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The Independent

Новости за 28.07.2015

Britain is no country for the young – in jobs, income or housing

The Independent 

One year ago, there a silly kerfuffle when economic output finally crawled back to the level previously achieved on the eve of the 2008 recession. The Chancellor hailed this as a “major milestone” and much of the media took up this line in their reports, presenting the data as a sign of economic success.

New York's LaGuardia Airport to be rebuilt: It could become the best gateway to America

The Independent 

From the British traveller’s perspective, the best thing about New York’s LaGuardia Airport is that you can’t fly there direct from the UK. This 20th-century muddle has enough trouble coping with domestic flights in the new millennium without adding the complication of international arrivals. Flights from Britain instead touch down at JFK and Newark, which suffer from much the same problems as “LGA”.

Jeremy Corbyn: The Jose Mourinho of politics is playing in the Premier League at last

The Independent 

When he narrows his eyes and stares into the camera, there is something of Jose Mourhino about Jeremy Corbyn. “The Special One” of Labour’s left wing may be a bit older and have less of a confident swagger, but he has the tousled grey hair, the deep-set eyes and the craggy, unshaven look of the all-conquering Chelsea manager.

Our policy in the Middle East is bad and getting worse

The Independent 

If you thought Britain’s approach to the so-called Islamic State was already confused and misguided – it just got a whole lot worse. It seems that, when David Cameron last week said that he wanted Britain to “do more” against Isis, he actually meant more to make the situation messier, more volatile and more dangerous.

Comedians and free speech: Do they really practise what they preach?

The Independent 

In 1968, a group of Russian dissidents wrote a letter to The Times, asking Britons to support two writers who had been imprisoned for "anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda". Their letter inspired 16 eminent intellectuals to write back, including Bertrand Russell and A J Ayer, and the result was Index on Censorship – a magazine, a pressure group, and a tireless champion of free speech. Now, the USSR is no more, but Index on Censorship is still campaigning.

Turkey's bombing campaign in Syria and Iraq is the last thing we need in the fight against Isis

The Independent 

Turkey’s president, Recep Tayip Erdogan, is playing a dangerous game of divide and conquer, both at home and in the region. Having spent the best part of the conflict in Syria acquiescing to Isis – which has been using Turkish territory as a transit point into Syria, and using it to build a lucrative commercial hub – Turkey has started targeting the jihadis in Syria.

How the National Youth Orchestra is inspiring a new generation of musical teenagers

The Independent 

The benefits of a musical education on the development of all young people, the warning cries about cuts in music education in the state sector and the need for government to reverse their refusal to make arts education part of the national curriculum have been shouted from the rooftops. While we need to keep up the pressure on the Government, the National Youth Orchestra accepts that arts organisations have a role to play and we've decided to act.

Screw you Tesco and Ribena, gimme the hard stuff

The Independent 

Tesco shocked the nation today by deciding to remove from its shelves Ribena, Capri Sun and other soft drinks you fondly remember chugging like it was the elixir of life after running directionless around the playground at lunch during your youth.

No, the Labour leadership contest hasn't been infiltrated by Tories

The Independent 

The Labour leadership election is under attack - or at least that is what some would make you think. Today, Harriet Harman, interim leader of the party, assured members that “rigorous due diligence” was being taken to prevent any sort of “infiltration” from the hard-left or Conservatives backing Corbyn in an election-destroying long game, following a Sunday Times report. But is this just a bit of media-scaremongering from the right? Forgive me if I don’t sign up to the widely held belief that... Читать дальше...

The lesser known erogenous zones - and how to find them

The Independent 

The word erogenous comes from the Greek eros which means love, and the English genous, meaning producing. An erogenous zone is an area of the human body that has heightened sensitivity, which, when stimulated, may create a sexual response such as relaxation, thoughts of sexual fantasies, sexual arousal and orgasm.

The removal of Topshop's mannequins shows that fashion must move from aspirational to average

The Independent 

Topshop’s been under the spotlight this week for using mannequins which are, according to one woman, “ridiculously shaped” and responsible for fuelling women’s body insecurities. That woman was angry customer Laura Berry, whose Facebook post about the tiny mannequins attracted thousands of ‘likes’, messages and comments – enough to grab the attention of Topshop bosses, and lead to the mannequins’ removal. It turns out more women care about plastic replica people that you could ever have imagined. Читать дальше...

Our food hysteria's reached new heights when Great British Bake Off contestants call cake 'sinful'

The Independent 

It’s official: we should all be very, very worried about cake. Stop fretting about rent and bills and the housing crisis and start having nightmares about Victoria sponge – because according to one of the new Great British Bake Off contestants Ugne Bubnaityte, cake is a sin. Writing on her blog, Bubnative described the much-loved treat as ‘nutritional sin’ and – just to hammer the point home - ‘sinful’ goodness.

Here's what the Tories have promised to do, and what they're actually doing

The Independent 

A strange poem called "Worst Day Ever?" is cropping up everywhere at the moment, after being pinned around London and shared across social media. Upon first reading it may seem to be a completely negative take on life, but offers a surprising twist when then read backwards. With this in mind I thought I'd have a go doing something similar, but on the surprising disparity between what the Tory government said before they gained power and what they are actually doing. Now that really is a story with a twist... Читать дальше...

Married At First Sight is the social experiment that proves we've forgotten how to fall in love

The Independent 

Of course there is going to be another series of Channel 4’s Married at First Sight, because people hated it. As long as things stay out of the courtroom, moral outrage is what feeds the media machine. And this is how we date now, right? Everything is just a snap of the fingers – or a swipe of the touchscreen – away. We rely on apps and online search engines to match us with others based on proximity, gender, height, interests, aspirations, hopes and dreams…as if these are all equally quantifiable, subject to an exact science. Читать дальше...

Lord Sewel's real crime was joining the House of Lords in the first place

The Independent 

What was the most shocking thing about former Deputy Speaker of the Lords John Sewel’s conduct in the last few days? Was it the moment that he was caught on film, released by the Sun on Sunday, saying that he’d quite like an Asian prostitute to join him and his powder-snorting female companions, because, ‘They sort of look innocent but you know they’re whores. That’s a nice combination, isn’t it?’ Was it the moment he addressed his expenses in conversation with the women; ‘£200 a day?’ they exclaim... Читать дальше...

Young, gifted and trapped: If the young give up on politics, politics will give up on them

The Independent 

A report published today by the Resolution Foundation think-tank makes for depressing reading, especially for people in their twenties. Despite recent falls in overall unemployment, the outlook for young people remains gloomy: insecure work, zero-hours contracts, and old codgers generally getting in the way of their careers and hopes of prosperity.

Lords of misrule: Sewel’s alleged actions were scandalous – yet the greater embarrassment is the state of Britain’s second chamber

The Independent 

The revelation by a weekend newspaper of Lord Sewel’s apparent pastimes feels like a throwback to the 1980s, when politicians were regular and easy fodder for the tabloids. That a powerful man seems to have a penchant for drugs and prostitutes comes as little shock. But the fact that the peer presumably believed he stood little to no chance of getting caught out is more surprising – if equally dispiriting. Whichever way you look at it, Lord Sewel’s behaviour is unacceptable, and doubly so for... Читать дальше...

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Юные керамисты школы №2120 выиграли три Гран-при конкурса «Мир дому твоему!»


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