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«La Crosse Tribune» (lacrossetribune.com)

Новости за 17.04.2018

Slovakia's police chief to resign in slain reporter case

«La Crosse Tribune» (lacrossetribune.com) 

BRATISLAVA, Slovakia (AP) — Slovakia's national police chief will resign following street protests against him as the nation struggles with a political crisis triggered by the slayings of an investigative journalist and his fiancee.

Man pleads guilty to hammer slaying of Iowa man

«La Crosse Tribune» (lacrossetribune.com) 

BURLINGTON, Iowa (AP) — A Burlington man accused of using a claw hammer to fatally beat another man has pleaded guilty to a lesser charge.

Sign-up for $100 child rebate to open May 15

«La Crosse Tribune» (lacrossetribune.com) 

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Gov. Scott Walker says families will be able to sign up for a $100 per-child tax rebate starting on May 15.

Cryptocurrencies and Taxes: What Do You Owe?

«La Crosse Tribune» (lacrossetribune.com) 

MoneyTipsBig Gains, Big Tax HeadachesWere you tempted in 2017 by cryptocurrencies promising huge financial gains? If you did make a Bitcoin purchase, you may have done very well. The value of Bitcoin gained more than 1,200% over the year.Your gains…

Two-vehicle crash occurs on Hwy. UU; no injuries reported

«La Crosse Tribune» (lacrossetribune.com) 

No injuries were reported following a two-vehicle crash that occurred Monday, April 16, at about 9:10 p.m. on Hwy. UU at the intersection of Liberty Street in the town of Wheatland.

Driftless Wisconsin to host Spring Kickoff April 26

«La Crosse Tribune» (lacrossetribune.com) 

Driftless Wisconsin, a tourism organization representing Crawford and Vernon counties and the Kickapoo Valley, will hold its second-annual Driftless Wisconsin Spring Kickoff Thursday, April 26. The event will be from 5-9 p.m. at the Dousman House on the riverfront in…

How to spring-clean your gutters

«La Crosse Tribune» (lacrossetribune.com) 

Over the fall and winter, debris probably built up in your gutters. With the increased spring showers, leaves, sticks, and grime can act as a dam and prevent water from flowing freely. To keep your gutters draining smoothly and prevent…

Prescription Drug Take-Back Day is April 28

«La Crosse Tribune» (lacrossetribune.com) 

The Wisconsin Department of Justice (DOJ) and community partners will give the public another opportunity to remove potentially dangerous pharmaceutical controlled substances from our nation’s medicine cabinets. This one day effort will continue to bring a focus to the issue…

Eastern League

«La Crosse Tribune» (lacrossetribune.com) 

At A GlanceAll Times EDTEastern DivisionWLPct.GBNew Hampshire (Blue Jays)72.778—Trenton (Yankees)55.5002½Portland (Red Sox)35.3753½Binghamton (Mets)35.3753½Reading (Phillies)47.3644Hartford (Rockies)27.2225Western DivisionWLPct.GBRichmond (Giants)83.727—Altoona (Pirates)63.6671Bowie (Orioles)64.6001½Akron (Indians)55.5002½Harrisburg (Nationals)45.4443Erie (Tigers)46.4003½

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French president urges EU reform to fight rising nationalism

«La Crosse Tribune» (lacrossetribune.com) 

STRASBOURG, France (AP) — French President Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday urged the European Union to reform itself in order to offer better protection for its citizens in a world troubled by wars and authoritarian regimes.

Amy Dickinson: Family wonders what to do with racist family photo

«La Crosse Tribune» (lacrossetribune.com) 

Dear Amy: I am in a quandary. When my husband and his three brothers divided up what was left of my in-laws' possessions after my father-in-law died, we received the majority of photos. I finally have time to go through…

Lowly Reds unload on host Brewers to spoil start of homestand

«La Crosse Tribune» (lacrossetribune.com) 

Billy Hamilton drove in three runs and the Cincinnati Reds ended an eight-game losing streak with a 10-4 win over the Brewers, who were kicking off a seven-game homestand at Miller Park.

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