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Новости за 07.07.2017

Man makes threats at Atlanta-area bank, releases those inside, police say


A man who authorities said claimed to have a bomb at an Atlanta-area bank released everyone inside unharmed, police said Friday afternoon, but he remained inside the building. The man initially took at least two hostages at a Wells Fargo bank near Marietta, just off Interstate 75 northwest of Atlanta, FBI spokesman Steve Emmett said […]

G20 protesters attempt to disrupt summit


German police sought to prevent small groups of mostly anti-capitalist protesters Friday from disrupting the G20 summit in Hamburg as world leaders including President Donald Trump and Russian leader Vladimir Putin meet for talks. Officers dressed in riot gear intervened as protesters tried to enter the red zone — a blocked-off area close to the […]

LGCT Cascais: How do you prepare a horse for an equestrian event?


It’s a 15-stage global event, spanning three continents in some of the planet’s most glamorous cities. There is a lot of traveling. There are a lot of miles to cover. But how do riders ensure horses are in peak condition for every round of the Longines Global Champions Tour? Step forward Eszter Krasznavolgyi, one of […]

Mexican foreign minister: ‘Wall was not discussed’ in bilateral meeting


President Donald Trump and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto did not discuss the US plan to build a wall on the US-Mexican border during bilateral talks Friday at the G20 conference in Hamburg, Germany, Mexican Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray said. “The issue of the wall was not discussed, it was not part of the conversation,” […]

Trump, Putin high-stakes showdown at G20 ends after over 2 hours


President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin’s high-stakes meeting at the G20 summit here in Germany has ended, lasting four times its planned length. Trump and Putin began the meeting at 4:09 p.m. Friday in Hamburg with light pleasantries, setting a more upbeat tone for talks full of prickly topics. The meeting ended around […]

America, we still have a jobs problem


For those with a college degree or above, life is good. Jobs are plentiful, incomes are rising, inflation is low, health is broadly improving, and the impacts of the new information technologies — from smartphones to e-commerce to ubiquitous information — are generally beneficent. For those without a college degree, the situation is starkly different. […]

Donald Trump’s John Podesta tweet has so, so many things wrong with it


Before heading into a consequential day of meetings with world leaders at the G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany, President Donald Trump took to Twitter to offer his thoughts about — wait for it! — the 2016 election. Here’s Trump’s tweet: “Everyone here is talking about why John Podesta refused to give the DNC server to […]

A parent killing a child happens more often than we think


It’s the most unfathomable of crimes: a parent killing their own child. It grabs headlines when it happens — like this week in Georgia, where a mom is accused of stabbing four of her children to death. The reality is, filicides happen with depressing regularity in the US. And mothers are almost as likely to […]

Man takes hostages at Atlanta-area bank, FBI says


A man claiming to have a bomb has taken at least two hostages at a bank in a northern suburb of Atlanta, FBI spokesman Steve Emmett said Friday. The man called police around 9:30 a.m. ET to say he was holding hostages at a Wells Fargo bank near Marietta, just off Interstate 75 northwest of […]

More than 2,700 migrants removed from ‘illegal camps’ in Paris


More than 2,700 migrants and refugees were removed from illegal roadside camps in northern Paris on Friday. With the nearby newly-established refugee aid center in Porte de la Chapelle at capacity, hundreds of displaced people had established makeshift sleeping arrangements below bridges, on nearby pavements and other thoroughfares. As day broke on Friday, authorities and […]

Trump prepares for Putin showdown and vital day at G20


President Donald Trump, a man who ran for president pledging to buck US foreign relations conventions and put “America First,” will come face-to-face with those promises on Friday here at the G20 summit as he meets Russian President Vladimir Putin for the first time. Trump’s meeting with Putin, a pivotal encounter that will likely color […]

Bernard Tomic pays financial penalty for Wimbledon behavior


Australian tennis star Bernard Tomic is starting to pay a price for being “bored” with tennis. The 24-year-old has lost a sponsorship deal with sports equipment and clothing company Head and also has incurred a $15,000 fine from the Wimbledon referee following his controversial round-one exit from Wimbledon. “Tomic was fined $15,000 for his comments […]

Ciociaria: Secret Italian region offers luxury stays


“You see all this? It now belongs to my family after decades of hard labor and sweat. We’ve redeemed it,” says Lorenzo Pacitti as he points to the hills surrounding his estate. Pacitti is a rosy-cheeked shepherd, but not an ordinary one. He’s a billionaire, like all his colleagues who inhabit Comino Valley in Ciociaria, […]

