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Golf Course Trades

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Master Strokes: How Jack Nicklaus Crafted an Iconic Golf Course at Bear Trace

Golf Course Trades 

Nestled within Tennessee’s majestic Cumberland Plateau lies Bear Trace at Cumberland Mountain, widely regarded as one of the finest golf courses in the state. Designed by the legendary Jack Nicklaus, this scenic course offers golfers a strategic and memorable round amidst the natural splendor of Cumberland Mountain State Park. Known for its seamless integration of […]

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Forestry, Fairways, and Flamingos: Sustainability The Priority For Troon International Golf Clubs Worldwide

Golf Course Trades 

Troon, the leader in providing golf and club-related leisure and hospitality services, is continuing to champion sustainable practices in its clubs, with remarkable initiatives across the world in the spotlight. Responsible environmental management is a key component of Troon International’s ethos, and their facilities are relentlessly dedicated when it comes to environmental stewardship. In the […]

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Exclusive Interview: Donald A. Cross Certified Superintendent at Skokie Country Club

Golf Course Trades 

What motivated your club to join the Audubon International Cooperative Sanctuary Program (ACSP) for Golf? I became interested 33 years ago, first in putting up nest-boxes for Eastern Bluebirds, shortly after joining Skokie Country Club as the Golf Course Superintendent. I believe at that time the Audubon Society of New York had recently begun the ACSP. […]

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Coxreels Industrial Duty LED Lights for PC10 Series Model

Golf Course Trades 

Coxreels is proud to introduce a new line of three industrial duty LED lights now available on the PC10 reels. The new LED lights feature a variety of industrial-grade features and options, including: a 50,000 hour rating, internal light diffusers, and shatter-resistant polycarbonate lenses. Coxreels’ new LED lights also feature adjustable steel hooks for hands-free […]

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Myrtlewood Golf Club Swings into Eco-Friendly Future with Ecological Improvements

Golf Course Trades 

Here at Ecological Improvements, we’re pleased to announce the successful completion of our erosion mitigation and restoration project on Hole 4 at the prestigious Myrtlewood Golf Club! This project exemplifies our commitment to creating solutions that are both environmentally responsible and aesthetically pleasing. Our innovative system is seamlessly integrated into the existing landscape of the […]

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Audubon International Welcomes New Director for Green Lodging/Green Hospitality Certifications

Golf Course Trades 

Audubon International – the environmentally focused non-profit organization offering members numerous certifications and conservation initiatives to protect the areas where we all live, work, and play – announces that longtime hospitality industry executive Greg Poirier has joined the leadership team as Director of Green Lodging/Green Hospitality Certifications. “Greg is the perfect person to lead our […]

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Crystal Downs Replacement Initiative

Golf Course Trades 

At this prestigious outdated golf course, to see a superintendent embarked on a ambitious journey to revamping an antique irrigation structure isn’t no surprise trick—what’s super noteworthy though, is one remaining around long enough to makeover it not just once, but two times. Mikey Morris, the head honcho of the buildings and maintaining team, along […]

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The Bridge at Paint Branch Golf Complex

Golf Course Trades 

The Paint Branch Golf Complex, located in College Park, MD, has unveiled a new addition – a 45′ X 12′ Woody bridge provided by Links Bridges. The installation was handled by Contech Engineered Solutions, a reputable contractor with several offices across the USA. This new structure is not just a replacement but an enhancement of […]

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Keeping the Fairways Flawless: A Deep Dive into the Excellence Behind Lido Golf Club’s Maintenance

Golf Course Trades 

Introduction Lido Golf Club has long been celebrated for its pristine fairways, meticulously curated greens, and the overall excellence of its landscape, making it a cherished destination for golf enthusiasts. What might look like effortlessly maintained grounds is, in reality, the product of detailed planning, scientific precision, and the hard work of a dedicated crew. […]

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Saving money and speeding repair with ZLine

Golf Course Trades 

When Spring Lake GC was founded in 1898, golf in America was only in its infancy. The USGA had been founded only four years before, the US Open was first played only three years earlier, and the Lawrenceville School course, the oldest in New Jersey, was but two years old. Spring Lake has been the […]

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