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«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com)

Новости за 13.10.2016

Shoppers turn anger on Unilever in its dispute with Tesco

«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com) 

BASILDON, England, Oct 13 (Reuters) - The mood among shoppers was resolute at the Tesco superstore in this town east of London on Thursday after Britain's biggest supermarket chain halted sales of top-selling Unilever brands online.

APNewsBreak: Coal company says it's exporting to Asia

«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com) 

A company with coal mines in Wyoming and Montana has begun exporting fuel to Asia through a Canadian port — a rare bit of a positive news for an industry that's been in a prolonged tailspin.

Bernie Sanders asks Obama to halt pipeline for full review

«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com) 

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and four other Democratic senators are asking President Barack Obama to halt construction of the four-state Dakota Access pipeline until a full environmental review can be completed.

Oshkosh Corporation: 3 Risks for Investors

«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com) 

Oshkosh's stock has had a great 2016, rising more than 38% so far this year. But investors should be aware of the risks before buying in.

Delta beats 3Q profit forecasts

«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com) 

Delta Air Lines Inc. (DAL) on Thursday reported third-quarter profit of $1.26 billion.

Amazon to Hire 120,000 Temporary Holiday Workers

«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com) 

Amazon.com said on Thursday it would hire more than 120,000 seasonal employees across its fulfillment centers, sortation centers and customer service sites in the United States in the upcoming holiday season.

Thais waiting for word on king's health pray, offer flowers

«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com) 

Hundreds of tearful Thais continue to offer flowers and chant prayers for King Bhumibol Adulyadej outside the Bangkok hospital where the world's longest-reigning monarch is being treated for multiple health problems.

Reports Raise Accusations By Women Against Trump

«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com) 

Donald Trump faced fresh controversy Wednesday over his treatment of women when several news organizations reported incidents in which women said he groped, touched or acted inappropriately toward them.

Unilever 3rd-quarter turnover flat due to exchange rates

«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com) 

Anglo-Dutch consumer products giant Unilever's turnover was flat at 13.4 billion euros ($14.7 billion) in the third quarter as exchange rate fluctuations hit sales despite a long, warm summer boosting ice cream sales in Europe.

Oil Prices Fall on Higher OPEC Output

«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com) 

Oil prices fell on Thursday after OPEC said its production had risen to the highest level in at least eight years and following reports of an increase in U.S. crude stockpiles.

China Shares Flat as Reform Hopes Offset by Weak Exports

«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com) 

China stocks barely changed on Thursday, as reform hopes that boosted shares of several state-owned companies were largely offset by disappointment over weak export data and growing concerns over yuan depreciation.

Музыкальные новости
Анастасия Ивлеева

Блогер Ивлеева не явилась в суд на заседание по делу о дискредитации ВС России

Персональные новости
Владимир Путин

Владимир Путин поздравил ветеранов с 50-летием начала строительства Байкало-Амурской магистрали

South Korea's Hanjin Shipping to sell major businesses

«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com) 

South Korea's Hanjin Shipping Co Ltd is selling major businesses, including its Asia-U.S. route network, and will receive letters of intent by October 28, the company said on Thursday.

China approves around $20 billion in urban rail projects

«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com) 

China's state planner has approved urban rail plans costing 133.9 billion yuan ($20.08 billion) in the cities of Urumqi and Xiamen, according to statements published on the National Development and Reform Commission website.

Спорт в России и мире

Росгвардия обеспечила правопорядок во время футбольного матча «ЦСКА» - «Спартак» в Москве


Все новости спорта сегодня

Новости тенниса
Дарья Касаткина

Теннисистка Касаткина заявила, что скучает по России, но пока не может приехать


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Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск не исключает попыток оппозиции оторвать часть территории Белоруссии в пользу НАТО

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