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Dough Boys California Pizza

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How To Keep Your Family Safe While Vacationing In Virginia Beach This Year

Dough Boys California Pizza 

With lockdowns mostly lifted and summer heat bearing down, many people are looking forward to a relaxing vacation in Virginia Beach. The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention still advises that staying home is the safest choice – especially for those who are sick or were exposed to COVID-19 recently. And the virus continues to be a serious threat to the elderly and people with […]

The Hands-Down Best Cheese On A Pizza?

Dough Boys California Pizza 

Cheese pizza. It’s the standard form of our favorite dish, classic and unembellished. But why not experiment with cheese beyond mozzarella on your pizza? The world of cheese is vast and delicious, so we present to you a list of the best kinds of cheese to top your pizza with. Classics Mozzarella: the gold standard. Melts well with a mild, creamy taste. An excellent base […]

Re-Opening Update

Dough Boys California Pizza 

Amidst social distancing, shelter in place rules, working from home and school closures, our days are different and our challenges, unique. Parents are trying to figure out how they can work and educate their children at the same time. The elderly and home-bound are more isolated than ever before. Grocery stores and retailers are facing extraordinary demands on supply chains and millions of people are […]

A Short History of Pizza

Dough Boys California Pizza 

According to legend, pizzas were developed in Naples, Italy when bakers sold excess dough to poor people. The bread developed into one of the earliest pizzas and was decorated with tomatoes, oil, cheese, and anchovies. These pizzas were sold all over Italy because they were cheap, filling, and tasty. Also, different variations of pizza started all across Italy and ingredients such as meat, herbs, vegetables, […]

February Wine Tasting

Dough Boys California Pizza 

WE WILL BE POURING OUR HEARTS OUT FOR YOU! Love Wine? We do, too! Join us Wednesday, February 12, 2020 6pm – 8pm Dough Boy’s Restaurant 3224 Atlantic Avenue, Virginia Beach, VA $20.00 Includes Wine Tasting and Hors d’oeuvres Bring your favorite person to taste some very unique wines (Reds, Whites and Bubbles) – All bottles will be available for purchase and hors d’oeuvres will […]

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Virginia Beach Restaurant Week At Dough Boys Pizza

Dough Boys California Pizza 

It is time for Virginia Beach Restaurant Week. The best restaurants on Atlantic Avenue and the Oceanfront offer special menus and courses for one week only. Of course, Dough Boys is part of the lineup. Virginia Beach Restaurant Week Menu Dough Boys will be offering two incredible restaurant week special menus. This includes a lunch and dinner menu at a special price. As always everything […]

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17th Street Is Closed For Remodeling

Dough Boys California Pizza 

Dough Boy’s 1700 Atlantic Avenue location is temporarily closed for remodeling this winter. The other 2 Dough Boy’s locations on Atlantic Avenue are OPEN daily all fall and winter, offering $5 HAPPY HOUR all day Monday through Friday until 5:30PM, includes $5 Medium pan or original cheese pizzas all day, too! Brunch served daily, featuring egg pizzas, locally inspired Bloody Mary’s and Mimosas. #pizzaonatlantic #partyonatlantic […]

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Holiday Wine Tasting

Dough Boys California Pizza 

Celebrate the season with a deluxe Champagne and Wine Tasting at Dough Boys Pizza on 33rd Street. Our Holiday wine tasting on the Oceanfront is an excellent chance to learn about champagnes and wines through the most powerful medium of all..experience. Learn What Wine Pairs Best With Holiday Foods With your new found knowledge you will know what wines pair best with holiday favorites this […]

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Pizza Toppings

Dough Boys California Pizza 

In Virginia Beach, from the Oceanfront and Boardwalk to Atlantic Avenue, Pacific Avenue and beyond, pizza reigns supreme as the favorite food. If you doubt that pizza is not the Oceanfront’s most popular food just count how many pizza places there are. You don’t have to do all that work though. Just count the three Virginia Beach Dough Boys locations on Atlantic Avenue and you […]

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Virginia Beach Fundraisers

Dough Boys California Pizza 

At Dough Boys we are passionate about our community. To support our customer family we are proud to host events at our restaurants to help raise money for important causes. We also use our social media to help get the word out for your event. This is just one more way Dough Boy’s supports the community. Some of the causes we have supported with fundraisers […]

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Якубко: в декабре все опять будут плеваться от календаря РПЛ, но это легко можно исправить


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Экологические итоги недели: Миллиарды цикад покроют Америку

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«Набей им морду, покажи им, что ты настоящий белорус». Лукашенко о поездке спортсменов на Олимпиаду

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