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Новости за 02.06.2017

Minnesota measles outbreak exceeds last year’s nationwide numbers


There are now more measles cases in Minnesota than there were in the entire United States last year. There were 70 confirmed cases of measles across the country in 2016, and the majority of people who got measles were unvaccinated, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In comparison, there are now 73 […]

Governors, mayors vow to continue the green fight despite Paris Accord pull-out


In light of President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw the US from the Paris Climate Accord, dozens of governors and mayors across the country are pledging to uphold the green fight within their own borders. A group of 83 “climate mayors” issued a statement following Trump’s announcement pledging to “adopt, honor and uphold the commitments […]

Patriot games: The murky world of Russian hacking


Russian President Vladimir Putin’s remarks about “patriotic hackers” have led to more than a few raised eyebrows. After condemning this week what he described as rampant “Russophobia,” Putin painted a lyrical portrait of hackers waging war in defense of the fatherland. “Hackers are free people, like artists,” Putin told a panel in St. Petersburg. “They […]

Trump sparked a CEO revolt. Here’s why


CEOs are cautious by nature, circumspect in their words and actions. So maybe the most amazing thing that occurred Thursday wasn’t that President Trump pulled out of the Paris climate deal. It was the response from the corner office: A string of CEOs loudly voiced strong opposition to his action. “It’s an absolutely bizarre and […]

Trains, buses halt for a moment of silence for Portland victims


Mass transit came to a halt for a moment of silence in Portland on Friday, one week after a deadly stabbing on a MAX train. Portland, Oregon, mass transit agency TriMet had its trains stop at station platforms and buses pull over along their routes at noon (3 p.m. ET) to “honor the men who […]

Former Penn State President Spanier gets jail time in Sandusky case


The former president of Penn State University and two other former administrators were sentenced to jail terms Friday for failing to report a 2001 allegation that assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky was molesting young boys. The sentence of two months in jail plus another two under house arrest against a once-leading figure in American higher […]

What was James Comey thinking when he met with Trump?


Former FBI Director James Comey was “disturbed” by his interactions with President Donald Trump but “he thought he had the situation under control,” a source familiar with Comey’s thinking tells CNN. Comey, the source said, believed he was dealing with someone who did not quite grasp the inappropriateness of his actions, and that Comey thought […]

¡Ay bendito! The No. 1 song in America is sung in Spanish


A wall may go up between the United States and its Spanish-speaking neighbor to the south, but nothing can stop the success of the nation’s current No. 1 hit song, which is mostly in … Español. The song “Despacito,” by Puerto Rican singer Luis Fonsi and reggaetón star Daddy Yankee is number one on Billboard’s […]

What James Comey was thinking when he met with Trump


Former FBI Director James Comey was “disturbed” by his interactions with President Donald Trump but “he thought he had the situation under control,” a source familiar with Comey’s thinking tells CNN. Comey, the source said, believed he was dealing with someone who did not quite grasp the inappropriateness of his actions, and that Comey thought […]

Suspect arrested in theft of Portland victim’s wedding ring, backpack


Police arrested a man Friday in the theft of a wedding band and backpack that belonged to Ricky Best, the Army veteran stabbed to death on a commuter train last week in Portland, Oregon, police spokesman Sgt. Pete Simpson said. George Tschaggeny, 51, was wearing Best’s ring when he was arrested at a small homeless […]

ISIS claims Philippines casino attack despite police denial


ISIS has claimed responsibility for an attack at a casino in the Philippines capital that left more than 37 people dead, however police have continued to deny that the incident was terror related. A lone gunman entered the Resorts World Manila in the early hours of Friday morning, firing shots from an assault rifle and […]

Casino staff, guests among 37 killed at Resorts World Manila


Survivors smashed through windows to flee as dozens perished trapped by fire in a casino in Manila. A heavily armed man walked into the Resorts World Manila early Friday in the Philippine capital, shooting gambling machines and setting fires that resulted in the deaths of 37 people. Police insisted the attack was not related to […]

Trump says his tax bill is ‘moving along.’ Except it doesn’t exist


President Trump says Congress is working hard to pass his tax reform bill. “Our tax bill is moving along in Congress, and I believe it’s doing very well,” he said at a Rose Garden speech on Thursday. One problem: There is no tax bill. The only evidence of a White House tax strategy is a […]