G20 protests kick off for second day


German police are attempting to prevent small groups of mostly anti-capitalist protesters from disrupting the G20 summit in Hamburg, as world leaders prepare to meet. Officers dressed in riot gear intervened as protest groups tried to enter the red zone — the blocked-off area close to the summit venue — while other small groups staged […]

Job training helped save her life


Sade Strachan lost hope last year. Living in a homeless shelter, drinking too much and unemployed, she had nowhere to turn. Strachan had already worn out her welcome at her sister’s apartment. She was 26. Then her cousin recommended a job training program called Per Scholas near where she grew up in the South Bronx […]

St. Louis minimum wage will drop from $10 to $7.70


While many cities raised their minimum wage over the past weekend, St. Louis will soon see a 23% decrease. A new Missouri law will go into effect August 28 that will override the city’s minimum wage and lower the hourly rate from $10 to $7.70, which is the state’s standard. In 2015, St. Louis passed […]

The opioid crisis is draining America of jobs


The opioid epidemic has crippled communities across the United States, spurred a public health crisis, and is responsible for nearly 100 overdose deaths each day. Opioid abuse is also hurting America’s job market. Use of opioids has become a key factor in why “prime age” workers, mostly men, are unable or unwilling to find work, […]

Why Democrats need a message that ‘hits people in the gut, not just in the head’


The fight for the soul of the Democratic Party is on. In the wake of Hillary Clinton’s stunning 2016 loss — and the resulting complete GOP control of Washington — the party is in a political desert the likes of which they haven’t seen in decades. So, where do they go from here? That conversation […]

No, Paul Ryan’s seat isn’t within reach for Democrats (yet)


A Democratic challenger hoping to unseat Speaker Paul Ryan has gotten a boost from a viral video in recent days, but he’s still far from toppling the most powerful member of the House in November 2018. Randy Bryce, an iron worker and union member in southeast Wisconsin, faces more than just an uphill climb in […]

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Таунхаус Фрэнка Синатры впервые выставлен на продажу

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Сергей Брановицкий

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5 things for Friday, July 7: G20, Russian spying, ethics watchdog, gonorrhea


Michael Phelps opened up to CNN about his mental health struggles. It’s one of several long reads you can settle in with this weekend. For now, here’s what you need to know to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door. (You can also get “5 Things You Need to Know Today” delivered to your inbox […]

U.S. jobs report: 4 things to know


Unemployment is low, manufacturing is growing and wages are rising: It’s a pretty good moment for the job market. The Labor Department publishes the June jobs report at 8:30 a.m. ET on Friday. Here are four things to know before it comes out. 1. June could be another solid month: Economists surveyed by CNNMoney predict […]

Is Merkel making a political point with her G20 music choice?


As the current leader of the G20, Angela Merkel gets to call the tune, and the German Chancellor appears to be sending a musical message to some of her guests in Hamburg this week. On Friday evening, while the musicians at the Elbphilharmonie tune up and tighten strings, some of the world’s most powerful men […]

Hawaii judge declines to clarify scope of the travel ban ruling


A federal district court judge on Thursday night declined a request from Hawaii to clarify a ruling by the Supreme Court on the scope of the travel ban, telling lawyers for the state that they must seek such clarification with the Supreme Court. The ruling keeps the partial travel ban in place and will likely […]

Ice Cream Cookie Dessert


Our family loves dessert, and this chocolaty, layered treat is one of Mom’s most-requested recipes. It’s so easy to prepare! —Kimberly Laabs, Hartford, Wisconsin View the recipe at TasteofHome.com >>

Three injured on Delta flight after passenger tries to enter cockpit


A Delta Air Lines flight made a turn back soon after takeoff from Seattle to Beijing on Thursday night after a passenger attempted to enter the cockpit, according to two people familiar with the incident. Three people were injured in the incident aboard Delta flight 129, including two passengers and one crew member, the people […]

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Легионер "Локомотива" Ньямси: в Москве жизнь дешевле, чем в Париже


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Теннисист Надаль навестил в больнице 16-летнюю российскую теннисистку Корнееву


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«Ану-ка, девушки!»: какой была легендарная передача, которая вернется на ТВ

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил о желании построить в Белоруссии вторую АЭС

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