plowing through the non-conference schedule by winning 11 of 13 games, the Rebels looked uninspired while going 3-4 to open MWC play. Only this past week ...

Super Bowl by the odds: Vegas pick and preview of Eagles vs. Patriots

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

For indecisive sports bettors, the last 13 days have been a super bowl of second-guessing. There’s the risk of information overload, with so many sources analyzing the Super Bowl from so many different angles that it’s only natural to get turned around ...

U.S. senators seek to close Haiti orphanage amid abuse claims

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

Ten members of the U.S. Senate have asked the State Department to pressure the Haitian government into closing an orphanage where several children being adopted by American families have been victims of ...

Golden Knights dominated by Wild in 5-2 defeat

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

The Golden Knights were dominated from the opening puck drop to the final whistle Friday night in Minnesota. Whether it was due to it being the second night of a back-to-back and third game in four days for the Golden Knights, or because the Wild just out played them ...

Live Blog: Wild pull ahead of Golden Knights early

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

The Golden Knights stumbled out of the gate in Minnesota, and the Wild took advantage. Minnesota scored twice in the opening period to claim a comfortable 2-0 lead after 20 minutes of hockey in St. Paul. ...

Raiders opening stadium preview center at Town Square

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

The next step in the Raiders’ move to Las Vegas happens Saturday with the opening of the Las Vegas stadium preview center at Town Square mall. The center will let fans learn about ...

Raiders opening preview center at Town Square

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

The next step in the Raiders’ move to Las Vegas happens Saturday with the opening of the Las Vegas stadium preview center at Town Square mall. The center will let fans learn about ...

Man arrested in NLV double slaying had stalked victim

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

A man and a woman were shot to death at a North Las Vegas apartment complex this morning, and investigators were trying to track down a possible suspect. The shooting was not ...

Man, woman shot to death in North Las Vegas

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

A man and a woman were shot to death at a North Las Vegas apartment complex this morning, and investigators were trying to track down a possible suspect, according to police. The shooting was not ...

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