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«Gazette Times» (gazettetimes.com)

Новости за 19.11.2016

Iowa and Daniels overcome wind, cold and the Illini, 28-0

«Gazette Times» (gazettetimes.com) 

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. (AP) — On a 37-degree day when a stiff wind made it feel much colder, Iowa used LeShun Daniels Jr.'s 159 yards and two touchdowns and a punt-return score by Riley McCarron to shut down Illinois, 28-0.

Report: Cardinals add Cecil to bullpen

«Gazette Times» (gazettetimes.com) 

(St. Louis) -- The St. Louis Cardinals have reportedly agreed to a deal with left-handed relief pitcher Brett Cecil.

Players respond to women's hockey league salary cut

«Gazette Times» (gazettetimes.com) 

Players in the National Women's Hockey League say they want more information before agreeing to a 50 percent salary cut the commissioner says is necessary "to save the season."

Activists: Intense bombing of Syria's Aleppo kills 20

«Gazette Times» (gazettetimes.com) 

BEIRUT (AP) — Government bombardment of besieged rebel-held neighborhoods in Aleppo killed at least 20 people Saturday, the worst since airstrikes resumed earlier this week, said Syrian opposition activists, as the U.S. called for an end to the bombings.

California parole changes may speed end to federal oversight

«Gazette Times» (gazettetimes.com) 

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Voters' approval of Gov. Jerry Brown's sentencing reform initiative may finally give California the long-term solution it needs to end a decade-long legal battle over prison conditions that twice reached the U.S. Supreme Court and has…

World leaders at APEC summit take aim at Trump over trade

«Gazette Times» (gazettetimes.com) 

LIMA, Peru (AP) — Several U.S. allies took aim at Donald Trump's trade policies as China's president made an impassioned call against the sort of protectionism favored by the president-elect at a summit of Asian-Pacific leaders on Saturday

123 migrants flee center in Turkey after fire breaks out

«Gazette Times» (gazettetimes.com) 

ISTANBUL (AP) — Turkey's interior ministry says that 123 migrants being held at a repatriation center in Istanbul have fled in the chaos that ensued after a fire broke out.

Opponents say barring pot use in Denver businesses unwise

«Gazette Times» (gazettetimes.com) 

DENVER (AP) — Opponents of a state ruling that would prevent bars and many restaurants in Denver from offering on-site marijuana consumption said the ruling would overturn a law approved by voters and force people to sneak around while they…

Trump to meet Romney, a sharp critic in campaign

«Gazette Times» (gazettetimes.com) 

BEDMINSTER, N.J. (AP) — President-elect Donald Trump is filling his Twitter feed like the campaigner of old even while racing to fill senior positions in his administration.

Far-right Greek lawmaker attacked, slightly injured

«Gazette Times» (gazettetimes.com) 

ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Greek police say that a lawmaker with the extreme right Golden Dawn party has been briefly hospitalized after being set upon by a group of people, possibly anarchists, who hit him with an iron bar and…

Montenegro inaugurates cemetery for WWII German soldiers

«Gazette Times» (gazettetimes.com) 

GOLUBOVCI, Montenegro (AP) — Officials on Saturday inaugurated a cemetery for German soldiers killed in Montenegro during World War II, hailing it as an act of reconciliation important for the future.

London tram driver suspended after 'asleep' video emerges

«Gazette Times» (gazettetimes.com) 

LONDON (AP) — A London tram driver was suspended Saturday after video was published that appears to show him asleep at the wheel on the same route where another tram derailed this month, killing seven people and injuring more than…

Hundreds of people protest against Trump in French capital

«Gazette Times» (gazettetimes.com) 

PARIS (AP) — A few hundred people have protested in Paris against U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, expressing their concern about whether he will respect human rights, women and minorities.

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Iran appoints new chief for army's ground forces

«Gazette Times» (gazettetimes.com) 

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — The website of Iran's Supreme Leader is reporting that he has appointed a new chief for the national army's ground forces.

Jury recommends death penalty in Ohio triple slayings

«Gazette Times» (gazettetimes.com) 

CLEVELAND (AP) — The jury that convicted a young man of aggravated murder and other charges in a triple homicide at a suburban Cleveland barbershop has recommended he receive the death penalty.

New 3-party center-left government in Estonia

«Gazette Times» (gazettetimes.com) 

TALLINN, Estonia (AP) — Estonia's second-largest political group, the Center Party, and two others have agreed to form a center-left coalition after the previous government collapsed following months of internal squabbling, chiefly over the Baltic country's economy.

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