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Новости за 26.12.2017

Part of White House magnolia tree to be removed - NBCNews.com



Part of White House magnolia tree to be removed
A "large portion" of a famed Magnolia tree planted on the south grounds by President Andrew Jackson will be removed because it is weak and poses a safety risk, the White House said Tuesday. Removal is planned for this week while President Donald Trump ...
Part of historic Magnolia tree planted by President Andrew Jackson to be removed, White House saysFox News
White House to remove... Читать дальше...

Trump slams 'bogus' Russian dossier and says the FBI is 'tainted' - ABC News


Washington Times

Trump slams 'bogus' Russian dossier and says the FBI is 'tainted'
ABC News
President Donald Trump may have slowed his tweeting over Christmas break, but now that the holiday is over, he's back at it, going after his critics and the integrity of the Russia investigation. This morning, Trump tweeted claims made by Fox News ...
Trump slams FBI, Clinton for 'garbage' dossierThe Hill (blog)
Trump claims FBI used 'bogus' dossier to go after... Читать дальше...

US retail holiday sales jump 4.9%, biggest increase since 2011 - USA TODAY



US retail holiday sales jump 4.9%, biggest increase since 2011
U.S. year-end holiday retail sales rose 4.9% this year, the largest increase since 2011, delivering a welcome gift to U.S. retailers amid new signs of consumer confidence. Online retail shopping similarly increased 18.1%, while overall consumer buying ...
The holidays were 'a big win' for struggling retailers as sales soaredBusiness Insider
Santa was apparently very good... Читать дальше...

Even for a place that gets a ton of snow, this was a record-breaking two days for Erie - CNN



Even for a place that gets a ton of snow, this was a record-breaking two days for Erie
(CNN) There's White Christmas. And then there's Whiteout Christmas. Erie, Pennsylvania, experienced the second one Monday when a total of 34 inches of snow fell on Christmas Day, blanketing the city and shattering the city's previous records for ...
Bitter cold expected until New Year in parts of USCBS News
How this Pennsylvania city got more than 4 feet of... Читать дальше...

Exclusive: Iconic White House tree to be cut down - CNN



Exclusive: Iconic White House tree to be cut down
Washington (CNN) The south facade of the White House will undergo a dramatic change this week: the historic Jackson Magnolia, a tree that has been in place since the 1800s, is scheduled to be cut down and removed. The enormous magnolia, one of three on ...
Melania Trump Orders Large Portion Of Historic White House Tree RemovedHuffPost
Melania Trump Orders Removal of Near-200-Year-Old Tree From... Читать дальше...

US negotiates $285M reduction in UN budget - UPI.com



US negotiates $285M reduction in UN budget
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley addresses the General Assembly on Thursday. Haley announced the United Nations adopted a $288 millon reduction in the next two-year budget. Photo by Manuel Elias/UN Handout. | License Photo. Dec. 25 ...
US Taking Credit for $285M Cut to UN BudgetNewser

all 147 news articles »

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Storm brings white Christmas to Midwest and Northeast - NBCNews.com



Storm brings white Christmas to Midwest and Northeast
A winter storm that brought several inches of snow to parts of the Midwest blanketed some areas in the Northeast on Monday, snarling holiday travel. As much as a foot of snow could fall on New England, with some areas in the region at risk of freezing ...
White Christmas on its way for Northeast, MidwestABC News
Dreams of a white Christmas a weather nightmare for some parts of the countryWJLA
After Christmas snow... Читать дальше...

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Мэр Киева Кличко рассказал о попытках встретиться с Зеленским лично

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