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«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com)

Новости за 28.05.2016

Hero Half amplifies sacrifice

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

SWEET HOME — Three Marines with full rucksacks waited by the Hero Half Marathon memorial run starting line Saturday. They were but three of 166 people lined up to participate in the 13-mile, 8K and 1.3-milers.

Video: Flags for the Fallen

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

Third grade Pioneer students help Lebanon JROTC place crosses and flags for Memorial Day at Lebanon Oddfellows and Masonic Cemetery.

UN health agency rejects call to postpone Rio Olympics

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

BERLIN (AP) — The World Health Organization says there is "no public health justification" for postponing or canceling the Rio Summer Olympics because of the Zika outbreak in Brazil.

Bo Mack's BBQ event to benefit Camp Attitude

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

The second annual Bo-Mack’s BBQ Benefit for Camp Attitude will be held from 1-4 p.m. Sunday, June 12, at Monteith River Park, 489 Water Ave. NW, Albany.

UN health agency rejects Rio Olympics postponement call

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

FILE - In this Tuesday, Jan. 26, 2016 file photo, health workers get ready to spray insecticide to combat the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes that transmits the Zika virus, under the bleachers of the Sambadrome in Rio de Janeiro, which will…

Looking ahead to 100 more years at the Indianapolis 500

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Ray Harroun never could have envisioned the speed, science and styling behind the cars on the starting grid for the 100th Indy 500, not when he was piloting the Marmon Wasp to victory in the inaugural race…

Looking ahead to 100 more years at the Indianapolis 500

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

FILE - At top, in a May 30, 1911, file photo, Ray Harroun drives his No. 32 Marmon Wasp at Indianapolis Motor Speedway. At bottom, in a May 16, 2016, file photo, Scott Dixon pulls out of the pits during…

Earl Miller

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

June 26, 1932 — May 23, 2061

Delman V. Pearl

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

Sept. 24, 1912 — May 26, 2016

Barbara D. Gilliam

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

Oct. 11, 1932 — May 26, 2016

Death notices

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

Ronald Jeffreys, 71, of Sweet Home died Thursday, May 26. Sweet Home Funeral Chapel is handling arrangements.

Service notice

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

Dale “Keith” McDowell, 64, of Salem died Thursday in Salem. A celebration of Keith’s life will be from 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday, June 4, with remarks at 2:30 p.m., at the McDowell residence, 32345 Tangent Drive, Tangent. Fisher Funeral…

Police chase ends in low-speed arrest

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

A man believed to be intoxicated led an Albany Police Lieutenant and Benton County Sheriff deputies on a chase from North Albany through Adair Village late Thursday evening before finally being pulled over and arrested on an unpaved country road…

Homeless shelter receives bunk beds

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

A bunk bed project at Helping Hands homeless shelter, funded by Albany Mennonite Church with help from First United Methodist, is finally wrapping up.

Norma Lee Kindell

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

Oct. 18, 1942 — May 7, 2016

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