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Новости за 25.04.2018

EU shelves Macron idea for 'European Darpa'


The European Commission's new strategy on artificial intelligence contains nothing that resembles French president's idea for a US-inspired agency for disruptive innovation.

[Ticker] UN expects over $4bn in pledges for Syria


Mark Lowcock, United Nations under-secretary general for humanitarian relief, told reporters in Brussels he expects $4.4bn (c.€3.6bn) in pledges to help ease the crisis in Syria. "I expect that by the end of the day we will have heard pledges for 2018 of $4.4bn," he said. Lowcock was speaking following a meeting of some 85 delegations around the world at Wednesday's Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region conference.

[Ticker] Commission wants more public data made available for reuse


The European Commission on Wednesday proposed changing the EU's directive on the reuse of public sector information, expanding the sectors in which reuse of data should be made easier, to include data generated by utilities, transport and publicly-funded research. "If it is made more available for reuse, that will help our data economy and bring more growth and jobs," said commission vice-president for digital single market Andrus Ansip.

[Ticker] Study: Brexit will hit all European farmers


A study by Brussels-based think tank Farm Europe presented on Wednesday said that in all post-Brexit scenarios it investigated, European farmers would end up with fewer agriculture subsidies. "Brexit is bad news, for farmers' incomes it is very bad news," said Farm Europe's Joao Pacheco. The decrease is not distributed evenly, with farmers in Slovakia losing 49% of direct payments in a worst-case scenario in which others suffered 2% loss.

[Ticker] European media face rise in 'verbal violence' from politicians


Reporters without Borders on Wednesday in its annual report said media in Europe are facing a rise in "verbal violence from politicians." It highlights abusive comments by Czech Republic president Milos Zeman and former Slovak prime minister Robert Fico. "The unleashing of hatred towards journalists is one of the worst threats to democracies," RSF secretary-general Christophe Deloire said.

[Ticker] Greenland PM to keep power despite poll slump


Social democrat party, Siumut, remains Greenland's largest party with 27.2 percent support in parliamentary elections on Tuesday. Its leader, Kim Kielsen, is in position to continue as prime minister for four years despite losing 7.1 percentage support compared to 2014. The leading opposition party, IA, led by Sara Olsvig lost even more votes but remained the second largest with 25.6 percent, followed by the Democrats at 19.5 percent.

[Ticker] Commissioner optimistic on FYROM name solution


EU enlargement commissioner Johannes Hahn has expressed optimism that a solution to the Macedonia name dispute can be found in the next two weeks during talks between Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) staring in Vienna on Wednesday. "There must be at least one solution which would give way to the start of the EU accession talks for FYROM," Hahn told the European Parliament's foreign affairs committee.

[Ticker] Italian court keeps NGO migrant rescue boat docked


A high court in Italy on Tuesday dismissed an appeal from a German NGO Jugend Rettet (Youth Rescue) to release its rescue boat after it was impounded some eight months ago. The boat was detained following police suspicions of "facilitating illegal immigration". The group, in a statement, described the move as part of a wider effort to criminalise NGO sea rescue operations of people fleeing Libya.

[Ticker] German Jews warned not to wear skullcap in public


Jews in Germany have been advised by the Central Council of Jews in Germany not to wear traditional skullcaps or kippahs in big cities over fears of attacks. The council's president, Josef Schuster, told German radio that people need to take a public stand against anti-Semitism. "This is not only about anti-Semitism - it goes along with racism, it goes along with xenophobia," he said.

[Ticker] Erdogan plans June election rally in Europe


Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan has announced plans for a campaign rally in Europe ahead of June elections in an attempt to reach out to Europe's Turkish communities. The tour could escalate already strained relations and put Erdogan on a collision course with the several EU member states, including Germany, which has previously banned Turkish politicians from campaigning on their soil.

[Ticker] WhatsApp bans under-16 users in EU


Popular messaging service WhatsApp, owned by Facebook, has raised the minimum age of users in the European Union from 13 to 16. The move comes ahead of new EU-wide data protection rules that launch on 25 May. The new age limit only applies to those living in the EU.

Спорт в России и мире

Команда подмосковного главка Росгвардии заняла призовое место на чемпионате Центрального округа по стрельбе из боевого ручного стрелкового оружия


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Мария стала соперницей Азаренко на турнире WTA в Мадриде


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