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Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency)

Новости за 05.11.2016

Afghan-Australian woman kidnapped from Kabul city

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

An Afghan-Australian woman was abducted from the center of Kabul city earlier this evening by unknown gunmen as a search operation is underway for her release. Security sources said the woman was working for a non-governmental organization and was abducted from Qala-e-Fatullah area where numerous aid workers have been abducted in the past. A source Read the full article...

NATO release update on civilian casualties near Kunduz

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

The NATO-led Resolute Support Mission (RSM) released an updated regarding the civilian casualties near Kunduz as an investigation is underway following a deadly clash on Thursday. The alliance in a statement said, an initial investigation has determined that efforts near Kunduz on November 3 to defend Afghan National Defense and Security Forces likely resulted in Read the full article...

45,000 opposition fighters operating in Afghanistan, UN experts say

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

At least 45,000 opposition forces are operating in Afghanistan with foreign insurgents comprising around 20 to 25 of the forces, the United Nations experts have said. The experts informed regarding the estimated number of the insurgents as they presented a report to the United Nations Security Council on Friday. According to the report, the Taliban Read the full article...

Taliban leaders used own family members as human shield in Kunduz: Waziri

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

The Afghan defense officials said Saturday that the Taliban leaders even used own family members as human shield in northern Kunduz province to counter the Afghan forces operation as they were planning another attack on Kunduz city. The Ministry of Defense (MoD) spokesman Dawlat Waziri told reporters that the Taliban leaders had gathered in the Read the full article...

International Marathon successfully concluded in Bamyan province

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

The Central Bamyan province of Afghanistan hosted the second International Marathon attended by scores of athletes from the country as well as outside of Afghanistan. The provincial governor Mohammad Tahir Zahir distributed the medals for the winners of the second International Marathon. Zahir hailed the International Association of Freerunners, Afghanistan Marathon, Directorate of Information and Read the full article...

ISIS kidnap 6 civilians in Ghor, days after killing 31 Afghan civilians

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

The loyalists of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist group have abducted at least 6 civilians in Ghor province, days after executing at least 31 civilians in this province. According to the local officials, the 6 civilians were abducted late on Friday afternoon from the work place and have been taken to Read the full article...

Explosion in Kabul leaves one wounded

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

One person was wounded in an explosion in Kabul city after a magnetic bomb explosion ripped through a police vehicle in the center of the city. Kabul police officials confirmed the incident and said the driver of the police vehicle sustained injuries in the attack. The officials further added that the incident took place in Read the full article...

Bati Kot district chief wounded in an explosion in East of Afghanistan

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

An explosion rocked the eastern Nangarhar province of Afghanistan earlier today leaving the district administrative chief of Bati Kot wounded. According to the security officials, the incident took place after a magnetic bomb planted in the vehicle of district chief Haji Ghalib Mujahid was detonated. The officials further added that the driver of Mujahid was Read the full article...

11 killed, bride among 12 wounded in an explosion in Faryab

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

At least 11 civilians were killed and 12 others were wounded in an explosion in northern Faryab province of Afghanistan, local officials said Friday. The officials further added that the incident took place after the vehicle of civilians struck an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) planted by militants on a roadside. Provincial governor’s spokesman Jawid Didar Read the full article...

US confirms death of top Al-Qaeda leader in Afghanistan

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

The United States confirmed the death of a top leader of the Al-Qaeda terrorist network in eastern Kunar province of Afghanistan. Pentagon said Friday that the Al-Qaeda leader Faruq al-Qatani was killed in the drone strikes carried out in Kunar last month. Al-Qatani, considered as the terror network’s leader for the region, was targeted along Read the full article...

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