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«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com)

Новости за 22.06.2016

Shaddon to undergo independent evaluation

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

Josh Lee Shaddon, convicted of stabbing his mother to death in Brownsville in 2009, must submit to an independent psychiatric evaluation before being considered for release from the Oregon State Hospital, the state’s psychiatric review board decided at a Wednesday…

Massive crowd swarms Cleveland for Cavs' NBA title parade

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

Cleveland Cavaliers fans hang a sign from a parking garage across from the Quicken Loans Arena early Wednesday, June 22, 2016, while waiting to watch a parade celebrating the Cavaliers' NBA Championship in downtown Cleveland . The Cavaliers made history…

Massive crowd swarms Cleveland for Cavs' NBA title parade

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

Cleveland Cavaliers fans gather across the street from the Quicken Loans Arena early Wednesday, June 22, 2016, to watch a parade celebrating the Cavaliers' NBA Championship in downtown Cleveland. The Cavaliers made history by overcoming a 3-1 deficit to beat…

Massive crowd swarms Cleveland for Cavs' NBA title parade

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

Cleveland Cavaliers fans gather at the Quicken Loans Arena early Wednesday, June 22, 2016, to watch a parade celebrating the Cavaliers' NBA Championship in downtown Cleveland. The Cavaliers made history by overcoming a 3-1 deficit to beat the Golden State…

Betty Udell

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

Oct. 18, 1919 — June 19, 2016

University of North Dakota unveils Fighting Hawks logo

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

This graphic released by the University of North Dakota shows the school's new "North Dakota Fighting Hawks" wordmark, or descriptive name, unveiled Wednesday, June 22, 2016, in Grand Forks, N.D. The school also unveiled a new Fighting Hawks logo after…

University of North Dakota unveils Fighting Hawks logo

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

This graphic released by the University of North Dakota shows the school's new Fighting Hawks logo unveiled Wednesday, June 22, 2016, in Grand Forks, N.D. The school retired its controversial Fighting Sioux nickname nearly four years ago after the NCAA…

No women need apply: Yacht club's men-only policy rankles

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

WESTERLY, R.I. (AP) — Taylor Swift has a home in this seaside community. But even one of the world's most famous women wouldn't be able to join the Westerly Yacht Club, which bestows full membership only on men.

No women need apply: Yacht club's men-only policy rankles

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

In this Monday, June 20, 2016 photo, Julie Cardinal speaks about the Westerly Yacht Club's membership policy as the yacht club is seen in the background in Westerly, R.I. Wives can join as associate, non-voting members, but unmarried women can't.…

No women need apply: Yacht club's men-only policy rankles

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

In this Monday, June 20, 2016 photo, Julie Cardinal speaks about the Westerly Yacht Club's membership policy on Monday, June 20, 2016, as the yacht club is seen in the background in Westerly, R.I. Wives can join as associate, non-voting…

No women need apply: Yacht club's men-only policy rankles

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

In this Monday, June 20, 2016 photo, Julie Cardinal poses after speaking about the Westerly Yacht Club's membership policy on Monday, June 20, 2016, as the yacht club is seen in the background in Westerly, R.I. Wives can join as…

No women need apply: Yacht club's men-only policy rankles

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

In this Monday, June 20, 2016 photo, boats are docked at the Westerly Yacht Club in Westerly, R.I. Wives can join the club as associate, non-voting members, but unmarried women can't. A vote to change the nearly century-old policy failed…

No women need apply: Yacht club's men-only policy rankles

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

In this Monday, June 20, 2016 photo, small boats are stored at the Westerly Yacht Club in Westerly, R.I. Wives can join the club as associate, non-voting members, but unmarried women can't. A vote to change the nearly century-old policy…

No women need apply: Yacht club's men-only policy rankles

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

In this Monday, June 20, 2016 photo, a granite sign outside the Westerly Yacht Club is seen in Westerly, R.I. Wives can join the club as associate, non-voting members, but unmarried women can't. A vote to change the nearly century-old…

No women need apply: Yacht club's men-only policy rankles

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

In this Monday, June 20, 2016 photo, Danielle Hetu poses after speaking about the Westerly Yacht Club's membership policy as the yacht club is seen in background, right in Westerly, R.I. Wives can join as associate, non-voting members, but unmarried…

Former Cowboys player Randle faces new charge

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

WICHITA, Kan. (AP) — Former Dallas Cowboys running back Joseph Randle has been charged with threatening a deputy while jailed on other charges in Kansas.

In Ocean State, yacht club's men-only policy rankles many

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

WESTERLY, R.I. (AP) — Taylor Swift has a home in this seaside community. But even one of the world's most famous women wouldn't be able to join the Westerly Yacht Club, which bestows full membership only on men.

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In Ocean State, yacht club's men-only policy rankles many

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

In this Monday, June 20, 2016 photo, Julie Cardinal speaks about the Westerly Yacht Club's membership policy as the yacht club is seen in the background in Westerly, R.I. Wives can join as associate, non-voting members, but unmarried women can't.…

In Ocean State, yacht club's men-only policy rankles many

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

In this Monday, June 20, 2016 photo, Julie Cardinal speaks about the Westerly Yacht Club's membership policy on Monday, June 20, 2016, as the yacht club is seen in the background in Westerly, R.I. Wives can join as associate, non-voting…

In Ocean State, yacht club's men-only policy rankles many

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

In this Monday, June 20, 2016 photo, Julie Cardinal poses after speaking about the Westerly Yacht Club's membership policy on Monday, June 20, 2016, as the yacht club is seen in the background in Westerly, R.I. Wives can join as…

In Ocean State, yacht club's men-only policy rankles many

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

In this Monday, June 20, 2016 photo, a granite sign outside the Westerly Yacht Club is seen in Westerly, R.I. Wives can join the club as associate, non-voting members, but unmarried women can't. A vote to change the nearly century-old…

In Ocean State, yacht club's men-only policy rankles many

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

In this Monday, June 20, 2016 photo, boats are docked at the Westerly Yacht Club in Westerly, R.I. Wives can join the club as associate, non-voting members, but unmarried women can't. A vote to change the nearly century-old policy failed…

In Ocean State, yacht club's men-only policy rankles many

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

In this Monday, June 20, 2016 photo, small boats are stored at the Westerly Yacht Club in Westerly, R.I. Wives can join the club as associate, non-voting members, but unmarried women can't. A vote to change the nearly century-old policy…

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