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Новости за 29.07.2016

Ed Hartwell’s side of his split with Keshia Knight Pulliam


Former professional football player Ed Hartwell has spoken out on his breakup with “Cosby Show” star Keshia Knight Pulliam. The pair married on New Year’s Day after a four-month courtship; Hartwell recently filed for divorce from his pregnant wife. Now the former athlete is telling his side of the split. Hartwell, who appeared on the […]

Amazon, Facebook race past Buffett’s Berkshire


Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos have put legendary Warren Buffett in their rearview mirror. For the first time ever, Facebook and Amazon are now each worth more than Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway. Amazon’s market value has soared to $360 billion, surpassing Berkshire as the fifth-biggest U.S. company. Facebook, fueled by another dose of blockbuster earnings, is […]

The Top 1% haven’t captured all income gains


Hillary Clinton went after the nation’s richest residents in her nomination acceptance speech Thursday, saying they will have to start spreading more of their prosperity. “Wall Street, corporations, and the super-rich are going to start paying their fair share of taxes,” she said at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. “Not because we resent success. […]

New details: Sharks, secrets and the sinking of the USS Indianapolis


When the 1975 blockbuster “Jaws” first terrified moviegoers, not all of the fear came from the special effects or haunting soundtrack. One of the more chilling scenes was fisherman Quint’s quiet recounting of bobbing in Pacific waters for days while sharks circled him and his fellow sailors, waiting to see who would be the next […]

Venezuela’s new decree: Forced farm work for citizens


A new decree by Venezuela’s government could make its citizens work on farms to tackle the country’s severe food shortages. That “effectively amounts to forced labor,” according to Amnesty International, which derided the decree as “unlawful.” In a vaguely-worded decree, Venezuelan officials recently indicated that public and private sector employees could be forced to work […]

Is Black Lives Matter blowing it?


Here’s a question for both supporters and critics of the Black Lives Matter movement: What does Black Lives Matter want? Not sure? How about this. Can you cite a moment in which a BLM leader passionately and eloquently denounced the recent shooting deaths of eight police officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge? Can you name […]

Hillary Clinton, Tim Kaine stump together after conventions


Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine are hitting the road Friday as the Democratic Party’s official White House ticket, launching a three-day bus tour through Pennsylvania and Ohio to highlight their economic vision. Their target audience: white working-class voters who make up the core of Republican nominee Donald Trump’s base. In their first campaign rally after […]

Could Zika pose a problem for Florida’s tourism industry?


Florida has detected its first cases of locally-transmitted Zika which could pose a threat to the state’s sensitive — and important — tourist industry. “We learned today that four people in our state likely have the Zika virus as a result of mosquito bite,” Governor Rick Scott said on Friday morning. He said the cases […]

British Pokemon Go player says catching ’em all shed pounds


Catching ’em all is the Pokemon Go player’s goal, but in doing so one British man claims to have lost something — more than 12 kilograms (28 pounds) in weight. In his quest to catch the 142 Pokemon creatures available in the UK, 32-year-old business owner Sam Clark says he walked 141 miles (227 kilometers) […]

Sheryl Sandberg is writing a new book about grief


Sheryl Sandberg has inspired many by speaking openly and candidly about dealing with her husband’s death. Now she’s looking to go one step further. Sandberg, the COO of Facebook, is working on a new book called Option B, which combines her personal story with others to focus on “building resilience and finding meaning in the […]

Spring slump: U.S. economy only grows 1.2%


America’s economy didn’t bounce back in the spring after a sluggish winter. The U.S. economy grew a mere 1.2% between April and June compared to the same period last year, according to the Commerce Department. It’s just a notch better than the winter, when the economy was extremely sluggish, growing by only 0.8% The weakness […]

Exclusive: Behind-the-scenes moments with Hillary Clinton


Twenty-three years ago, I was a newly hired White House photographer, working for Vice President Al Gore, attending a staff welcome party held by first lady Hillary Clinton. She announced at the event that she was changing the rules. Women would be allowed to wear pants. At first I thought she was joking, but I […]

Clinton’s questionable decision


On a historic night, Hillary Clinton proved that a woman nominee for president can deliver just as good an acceptance speech as a man — and some would say, even better. Clinton is more adept at debates than in public speeches, but her sweeping, hard-hitting and sometimes moving acceptance address was one of her most […]

US Navy intends to name ship after Harvey Milk


The Navy has sent congressional notification that it intends to name a new oiler ship Harvey Milk, a US Navy official confirmed Friday to CNN. The Navy is declining to comment further until the official naming announcement. Harvey Milk was a San Francisco politician and gay rights activist. He was murdered in 1978.

