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Новости за 15.10.2017

Janet Yellen expects healthy inflation to return


Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen gave a glimpse Sunday into what she called the most surprising thing about the American economy: the stubbornly low rate of inflation. Speaking to a group of international central bankers in Washington, D.C. on Sunday, Yellen said she doesn’t expect inflation to continue on its recent anemic trend. The talk […]

‘SNL’: Merry Christmas, here’s your next culture war


“Saturday Night Live” typically satirizes the political events of the previous week. But this weekend, “SNL” took a shot at forecasting what Trump’s next culture war will be: Demanding every store employee say “Merry Christmas” this holiday season. And if Trump’s record is any indication, “SNL” is probably spot on. “SNL” made this prediction in […]

Austria’s next chancellor a 31-year-old conservative, early results show


Sebastian Kurz, a 31-year-old conservative, is set to become the next chancellor of Austria and Europe’s youngest leader, though he will likely need to form a coalition to rule, early results from Sunday’s election show. The People’s Party (OVP), which Kurz has led since May, is widely expected to form an alliance with the Freedom […]

Hillary Clinton: Misogyny is ‘endemic’


Hillary Clinton slammed what she called “endemic” sexism and misogyny in America during an interview with Fareed Zakaria, which aired Sunday. Clinton, who was interviewed by Zakaria on his show, “GPS,” said sexism was so inherent that she purposely hadn’t highlighted her career history of fighting for women’s rights when she ran for president in […]

British actor Lysette Anthony accuses Weinstein of rape


British actress Lysette Anthony has become the latest woman to accuse Harvey Weinstein of rape, giving an account of how the Hollywood mogul allegedly attacked her in her London home in the late 1980s. In an interview with the Sunday Times, the 54-year-old — who now stars in the British soap “Hollyoaks” — said she […]

Tillerson on North Korea: Diplomacy will continue ‘until the first bomb drops’


US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Sunday his diplomatic efforts will continue as long as they possibly can despite the saber-rattling on both sides of the Pacific. “Those diplomatic efforts will continue until the first bomb drops,” Tillerson said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” Tillerson said prioritizing diplomacy to try to curb North […]

Hurricane Ophelia heading to Ireland, then Scotland


Hurricane Ophelia continued moving east toward Ireland on Sunday as officials there announced school closings, prepared for flooding — and planned for power outages. Ophelia’s position is the farthest east that a major hurricane has traveled in the Atlantic. The previous record was held by Hurricane Frances in 1980, according to CNN meteorologist Haley Brink. […]

Kevin de León announces he’ll run against Feinstein for California Senate


Kevin de León announced Sunday morning that he would challenge veteran US Sen. Dianne Feinstein, saying he’ll stand for a wing of the party that feels she no longer represents the progressive makeup of the state’s Democratic Party and has not aggressively challenged the policies of President Donald Trump. The bold move by de León, […]

FCC commissioner on Trump’s media threats: ‘History won’t be kind to silence’


A top Federal Communications Commission official is putting pressure on her colleagues to end their silence amid President Trump’s threats against TV networks that are critical of his administration. Democratic commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel, who was first appointed by President Obama and brought back to the commission by Trump, said the FCC should make it very […]

Why Bannon could have more influence on Trump from outside the White House


Golf diplomacy, a key assist for Nancy Pelosi, big questions about what the White House would accept in a bipartisan health care deal and behind-the-curtain details of President Trump’s relationship with former chief strategist Stephen Bannon: it’s all a part of our “Inside Politics” forecast, where you get a taste of tomorrow’s news today. 1) […]

Mogadishu bombings kill ‘unprecedented number of civilians’


At least 230 people were killed in a double car bomb blast in the Somali capital of Mogadishu, Sen. Abshir Mohamed Ahmed said Sunday. The senator cited conversations with hospital officials as the source of the updated death toll in Saturday’s deadly attack. The first explosion destroyed dozens of stalls and the popular Safari Hotel […]

Haley: Don’t let Iran become ‘next North Korea’


US ambassador Nikki Haley said Sunday the Trump administration’s approach to the Iran deal is aimed at avoiding another situation like in North Korea. “What we’re saying now with Iran is don’t let it become the next North Korea,” the US ambassador to the United Nations said in an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” […]

Austria’s next chancellor a 31-year-old conservative, exit poll predicts


Sebastian Kurz, a 31-year-old conservative, is set to become the next chancellor of Austria and Europe’s youngest leader, though his party appears to have failed to win an outright majority, an exit poll predicts. Kurz’s People’s Party (OVP) will gain the most seats in the National Council, winning 57 of 183, according to the exit […]

