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Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency)

Новости за 29.09.2015

Taliban shadow governor killed in Kunduz with senior Pakistani militant

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

Taliban group’s shadow governor for northern Kunduz province was killed in an airstrike in northern Kunduz province of Afghanistan, the Afghan intelligence said. The National Directorate of Security (NDS) said the airstrike was coordinated by the intelligence operatives while the militants were looking to infiltrate the airport in Kunduz city. NDS spokesman Haseeb Sediqi said Read the full article...

MSF treated 171 wounded people including 46 children in Kunduz

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

The Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières’ (MSF) said Tuesday at least 171 people including 46 children were in treated in their hospital in Kunduz as the exact number of civilian casualties remains unascertained amid ongoing fierce clashes following the fall of Kunduz city. A Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières’ (MSF) trauma hospital has been overwhelmed Read the full article...

NATO service member die in north of Afghanistan

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

The NATO-led Resolute Support (RS) mission has lost one its service members in northern Afghanistan, the alliance said in a statement. “A servicemember supporting the Resolute Support mission died as a result of a non-battle cause in northern Afghanistan today,” the statement. No further details were given regarding the exact location and identity of the Read the full article...

CEO Abdullah shortened US trip after the fall of Kunduz city

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

The Chief Executive Officer Dr. Abdullah Abdullah has shortened his trip to United States following the fall of Kunduz city. Mujib-ur-Rehman Rahimi, a spokesman for the Chief Executive Officer, confirmed that Dr. Abdullah has cut short his trip to United States after the control of Kunduz city fell to Taliban control. CEO Abdullah participated in Read the full article...

As fighting intensifies in Kundoz, President Ghani advises security forces to avoid civilian casualties

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

As fighting intensifies in the capital city of northern Kundoz province, President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani advises security forces to avoid civilian casualties. While talking to a joint press conference in Kabul on the afternoon of Tuesday, President Ghani said “I advise all security organs to consider civilians as a first priority.” President Ghani said that Read the full article...

Kunduz officials should be sentenced to death: Afghan Senate

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

The lawmakers in the Upper House of the Parliament – Meshrano Jirga have said the local government officials in northern Kunduz province should be sentenced to death. The call by the Afghan senators comes as the control of Kunduz city fell to Taliban militants after they launched a coordinated attack on the city in the Read the full article...

CEO Abdullah called on Pakistan to fulfill promises while talking to UN’s General Assembly

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Abdullah Abdullah has called on Pakistan to fulfill its promises of cracking down on terrorist groups destabilizing Afghanistan. While talking to the UN’s General Assembly on Monday night, CEO Abdullah said “We call on Pakistan to do what its leadership promised to us a few months ago when they agreed to Read the full article...

Sen. John McCain: Kundoz attack latest manifestation of dangerous drawdown

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

A senior United States Senator John McCain has once again criticized the US force drawdown in Afghanistan. His criticism came after Taliban flooded into Kundoz city, the provincial capital of northern Kundoz province. McCain in a statement said that the the Kundoz attack “is the latest manifestation of this dangerous reversal.” McCain again opposed to Read the full article...

President Ghani: Islamic State supporters regretful now

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani has told British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) in an interview that the supporters of the Islamic State ‘Daesh’ in the region are regretful now. Without naming them, President Ghan said that this is the work of historians to point out “Who and when supported them and when they regretted.” President Ghani told Read the full article...

Heavy clashes in Kundoz as security forces trying to retake the city from Taliban

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

Heavy clashes have been erupting between security forces and Taliban in Kundoz as security forces are trying to retake the city. According to reports, security forces have pushed back Taliban from some areas but still do not have control of the entire city. Last night in a press conference, representatives from the ministries of interior Read the full article...

Breaking News: Daesh launch coordinated attack on security posts in Nangarhar’s Achin District

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

Daesh militants have again launched a coordinated attack on security posts in Achin District of eastern Nangarhar province. Haji Ghalib Mujahid, governor of Achin District said that the assault launched around 03:00 am in the morning and still continues. He said that additional forces have arrived in the area. Additional Details to follow…

Taliban force residents of Helmand’s Khanashin District to poison security forces

Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency) 

Taliban militants have forced villagers in Khanashin District of southern Helmand province to poison security forces. A local reporter of Killid Radio says that Taliban have warned people in areas under their control to vacate their home if they are not poisoning security forces. “Taliban would come and force us to poison security forces in Read the full article...

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Якубко: в декабре все опять будут плеваться от календаря РПЛ, но это легко можно исправить


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Инклюзивный Фестиваль гимнастики с участием детей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья прошел в Самаре


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