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Новости за 06.08.2018

The UK is reportedly planning to demand Russia extradite 2 suspects in the Salisbury never agent attack


  • The UK is reportedly planning to demand that Russia extradites two suspects in the Salisbury nerve agent attack.
  • The request seems certain to be rejected by Russia, and could further inflame the diplomatic row between the two companies.
  • Russia is believed to be behind an assassination attempt targeting ex-spy Sergei Skripal in England.
  • A British woman died after being exposed to what is believed to be the nerve agent Russia used.

The UK is set... Читать дальше...

6 ways to stick to a diet — even if your partner eats whatever they want



  • Keep communication open between you and your partner. This will help create a supportive environment for your weight loss journey.
  • Cynthia Sass, RD, suggest explaining your motivations to your partner, as well.
  • Ordering takeout from different places may sound annoying, but it will allow you both to have your needs met.
  • If you want to support your partner on their weight loss journey, just being there to listen is all you need to do.

It... Читать дальше...

4 dead, one missing after tourist plane crashes in Denali National Park


Becky Bohrer/AP

  • Four Polish tourists were found dead on Monday after a sightseeing airplane crashed in Alaska's Denali National Park.
  • One person is still missing and presumed dead after the Saturday evening crash.
  • Pilot Craig Layson was taking a group of four tourists on a one-hour tour of Kahiltna Glacier, the starting off point for many trying to climb Denali, North America's tallest mountain.
  • They crashed around 6 p.m. near the top of Thunder Mountain... Читать дальше...

A family thought their dog was missing for good — until he turned up a year later, 68 miles away from home


  • Esther Atkins had taken her dog Grace for a walk in Nicholtown, South Carolina, when they were followed by a friendly pitbull, which Atkins decided to take home. 
  • When she brought the pitbull to the vet, they discovered that he was micro chipped, and that he belonged to a family 68 miles away in Greenwood.
  • The family was overjoyed: their dog, Rachet, had been missing for a year. 
  • Rachet and his family were reunited the next day.

In a story... Читать дальше...

The Ku Klux Klan is using candy to entice children to join


Getty Images

  • Plastic bags with recruitment flyers and candy bars have started appearing in driveways in upstate New York towns.
  • The bags have been left "between four and six in the morning," apparently in an attempt to target middle schoolers and high schoolers who are on their way to the school bus.
  • Governor Andrew Cuomo ordered state police to investigate where the recruitment flyers came from and to launch a campaign to counter hate crimes encouraged by the KKK’s materials. Читать дальше...

Iran slams Trump for proposing talks and reimposing sanctions at the same time


Lisi Niesner/Reuters

  • Iranian President Hassan Rouhani dismissed a US call for talks on Monday.
  • It came hours before Washington was due to impose new sanctions in line with President Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of a 2015 agreement over Iran’s nuclear program.
  • "If you stab someone with a knife and then you say you want talks, then the first thing you have to do is remove the knife," Rouhani said.
  • Senior Iranian officials and military commanders have... Читать дальше...

Here's what it really means if you dream about cheating on your partner



  • Having a sex dream about someone who isn't your partner can often feel like cheating.
  • When analyzing dreams, it's often more important to pay attention to their symbolism than the actual events of the dream.
  • Because of this, a dream about cheating might not mean the same thing for everyone.

 When you're single, sex dreams are kind of the best. Your unconscious mind gets to go on sexual adventures your awake self might never be brave enough to try. Читать дальше...

It takes Kylie Jenner just over 2 hours to make as much money as the average American makes in a year


Gerardo Mora/Getty Images

  • Kylie Jenner earns the median US annual salary in just a little over two hours, according to an analysis by I Saw It First.
  • The median annual salary for US workers is $45,552, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
  • The beauty mogul made  $166,500,000 between June 2017 and June 2018, Forbes reported.
  • A typical American worker would have to work for 10 years to make what Jenner makes in one day.
... Читать дальше...

'There's too much at stake to sit on the sidelines': Michelle Obama dives into the midterm elections with voter registration push



  • Former first lady Michelle Obama on Monday announced she will travel across the US to register voters ahead of the 2018 midterms. 
  • "There’s too much at stake to sit on the sidelines, not just in this election but in every election, and we need your help right now," Obama said in a new video. 
  • The effort is being organized by When We All Vote, a nonprofit Obama co-chairs.
  • It will take place across a week in late September. 

Former first... Читать дальше...

8 presidents you had no idea were left-handed



  • Only eight United States presidents have been left-handed.
  • Harry S. Truman wrote left-handed as a child, but was forced by his parents to write right-handed.
  • Bill Clinton was the third consecutive president to be left-handed.

For much of history, left-handedness was looked down upon, and often lefties were forced into becoming righties.

Thus, only a handful of presidents have been left-handed, though the number of lefties has increased dramatically over the last 50 years... Читать дальше...

'The worst I’ve ever seen it': 11 shot dead, 63 more wounded in Chicago over the weekend


Screenshot/Chicago Sun-Times

  • Chicago experienced one of the most violent weekends of the year, with 11 shot dead and 63 more wounded from Aug. 3-6.
  • Thirty people were shot in just 3 hours early Sunday in Chicago.
  • Two people were killed and 28 were wounded between midnight and 3 a.m., including at least 13 teenagers.
  • There have been about 339 homicides in the city so far in 2018, with 285 people killed by gun violence.

