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«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com)

Новости за 11.12.2016

Have travel plans? Prepare for cold rain and snow

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

Spectators arrive as light snow covers seats prior to an NFL football game between the Buffalo Bills and the Pittsburgh Steelers, Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016, in Orchard Park, N.Y. (AP Photo/Bill Wippert)

Turkey blasts claimed by Kurdish militants; country mourns

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

ISTANBUL (AP) — Turkey declared a national day of mourning and paid tribute to the dead Sunday after two bombings in Istanbul killed 38 people and wounded 155 others near a soccer stadium. The carnage was claimed by a Turkey-based…

Turkey blasts claimed by Kurdish militants; country mourns

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

Police officers bear the casket of a bomb victim during a memorial in Istanbul, Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016, for police officers killed outside the Besiktas football club stadium Vodafone Arena late Saturday. Family members, Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, ministers…

Turkey blasts claimed by Kurdish militants; country mourns

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

Officers attend the coffins of bomb victims during a memorial in Istanbul, Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016, for police officers killed outside the Besiktas football club stadium Vodafone Arena late Saturday. Family members, Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, ministers and colleagues…

Turkey blasts claimed by Kurdish militants; country mourns

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

Family members mourn as ministers and colleagues attend a memorial for police officers killed outside the Besiktas football club stadium Vodafone Arena late Saturday, in Istanbul, Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016. Turkey declared a national day of mourning Sunday after twin…

Turkey blasts claimed by Kurdish militants; country mourns

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, center, chairs a security meeting in Istanbul, Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016. Turkey declared a national day of mourning Sunday after twin blasts in Istanbul killed dozens of people and wounded many others near a soccer…

Turkey blasts claimed by Kurdish militants; country mourns

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, centre, speaks with a police officer wounded late Saturday during a car bomb explosion outside the Besiktas football club stadium Vodafone Arena, in Istanbul, Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016. Turkey declared a national day of mourning…

Turkey blasts claimed by Kurdish militants; country mourns

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

People leave carnations and roses on a police car outside the Besiktas football club stadium Vodafone Arena in Istanbul, Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016. Turkey declared a national day of mourning, launched a full investigation and paid tribute to the dead…

Turkey blasts claimed by Kurdish militants; country mourns

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

People gather to pay their respects and leave flower tributes to the bomb blast victims outside the Besiktas football club stadium Vodafone Arena in Istanbul, Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016. Turkey declared a national day of mourning, launched a full investigation…

Turkey blasts claimed by Kurdish militants; country mourns

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

People gather to protest against the Saturday attacks on police, outside the Besiktas football club stadium Vodafone Arena in Istanbul, Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016. Turkey declared a national day of mourning, launched a full investigation and paid tribute to the…

Turkey blasts claimed by Kurdish militants; country mourns

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

Players of Galatasaray and Gaziantep observe a minute of silence for the victims of the attacks on Saturday prior to their Turkish championship soccer match, in Istanbul, Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016. Turkey declared a national day of mourning, launched a…

Turkey blasts claimed by Kurdish militants; country mourns

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

Fans of Galatasaray observe a minute of silence for the victims of the attacks on Saturday prior to their Turkish championship soccer match against Gaziantep, in Istanbul, Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016. Turkey declared a national day of mourning, launched a…

Turkey blasts claimed by Kurdish militants; country mourns

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

Turkish police officers salute as fans of Galatasaray, some holding a Turkish flag, observe a minute of silence for the victims of the attacks on Saturday prior to their Turkish championship soccer match against Gaziantep, in Istanbul, Sunday, Dec. 11,…

Turkey blasts claimed by Kurdish militants; country mourns

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan comforts a victim's daughter as he attends a memorial for police officers killed Saturday outside the Besiktas football club stadium Vodafone Arena, in Istanbul, Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016. Turkey declared a national day of mourning…

Turkey blasts claimed by Kurdish militants; country mourns

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan speaks to the media after he visited wounded people in a hospital in Istanbul, Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016. Turkey declared a national day of mourning Sunday after twin blasts in Istanbul killed dozens of people…

The Latest: Israel vows to work with Trump to undo Iran deal

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

President-elect Donald Trump acknowledges spectators during the first half of the Army-Navy NCAA college football game in Baltimore, Saturday, Dec. 10, 2016. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

Turkey mourns after deadly blasts claimed by Kurdish rebels

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

Family members approach the casket of a bomb victim during a memorial in Istanbul, Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016, for police officers killed outside the Besiktas football club stadium Vodafone Arena late Saturday. Family members, Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, ministers…

Turkey mourns after deadly blasts claimed by Kurdish rebels

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

Caskets of a bomb victim during a memorial in Istanbul, Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016, for police officers killed outside the Besiktas football club stadium Vodafone Arena late Saturday. Family members, Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, ministers and colleagues attended the…

Музыкальные новости
Вячеслав Бутусов

Удачные выходные в Воронеже: Вячеслав Бутусов, выставка «Агитпоезд» и экскурсия «Мир! Труд! Май!»

Персональные новости

По запросу Баку в Москве незаконно был задержан известный российский политолог Михаил Александров

Turkey hunts for answers, buries dead after blasts kill 38

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

People walk on a street decorated with a Turkish flag near the Besiktas football club stadium Vodafone Arena in Istanbul, Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016 following the late Saturday explosion. Turkey declared a national day of mourning Sunday after twin blasts…

Turkey hunts for answers, buries dead after blasts kill 38

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

A firefighter works on the roof of the Besiktas football club stadium Vodafone Arena decorated with Turkish flags in Istanbul, Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016 following the late Saturday explosion. Turkey declared a national day of mourning Sunday after twin blasts…

Turkey hunts for answers, buries dead after blasts kill 38

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

Firefighters work on the roof of the Besiktas football club stadium Vodafone Arena decorated with a Turkish flag in Istanbul, Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016 following the late Saturday explosion. Turkey declared a national day of mourning Sunday after twin blasts…

Turkey hunts for answers, buries dead after blasts kill 38

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

Firefighters work on the roof of the Besiktas football club stadium Vodafone Arena as a poster of modern Turkey's founding father Mustafa Kemal Ataturk is seen on the wall in Istanbul, Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016 following the late Saturday explosions.…

Turkey hunts for answers, buries dead after blasts kill 38

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

Firefighters work on the roof of the Besiktas football club stadium Vodafone Arena decorated with a national flag and a poster of modern Turkey's founding father Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in Istanbul, Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016 following the late Saturday explosions.…

Turkey hunts for answers, buries dead after blasts kill 38

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

Firefighters work on a crane and the roof of the Besiktas football club stadium Vodafone Arena as a poster of modern Turkey's founding father Mustafa Kemal Ataturk is seen on the wall in Istanbul, Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016 following the…

Спорт в России и мире

Учитель из Бутово стала «Гуру физкультуры»


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Труп мужчины найден в лесопарковой зоне в Сокольниках

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Путин поздравил Леонида Рошаля с днем рождения

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Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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Александр Градский

В Москве семью композитора Градского обязали убрать его машины с парковки концертного зала


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