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«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com)

Новости за 20.03.2016

10% of users cause 90% of trouble, toll operators complain to NHAI

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Members of Parliament not paying toll on highways may be making headlines, but toll operators are more worried about local government and police officers who demand free passage through plazas and even issue arbitrary circulars for exemptions to locals.

Heat no deterrent at aviation show

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

From excitedly clicking selfies against the backdrop of aeroplanes on display to indulging in heated discussions, visitors to the India Aviation 2016 - thrown open to the public on Saturday - were a visibly enthusiastic lot despite the soaring temperatures.

Why can't you rein in agents of hate: Congress to PM

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Congress told Prime Minister Narendra Modi that the lynching of two Muslim herders in Latehar was reminiscent of the situation prevalent in some dark spots of the world and not in a vibrant democracy like India.

Sepoy's body found under 12ft of snow

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Army rescue teams on Sunday found the body of sepoy Vijay Kumar, three days after he went missing following an avalanche last week in Kargil, Jammu and Kashmir, a defence spokesperson said.

Flyer’s bag yields 146 rare tortoises

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Rare species of tortoises are generally smuggled out of India and so on Sunday afternoon the Mumbai airport Customs officials were in for a surprise when they broke open a large, foul-smelling blue suitcase and found 146 tortoises belonging to two endangered species, which are endemic to Madagascar

City may draw extra 10 MLD water from Bhatsa dam

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

The lake city is likely to draw an additional 10 MLD of water from Bhatsa dam as the state government has reduced the water cut from this source to 5% from the earlier 30%

Two die in separate accidents in Jaipur

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Two men were killed in separate accidents in the city.A 38-year-old hotel employee died when he was hit by an unidentified vehicle at Bais Godown on Saturday night.

Tribal farmers rake in moolah at herbal mandi

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Sale of medicinal and aromatic herbs, plants started at the Krishi Upaj Mandi has helped the poor tribal villagers reap good profits.

'No word on homeopathy in Budget disappointing'

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

While a lot of focus is being laid on alternative medicines like Ayurveda, the Centre Council of Homeopathy (CCH) alleged that government has shown step-motherly attitute towards homeopathy in the state Budget 2016-17.

Should Raj heed lessons from K'taka?

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Karnataka, the state that first experimented with public-private partnership (PPP) in the running of primary health centres (PHCs), has now decided that the effort is not worth it.

Ajmer student ends life

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

A Class XII girl student of Kekeri town of Ajmer district committed suicide after she realised that her board paper did not go as per her expectation.Stress made the girl student consume poison on Saturday evening.

RSS 'pressure' may compel govt to change health policy

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

If Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) has its way, then the state government will have to change its healthcare policy, pitching in more resources from its coffers and reducing the private participation.

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Kin desperate for body of man who died in S Arabia

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

The body of a 38-year-old man belonging to Nagaur's Merta town is lying in a hospital in Saudi Arabia for the past one month.His family members back home are running from pillar to post to have it flown to India.

Cess to boost regional flights may push up air fares

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

A cess of Rs 8,000 on each domestic flight could be the alternative to the aviation ministry's proposed 2% surcharge on flight tickets to fund regional connectivity.

Cess to boost regional flights may push up air fares

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

A cess of Rs 8,000 on each domestic flight could be the alternative to the aviation ministry's proposed 2% surcharge on flight tickets to fund regional connectivity.

Scary rituals add vibrancy to Holi

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Vagad - the tribal region (Banswara-Dungarpur) of South Rajasthan is famous for its bizarre traditions and scary rituals.

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