Caribbean tourism faces long road to recovery


The Caribbean is fast approaching tourism season. But this year, some of the islands may not see their vital economic lifeblood. Several islands are still recovering from the one-two punch delivered by hurricanes Irma and Maria, which razed buildings, knocked out communications and killed dozens of people. It’s still too early to know the full […]

Harvey Weinstein scandal: Another legal team shakeup, more fallout ahead


Hollywood is saying good riddance to Harvey Weinstein. So now what? Weinstein is laying low, not commenting on his expulsion from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. His former company is trying to stay afloat. And his attorneys are preparing for criminal investigations and lawsuits. On CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” former The Hollywood Reporter […]

Somalia explosions kill at least 230 in Mogadishu


[Breaking news update posted at 12:13 p.m. ET] At least 230 people were killed in Saturday’s double car bomb blast in the Somali capital of Mogadishu, according to Sen. Abshir Mohamed Ahmed, who cited conversations with hospital officials as the source of the updated death toll. [Original story posted at 10:13 a.m. ET] At least […]

Clinton on Putin: ‘Keep an eye on him, because he’s not done’


Hillary Clinton acknowledged that Russian President Vladimir Putin has notched some victories against the US and issued a warning that he still poses a significant threat. “Keep an eye on him, because he’s not done,” Clinton, the losing 2016 Democratic presidential candidate, said in an interview that aired Sunday on CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria: GPS.” Clinton […]

31-year-old conservative to become Austrian chancellor, exit poll predicts


Sebastian Kurz, a 31-year-old conservative, is set to become the next chancellor of Austria and Europe’s youngest leader, though his party appears to have failed to win an outright majority, an exit poll predicts. Kurz’s People’s Party (OVP) will gain the most seats in the National Council, winning 57 of 183, according to the exit […]

Tillerson says he’s ‘fully intact’ despite Corker’s ‘castrate’ comment


Secretary of State Rex Tillerson says he’s “fully intact” despite Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker’s comments suggesting President Donald Trump’s tweets and foreign policy comments “castrate” the secretary’s diplomatic efforts. “I checked,” Tillerson told CNN’s “State of the Union.” “I’m fully intact.” Corker told The Washington Post in an interview last week that Trump’s public statements […]

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Александр Пушной

Кировчанин обыграл телеведущего Александра Пушного и получил деньги

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Спецвыпуск журнала «Стратегии развития» посвященный героям Великой Отечественной войны и Специальной военной операции

Trump’s new Senate friends: Lindsey Graham and Rand Paul


President Donald Trump is taking another swing at his relations with some former rivals. Trump golfed with Sen. Lindsey Graham on Saturday, according to the White House, after hitting the links with the South Carolina Republican on Monday. Then on Sunday, he planned to golf with Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul, who backed his recent […]

Trump, McConnell spoke by phone, will meet Monday


President Donald Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell spoke by phone on Saturday, Don Stewart, McConnell’s spokesman, confirmed to CNN. The two met privately last month before a tax reform meeting, so this is not the first time they have talked since the flap following the President’s public criticism of McConnell. Earlier this year, […]

Tillerson: US trying to stay in Iran deal


Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Sunday the US is trying to stay in the Iran nuclear deal while hoping to achieve more from it, days after President Donald Trump threatened to pull the US out of the agreement. “We’re going to stay in,” Tillerson said in an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State […]

Collins: Trump’s health care moves hurt ‘vulnerable people’


President Donald Trump’s recent, aggressive actions on health care will make it harder for people to access care, Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins warned on Sunday. “What the President is doing is affecting the ability of vulnerable people to receive health care right now,” Collins said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” Trump on Thursday […]

Tillerson won’t say if he called Trump a ‘moron’


Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Sunday again refused to say whether he called President Donald Trump a “moron” following a meeting at the Pentagon this past summer. In an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Tillerson told anchor Jake Tapper that he maintains a close and candid relationship with Trump, despite reports indicating […]

Somalia explosions kill at least 100 in Mogadishu


At least 100 people are dead after two car bombs rocked the Somali capital of Mogadishu, Mogadishu Police Captain Farah Osman said Sunday The attacks happened Saturday. The initial explosion destroyed dozens of stalls and a popular hotel in the heart of the city. Qatar’s Embassy was also severely damaged, according to a statement from […]

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Ключевой аспект успеха: как построить долгие и хорошие отношения с клиентом

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