Chicago experienced one of the most violent weekends of the year... Читать дальше...

A newly released 'Game of Thrones' script settles the question of whether 2 fan favorites died



Warning: Spoilers ahead for the "Game of Thrones" season seven finale.

The seventh season finale of "Game of Thrones" left fans with shocking deaths and revelations to mull over while we wait for the coming final installment of HBO's hit series. But one dramatic scene in particular plagued many people: The destruction of the Wall by the Night King and the pending fates of Beric Dondarrion and Tormund Giantsbane.See the rest of the story at Business Insider

NOW WATCH: An... Читать дальше...

LeBron James explains why giving every student at his I Promise school a bicycle was an important, personal part of his mission


AP Photo/Phil Long

  • With the opening of LeBron James' I Promise School, basketball's biggest star showed how big an impact he wants his career to have off the court.
  • The school will open with 240 at-risk children, each of them receiving free uniforms, meals, and guaranteed tuition to the University of Akron, as well as a bicycle and a helmet.
  • James explained to The Wall Street Journal why providing every student with a bicycle was an important part of his mission... Читать дальше...

NASA's biggest-ever hunt for alien planets is finally underway — and the agency expects to discover 'strange, fantastic worlds'



  • NASA launched a new planet-hunting space telescope in April using a SpaceX rocket.
  • The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), as the spacecraft is called, could discover thousands of worlds fairly close to Earth.
  • Scientists also expect to find about 50 small, rocky planets that may be habitable to alien life.
  • TESS began its two-year mission to hunt for exoplanets on July 25 and may reel in its first candidates for new worlds this week.
  • ... Читать дальше...

GOLDMAN SACHS: Bitcoin is never coming back


Chris Hondros/Getty Images

  • Goldman Sachs' investment strategy group says bitcoin will continue to decline.
  • It also says the virtual currency meets none of the three definitions of usable money and makes up just 0.3% of global GDP.
  • Bitcoin has declined by 48% in 2018.
  • Follow bitcoin in real-time here. 

Despite headline-making plans to open a bitcoin trading desk earlier this year, Goldman Sachs still isn’t sold on the virtual currency.

In a midyear economic-outlook report... Читать дальше...

Музыкальные новости
The Beatles

Вышел трейлер отреставрированной документалки о группе The Beatles

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Виктория Боня

Виктория Боня показала новую прическу с нарощенными волосами за миллион рублей

14 things to do after you get fired



The words "you're fired" are terrifying to hear, both for contestants on "The Apprentice" and for everyday, hard-working Americans. If you've just been fired from your job, your instinct might be to cry, to shout and to spend a much-deserved vacation on your couch sulking in sadness. But you shouldn't.

Being fired does not mean the end of the road for your career. It just means you have a new full-time job: managing your finances carefully while earning new employment. Читать дальше...

Everything wrong with the iPhone


Even though the iPhone was introduced over 11 years ago, there are still some issues with the hardware and software that keep it from being the best it can be. Default apps, proprietary cables, and fast charging are just a few of the problems the iPhone still has. Senior tech reporter Antonio Villas-Boas breaks down a few areas where the iPhone could improve. Following is a transcript of the video.

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Teachers share how they REALLY feel at the start of a new school year


New Girl/FOX

  • More than 50 teachers told Business Insider how the first day of school makes them feel.
  • Most shared some variation of "excited," or "nervous," and some had mixed feelings.
  • "It's sort of like Christmas," said one. "It's fun to start unwrapping each child's personality and figuring out how to help them learn and grow."

The start of a new school year is a big deal, no matter where you're from.

Whenever the first day of the school year is... Читать дальше...

THE DIGITAL-ONLY CHALLENGER BANKS EXPLAINER: The new breed of bank threatening to beat retail banks at their own game



This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about Business Insider Intelligence, click here.

Weighed down by a sluggish global economy, turbulent capital markets, and heavier regulation after the 2008 financial crisis, many big banks have scrimped on innovation.

In doing so, they've failed to keep up with customers' embrace of and demand for all things digital and mobile. That's opened... Читать дальше...

THEN AND NOW: The cast of the 'Twilight' saga


Summit Entertainment

It has been 10 years since the teen vampire craze "Twilight" was released in theaters. Four films and a decade later, a lot has changed for many "Twilight" cast members. Read on to see where the stars are now.

1. Kristen Stewart (Bella Swan) has returned to indie film.

Carlos Alvarez/Anthony Ghnassia/Getty

Stewart was the centerpiece of the "Twilight" series as the withdrawn and awkward Bella Swan. When the franchise reached its end Stewart returned to the independent film scene... Читать дальше...

Спорт в России и мире

Личка — о самой дорогой покупке в Москве: два дня назад решил купить самокат за 60 тысяч рублей


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Россиянка Полина Михайлова стала чемпионкой Франции по настольному теннису


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В СКА рассказали, почему не стали продолжать сотрудничество со «СКА-Карелией» в МХЛ

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