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Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com)

Новости за 02.03.2017

Senators ask feds not to clamp down on state marijuana laws

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

Senators from eight states that have legalized the recreational or medicinal use of marijuana are asking Attorney General Jeff Sessions to uphold the Department of Justice's existing enforcement policy toward states with ...

City Council authorizes rodeos in North Las Vegas

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

The effort to diversify the North Las Vegas economy just received a boost from an unusual place: an amended animal cruelty ordinance. The City Council on Wednesday unanimously voted to ...

Debate prompts Garfield creator to clarify cat's gender

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

Garfield's gender has become the subject of an internet debate. The Washington Post reports Wikipedia locked changes on the animated cat's page after the site's volunteer editors battled over whether the animated cat is male or not. The controversy ...

Agency reports rare jaguar sighting in mountains of Arizona

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

Wildlife officials say they have evidence of a rare jaguar sighting in the United States. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service released a photo Thursday from a trail camera that was taken in ...

Pilot injured after small plane crash in Carson City

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

The pilot of a small plane has been taken to a Reno hospital after the aircraft crashed while attempting to take off at the Carson City airport. The pilot of the 1973 Bellanca plane was taken to ...

Garage fire extinguished before spreading inside house

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

Firefighters put out a garage fire this morning before it could spread inside a northeast valley house, according to the Clark County Fire Department. One person was evaluated for smoke inhalation but was not ...

Charlton Heston rant rattled judge; court tosses murder case

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

A Philadelphia judge's clash with the late actor Charlton Heston has indirectly led to a U.S. appeals court decision to overturn a murder conviction. The victim's family had created a blog during the 1998 case that quoted Heston calling ...

Trump to push Pentagon upgrade aboard U.S. aircraft carrier

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

Embracing a stronger defense, President Donald Trump intends to meet with sailors and shipbuilders on an aircraft carrier in Virginia to promote his plans for a major military buildup. Trump is traveling Thursday to Newport News to deliver a speech aboard ...

Illinois man dies, raising Midwestern storm death toll to 4

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

A northern Illinois man has died after being struck by a tree during a powerful Midwestern storm, raising the death toll for the regional storms to four. Peoria County's coroner says 31-year-old David A. Johnson of Ottawa died Wednesday of ...

Barack Obama named recipient of JFK Profile in Courage Award

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

Former President Barack Obama was named the 2017 winner of the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award on Thursday for carrying on his fellow Democrat's legacy. "President Kennedy called on a new generation of Americans to give their talents to the service of ...

Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch back on market for $67M

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch is back on the market with an asking price of $67 million. The 2,700-acre property near Santa Barbara, California, has been renamed Sycamore Valley Ranch. The listed price represents a significant cut from the $100 million it was ...

3 teens accused in dozens of Ohio robberies, carjackings

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

Authorities in Ohio say a 14-year-old alleged ringleader and two other teenagers have been arrested in connection with dozens of aggravated robberies and carjackings in Cleveland, including one case in which a woman and ...

Kremlin: Sessions controversy an impediment to new relations

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

The intense attention being given to the new U.S. attorney general's meetings with Russia's ambassador could obstruct improved Washington-Moscow relations, the spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday. The spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, told reporters ...

EU Parliament lifts Le Pen immunity over gruesome tweets

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

The European Parliament voted Thursday to lift the immunity from prosecution for French far-right leader Marine Le Pen for tweeting gruesome images of Islamic State violence, a crime that ...

Syrian army re-enters town of Palmyra as IS defenses crumble

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

Syrian government forces battling the Islamic State group re-entered Palmyra on Thursday in their quest to again take the historic town they had lost to the militants in December, state media reported. The Kremlin's spokesman said ...

Calls grow for Sessions to withdraw from Russia probe

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

A growing number of Republicans joined Democratic leaders Thursday in calling for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to step aside from an investigation into Russian interference in the ...

Музыкальные новости
Анастасия Волочкова

Шпагаты, но уже без нижнего белья: хакеры взломали аккаунт Волочковой

Персональные новости
Анфиса Чехова

Отец из Панамы, школьная любовь и любимая еда: Елена Борщёва раскрыла все тайны на шоу ТВ-3 «Вкусно с Анфисой Чеховой»

First phases of Interstate 11 race to completion in 2018

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

Construction of the first 15 miles of Interstate 11, which will link Las Vegas to Phoenix and could eventually stretch from Mexico to Canada, is making progress. The Nevada Department of Transportation is in charge of the 2.5-mile phase one, while the Regional Transportation Commission is heading the 12.5-mile phase two ...

Make switch to citizen legislators

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

Twelve years, that’s it — two terms in the Senate, six terms in the House or any combination as long as they do not amount to more than 12 years, period. I do not want to hear that a lack of experience will doom the system; that is hogwash ...

Media not enemy; it’s a safeguard

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

We need to start being alert to the fact that Trump might prefer state-run media to free press. ...

Column ignores causes of crime

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

While those might be contributing factors, three factors Page refused to mention are the real problems ...

It’s OK to hate Trump, but don’t demonize his voters

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

My hometown, Yamhill, Ore., a farming community, is Trump country, and I have many friends who voted for Trump. I think they’re profoundly wrong, but please don’t dismiss them as hateful bigots. ...

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Легионер "Локомотива" Ньямси: в Москве жизнь дешевле, чем в Париже


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Экология в России и мире

Вокруг парка на электромобиле: что будет доступно напрокат в Москве

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о единых принципах привлечения инвесторов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил о желании построить в Белоруссии вторую АЭС

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