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Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency)

Новости за 06.12.2017

Killing of Al-Qaeda leader an example of Afghan Special Forces lethality: Nicholson

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

The commander of the NATO-led Resolute Support Mission and the US forces in Afghanistan General John Nicholson has said the recent operation resulting into the killing of a top Al-Qaeda leader is an example of the lethality of the Afghan Special Forces. (Photo: NATO Resolute Support Mission) “This operation is a testament to the real Read the full article...

Pakistan says actions taken against all terror groups including Haqqani network

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

Pakistani officials are saying that the country’s military has taken actions against all terror groups including the notorious Haqqani terrorist network. (AFP File Photo) According to the officials familiar with the recent meeting with the US defense secretary James Mattis, Islamabad has also shared information with the US delegation regarding the counter-terrorism steps in this Read the full article...

US military release video of airstrike on Taliban Red Unit leader

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

The US military has released a video which purportedly shows an airstrike that target one of the most senior leaders of the Taliban group. The video shows the airstrike on the leader of the Red Unit of the Taliban Mulah Shah Wali who was killed in the raid on 1st December. A fast moving car Read the full article...

Afghan peace impossible without Pakistan support: Sartaj Aziz

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

A senior Pakistani government official has said achieving peace and stability in Afghanistan would not be possible without the support of Pakistan. Speaking during a gathering on Tuesday, planning commission deputy chairman Sartaj Aziz, said any future progress on regional integration would sustain if peace and stability prevailed in Afghanistan. However, he said this would Read the full article...

Pakistan offers conditional support to help end attacks in Afghanistan

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

The Pakistani officials have offered condition support to help end the cross-border attacks in Afghanistan by the militants using the Pakistani territory. The officials have reportedly offered the support during a meeting with the US Secretary of Defense James Mattis during his visit to Islamabad. A Pakistani official privy of the development has told the Read the full article...

New airstrikes leave at least 25 ISIS militants dead in East of Afghanistan

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

At least twenty five militants affiliated with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist group were killed in the latest airstrikes conducted in eastern Nangarhar province of Afghanistan. According to the officials of the 201st Silab Corps of the Afghan army in the East, the latest airstrikes were carried out on Tuesday in Read the full article...

Taliban reacts at the killing of a top Al-Qaeda leader in Afghanistan

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

The Taliban group has reacted at the killing of a top Al-Qaeda leader in a joint Afghan and US forces operation in Afghanistan. The group’s spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid issued a statement calling the killing of the militants in ZZabul, Ghazni, and Paktia a propaganda. Mujahid further added that no foreign or local militants were killed Read the full article...

Kabul police arrest 10 suspects over a clash that left 7 dead, wounded

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

The police forces in Kabul have arrested at least ten people over a clash that left at least seven people dead or wounded, the security officials said late on Tuesday. The individuals were arrested in connection to an incident that took place a while ago in eastern Nangarhar province of Afghanistan. The criminal Investigation Department Read the full article...

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