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Burkina Faso’s media regulator suspends BBC Africa and Voice of America

Committee to Protect Journalists 

Dakar, 26 April 2024– The Burkinabe authorities should immediately lift the suspension of BBC Africa and Voice of America, and reverse the directive seeking to control local outlets’ coverage, said the Committee to Protect Journalists on Friday. On Thursday, the Superior Council of Communication (CSC), Burkina Faso’s media regulator, suspended the British government-funded BBC Afrique...

Brazilian court upholds conviction of killers of journalist Valério Luiz de Oliveira

Committee to Protect Journalists 

São Paulo, April 26, 2024—The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomed a Brazilian court’s decision on Tuesday to uphold the conviction of four men for the 2012 murder of journalist Valério Luiz de Oliveira. Oliveira was shot dead by an unidentified gunman on a motorcycle while leaving his offices at Rádio Jornal 820 AM, where he...

Chilean journalists Daniel Labbé and Josefa Barraza face criminal charges 

Committee to Protect Journalists 

México City, April 25, 2024—Chilean authorities must drop criminal charges against journalists Daniel Labbé and Josefa Barraza and ensure journalists can work without restrictions, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Thursday. On Tuesday, Labbé, an independent journalist, was sentenced to a suspended prison term of 61 days on charges of public disorder, the journalist told...

Taliban detain 3 Afghan radio journalists for playing music, talking to female callers

Committee to Protect Journalists 

New York, April 25, 2023—Taliban authorities should immediately and unconditionally release radio reporters Ismail Saadat, Wahidullah Masum, and Ehsanullah Tasal and stop harassing the press for their work, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Thursday. On Monday, the provincial directorate of the Taliban-controlled Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice in eastern...

European Parliament calls for repeal of Hong Kong security laws

Committee to Protect Journalists 

Brussels, April 25, 2024—The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomed Thursday’s call by the European Parliament for the repeal of two Hong Kong security laws that it said undermine press freedom and for the release of Jimmy Lai, founder of the now-shuttered pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily. The parliamentary resolution condemned Hong Kong’s adoption last month of...

Texas police detain, charge FOX 7 Austin journalist covering pro-Palestinian protest

Committee to Protect Journalists 

New York, April 25, 2024 — Texas authorities should immediately drop all charges against a FOX 7 Austin journalist detained while covering a pro-Palestinian protest and take steps to ensure journalists can do their jobs safely and without interference, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Thursday. Law enforcement officers arrested a FOX 7 Austin photographer...

CPJ recognizes vital role of free press on democracy ahead of White House Correspondents’ Association’s annual dinner

Committee to Protect Journalists 

New York, April 24, 2024 — Ahead of the White House Correspondents’ Association’s (WHCA) annual dinner on Saturday, April 27, the Committee to Protect Journalists reaffirms the importance of press freedom for democracy. This year’s WHCA dinner takes place at a time when journalists face grave threats globally and in a year when much of...

Belarus takes more than 20 ‘extremist’ news websites offline 

Committee to Protect Journalists 

New York, April 23, 2024—The Committee to Protect Journalists strongly condemns Belarusian authorities’ decision to cancel the domain names of news websites they labeled as “extremist” and calls for an end to the use of extremism legislation as a censorship tool to silence independent reporting. In an April 4 order, the Operational and Analytical Center (OAC)...

Australian journalist Avani Dias leaves India over visa delay, censorship

Committee to Protect Journalists 

New Delhi, April 23, 2024—Indian authorities should safeguard press freedom and stop using visa regulations to prevent foreign journalists covering sensitive subjects, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Tuesday. Avani Dias, South Asia bureau chief for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), left India on April 19, the first day of India’s election, after being told...

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Huawei представила IDS на 26-м Всемирном энергетическом конгрессе

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Петербургский автопром вышел из кризиса, заявил Беглов

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Продюсера Reuters арестовали за публикацию материалов на YouTube-канале «НавальныйLIVE»

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