ISIS claims Philippines casino attack, but doesn’t give evidence


ISIS has claimed responsibility for an attack at a casino in the Philippines capital that left more than 37 people dead, despite repeated police claims it was not terror related. A lone gunman entered the Resorts World Manila in the early hours of Friday morning, firing shots from an assault rifle and setting fire to […]

Afghans ‘fed up’ with burying dead


In this country that’s seen so much death, the tears alone are no longer enough. People here want answers. Two days after a vicious truck bomb tore through Kabul’s diplomatic zone — the explosion so powerful it caused concrete blast walls to come crumbling down — protesters gathered in at least two separate locations in […]

Saudi Arabia vs. Russia: The fight to become China’s top oil supplier


Crashing oil prices brought Russia and Saudi Arabia closer together than ever. But now, a race to satisfy China’s huge energy needs threatens to drive them apart. Russia and Saudi Arabia have closely coordinated their efforts to eliminate a massive oil supply glut that sent crude prices crashing last year to unthinkably-low prices. They agreed, […]

The Paris climate decision is Trumpism in its purest form


President Donald Trump’s decision to pull the United States out of a global climate accord represents the clearest evidence yet that his worldview represents a radical break from that of the Republican and Democratic presidents who have preceded him in office over the last seven decades. Whereas those men saw the United States as moral […]

Vladimir Putin to Corporate America: You should ‘help’ President Trump


Russian President Vladimir Putin has a message for Corporate America: Help President Trump. “Help us restore normal political dialogue,” Putin told executives from major U.S. companies during a business roundtable at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum on Friday. “I ask you on behalf of Russia, and I appeal to the American side: Help the […]

U.S. unemployment hits lowest level since 2001


America’s job market may be losing steam. The U.S. economy added 138,000 jobs last month, less than the 174,000 jobs gained in April and lower than expected. Job gains for March and April were also revised down. “Disappointing,” says Lynn Reaser, an economist at Point Loma Nazarene University in California. “The economy is still growing […]

Музыкальные новости

Мама Тимати об интервью Шишковой: «Смотреть было брезгливо»

Персональные новости

Bloomberg: Вашингтон изучает вопрос запрета на импорт российского урана

Suspect sought in theft of Portland victim’s backpack, wedding ring


A man is suspected of stealing a wedding band and backpack belonging to Ricky Best, the Army veteran stabbed to death aboard a commuter train last week in Portland, Oregon. The backpack had personal items important to Best’s family, the Portland Police Bureau said. In a case that attracted national attention, Best, 53, and Taliesin […]

US hands big win to China by quitting climate pact


It’s been a good year for Chinese President Xi Jinping on the international stage. He presided over a summit on his grand plan for the world economy, charmed the global elite at Davos and saw off the TPP, a huge trade deal that Beijing wasn’t part of. On Thursday, US President Donald Trump handed China […]

Reluctant signatory India takes moral high-ground on Paris climate deal


India was one of two countries singled out by US President Donald Trump when justifying his decision to end US involvement in the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. “The bottom line is that the Paris Accord is very unfair at the highest level to the United States … India will be allowed to double its […]

Great Britain? How the UK shapes up against the rest of the world


People in Britain are heading to the polls for a snap election, just two years after the last vote, and hot on the heels of the Brexit and Scottish independence referendums. While Brexit remains a core concern for voters, traditional issues such as the economy, immigration and healthcare have dominated. Here’s how the UK stacks […]

Trump should start thinking about how history will remember him


Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate deal will have come as no surprise in Scotland. Before becoming President, Trump fought a long battle with the Scottish government over 11 wind turbines. The “green energy” wind farm was to be built just off the coast from his newly acquired Trump […]

Trump defies globe to claim a political win


In the end, Donald Trump stayed true to himself. Beset by appeals from foreign leaders and corporate titans to put the planet first, he pulled out of the Paris climate accord Thursday. It’s a decision that upheld his political instincts, nationalistic economic vision and dark view of a predatory world with one unified goal — […]

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Хоккейный клуб из Балашихи выиграл Кубок Регионов


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Андреева обыграла Паолини и вышла в 1/4 финала турнира WTA в Мадриде


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Экология в России и мире

В 2024 году исполняется 140 лет созданию в Москве первой общедоступной публичной бесплатной библиотеки

Путин в России и мире

Президент России Владимир Путин подтвердил проведение XVI Международного военно-музыкального фестиваля «Спасская башня»

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил о желании построить в Белоруссии вторую АЭС

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