Sheryl Sandberg hopes a woman will be president for her kids’ sake


Sheryl Sandberg says her daughter once asked about the U.S. presidents, “Mommy, how come they’re all boys?” In a Facebook post following Hillary Clinton’s acceptance of the Democratic nomination, Sandberg said she is hopeful no children will ever have to ask that question again. “We are close to making my daughter’s question a relic of […]

San Diego police shooting: 1 officer killed, 1 injured


One San Diego police officer was killed and another was injured Thursday night in a shooting as they tried to make a stop in the city, police said. One suspect also was shot and was in custody early Friday. He’s being treated at a hospital for a gunshot wound, San Diego police Chief Shelley Zimmerman […]

Turning Points: Together in sickness, married in health


Leeanne Hester was seeing a patient when she suddenly felt like she was going to pass out and had to excuse herself from the room. The 23-year-old was working a part-time job at a primary care physician’s office while close to finishing earning her master’s degree in public health at George Washington University in the […]

Teen athletes less likely to abuse opioids, study finds


Teenagers engaged in sports and exercise have lower risks of using opioids without a doctor’s order, according to a study published Monday in the journal Pediatrics. Researchers at the University of Michigan looked at data from more than 191,000 eighth- and 10th-graders who participated in the Monitoring the Future survey from 1997 to 2014. Among […]

Forget New Year’s; start a summer workout instead


Forget about fitness-focused New Year’s resolutions. Experts say summer might actually be the best time of year to conquer a new workout routine. After all, summer days offer warmer weather, more daylight and a greater chance that you can book time with a workout buddy. “I have suggested that the end of summer — and […]

Музыкальные новости

Надежда Стрелец резко высказалась о хейтерах, после того как мама Тимати раскритиковала ее интервью с Аленой Шишковой

Персональные новости
Вячеслав Тихонов

VIII Международный кинофестиваль «17 мгновений…» имени Вячеслава Тихонова объявил победителей

10 takeaways from the Democratic convention


Hillary Clinton accepted the Democratic presidential nomination Thursday night, casting herself as a uniter working for the common good and Donald Trump as a divider stoking fear for political gain. It capped a Democratic National Convention designed to tell a new story about the most famous woman in American politics. And it teed up the […]

Big night or big fail?


CNN contributors and a range of commentators offer their takes on the Democratic Party convention, Hillary Clinton’s speech and what to expect from the Democratic Party moving forward. The views expressed are the writers’ own. Raul Reyes: Diversity a strength for Democrats The organizers of the Democratic National Convention put together a program that, over […]

China cracks down on Great Wall brick thieves


The Great Wall is disappearing, brick by brick, and Chinese authorities have had enough. A new campaign has been launched to protect the ancient fortification that snakes for 13,000 miles (21,000 kilometers) across northern China from criminal damage. Built in different stages from the third century B.C. to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), the wall was […]

Clinton ‘No ceilings’ line recalls Lil Wayne


Hillary Clinton delivered a historic speech Thursday night, capping off a bruising primary and becoming the first female presidential nominee of a major US party. Taking note of this significant point in the country’s history, Clinton said: “When there are no ceilings, the sky’s the limit.” This line seemed fitting, but the phrases “no ceilings” […]

Clinton vs. Trump as commander in chief: A world of difference


One of the big themes of the concluding session of the Democratic convention Thursday was that Hillary Clinton would be a strong and effective commander in chief, while Donald Trump would most decidedly not be. At the convention, the usually mild-mannered, retired Marine four-star Gen. John Allen, who commanded forces in Afghanistan and later was […]

Спорт в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о Всероссийском конкурсе спортивных проектов «Ты в игре»


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Азаренко проиграла в 1/16 финала турнира WTA-1000 в Мадриде


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Путин в России и мире

Президент России Владимир Путин подтвердил проведение XVI Международного военно-музыкального фестиваля «Спасская башня»

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил о желании построить в Белоруссии вторую АЭС

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