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Central banks speed up policy tightening week 5, 2022


      The tightening of global monetary policy picked up speed last week as another nine central banks - from Asia through Europe, Africa and then to the Americas - raised interest rates to dampen buoyant demand and prevent rising inflation from boosting inflation expectations further.

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Czech raises rate 6th time but signals it may pause


      The central bank for the Czech Republic raised its interest rates for the sixth time to push inflation down to its target and anchor firms' and households' inflation expectations, but signaled it may now take a pause in tightening by saying "future monetary policy steps will depend on incoming new information and future forecasts."
      The Czech National Bank (CNB) raised its benchmark 2-week repurchase rate by a further 75 basis points to 4.50 percent and has now raised the rate a... Читать дальше...

ECB confirms it will end pandemic asset purchases


     The European Central Bank (ECB) kept its main interest rates on hold and confirmed it was ending asset purchases under its pandemic emergency purchase program (PEPP) at the end of March as the economy continues to recover and inflation is likely to remain higher than previously expected.
     The ECB, the central bank for the 19 countries that share the euro currency, left its benchmark refinancing rate at 0.0 percent, the marginal lending rate at 0.25 percent and the deposit rate at minus 0.50 percent... Читать дальше...

BOE raises rate 2nd time, sees more hikes, ends QE


      The Bank of England (BOE), the central bank for the United Kingdom, raised its main interest rate for the second time and will start reducing its stock of government and corporate bonds to tighten its monetary policy stance further as the economy is expected to bounce back quickly after a soft spell and inflation continues to rise in coming months.
       BOE raised its bank rate by another 25 basis points to 0.50 percent and has now raised it by a total of 50 points after raising the... Читать дальше...

Brazil raises rate 8th time, to slow pace of tightening


      Brazil's central bank raised its main interest rate for the 8th time and while it said it will persist in tightening monetary policy until inflation decelerates and inflation expectations anchor around its target, it also said it would reduce the size of rate increases in future policy decisions.
     The Central Bank of Brazil (CBC) raised its Selic interest rate by another 1.50 percentage points to 10.75 percent and has now raised it 8.75 percentage points since it began raising the... Читать дальше...

Georgia holds rate after 4 hikes, retains tightening bias


     Georgia's central bank left its benchmark interest rate steady after raising it four times but said it would "keep a tightening bias until the risks of rising inflation expectations are sufficiently mitigated" as the risks remain high, both risks from geopolitical tensions as well as faster-than-expected tightening of global financial conditions.
     The National Bank of Georgia (NBG) kept its refinancing rate at 10.50 percent after raising it 2.50 percentage points from March through December last year... Читать дальше...

Armenia raises rate 8th time on upward inflation risks


     Armenia's central bank raised its benchmark interest rate for the 8th time, saying the risks of inflation deviating from its projected trajectory are mainly upwards and if these risks materialize, it would respond "accordingly and ensure the goal of price stability."
    The Central Bank of Armenia (CBA) raised its refinancing rate by a further 25 basis points to 8.0 percent and has now raised it a total of 3.75 percentage points since it began tightening in December 2020 and followed this up with rate hikes in February... Читать дальше...

Lesotho raises rate 2nd time but cuts growth outlook


       Lesotho's central bank raised its main interest rate for the second time, saying this is to "ensure that the domestic costs of funds remains aligned with the rest of the region."
      The Central Bank of Lesotho (CBL) raised its CBL rate by another 25 basis points to 4.0 percent and has now raised it 50 points following the first rate hike in 3 years in November 2021 and today.
     CLB also revised upwards its target floor for Net International Reserves to US$$790 million from $760... Читать дальше...

Dominican Rep. raises rate 3rd time as it normalizes


     The central bank of the Dominican Republic raised its monetary policy rate for the third time, saying this move is part of a normalization of monetary policy aimed at moderating shocks on prices and help inflation converge toward the target range within the context of "highly dynamic economic activity."
     The Central Bank of the Dominican Republic (BCRD) raised its monetary policy interest rate by a further 50 basis points to 5.0 percent and has now raised the rate 2 percentage points... Читать дальше...

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