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Новости за 11.11.2016

Silicon Valley is divided on whether California should secede from the US in a 'Calexit'


Steve Jennings/Getty Images

The Silicon Valley elite has taken to social media to express its thoughts on "Calexit," a fringe political movement that aims to establish California as an independent country.

Most techies seem opposed to a Brexit-style California exit, though one tech tycoon, Shervin Pishevar, has loudly voiced his support.

A secessionist group out of California "hit it big" on Election Day 2016, according to a spokesperson in a statement, when Donald Trump won the race to the White House. Читать дальше...

Trump gives blunt, 3-word reply when asked if his campaign rhetoric had gone too far


Mark Wilson/Getty Images

President-elect Donald Trump in an interview published Friday expressed no regret for his inflammatory campaign rhetoric.

Asked by The Wall Street Journal if he had gone too far during the heated 2016 cycle, Trump offered a blunt response.

"No. I won," he said.

Trump was strongly criticized for extreme rhetoric he regularly employed to defeat his Republican rivals in the primary and to triumph over Hillary Clinton in the general election.

The Republican businessman... Читать дальше...

Use this simple 2-page worksheet to talk about money with your partner — without getting awkward


Jacob Bøtter/Flickr

Have you ever asked your partner, seriously, what they'd do with $1 million? If not, it's a question that could reveal a lot about what they value and aspire to achieve financially.

After all, an important stop on the road to a successful marriage is openly and honestly discussing your financial life — mistakes and all — with your partner.

"Maybe not first date material," said Farnoosh Torabi, a financial expert and author during a FB Live interview with Business Insider. Читать дальше...

Facebook apologizes for 'terrible error' that told people they died (FB)


Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

A Facebook bug caused people's profile pages to display that they have died on Friday.

Multiple Business Insider employees reported seeing the message at the top of their Facebook profiles Friday afternoon, and the bug even affected Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

As of around 4 p.m. ET, people started reporting that the message was gone from their profiles. Facebook later apologized for the "terrible error" in a statement to Business Insider.

... Читать дальше...

The surprisingly frugal habits of 8 extremely wealthy people


Justin Sullivan/Getty

Frugality is a subjective term. To the average Joe it could mean eating meals at home or scouring the internet for cheap flights.

But to a billionaire it means showing up to work in a T-shirt and jeans, driving a Toyota or Volkswagen, and, in some instances, foregoing the purchase of a private jet or lavish vacation home.

Surprisingly, some of the richest people on earth are incredibly frugal, each one with their own penny-pinching habits.

From... Читать дальше...

Trump says he's willing to keep 2 key parts of Obamacare that he couldn't repeal anyway


Kevin Lamarque/REUTERS

President-elect Donald Trump on Friday signaled he was willing to keep some parts of the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, when he takes office, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Trump told Gerard Baker and Monica Langley that he and President Barack Obama spoke about the law during their meeting on Thursday. Trump said he would consider keeping parts of it.

Trump said he is willing to keep the provisions of the law that prevent insurers... Читать дальше...

Wall Street is getting ahead of itself on the biggest bet it's placing on Trump



It is like we've learned nothing about certainty. 

Since President-elect Donald Trump won on Tuesday, investors have made big bets that his economic policies could trigger a jump in inflation. 

Business Insider's Bob Bryan detailed why here. In brief, Trump is expected to massively expand fiscal policy — characterized by heavy government spending and tax cuts — and tighten trade and immigration to encourage economic growth. These policies could lead, then, to rising prices. Читать дальше...

Shia LaBeouf is a shockingly good rapper, and people are freaking out


Sirius XM

Actor Shia LaBeouf shocked Twitter and the hip-hop world at large on Friday when he gave a surprisingly impressive performance in the "5 Fingers of Death" freestyle rap challenge on SiriusXM's "Sway in the Morning" radio show. 

LaBeouf rapped for about four minutes over five classic hip-hop beats from artists like The Notorious B.I.G. and Dr. Dre while promoting his new film "American Honey."

"Get ready, get set, this a meme," LaBeouf began. "This is wild, this is... Читать дальше...

Billionaire Chris Sacca: My role on 'Shark Tank' is to 'bust Mark Cuban's balls'


"Shark Tank"/ABC

Chris Sacca is back on ABC's "Shark Tank" on Friday for the first time this season. And if you've seen the previews, you know that he and fellow billionaire Mark Cuban will be going toe-to-toe again.

"I see my role on the show as keeping Mark honest," Sacca, 41, recently told Business Insider. "I’ve known him for years. The nature of our friendship is ball-busting. And I feel almost like that’s what I’m there to do, is bust Cuban’s balls for all those who are at home watching who can’t do it from home... Читать дальше...

A rare supermoon is rising next week — here’s when you should look up


On November 14 the moon will be closer than it has been in nearly 70 years. Lucky for us, the moon will also be nearly full at the same time. This phenomenon is called a supermoon because the moon appears bigger and brighter in the night sky than usual. Since the full moon will be especially close this month, it makes this a rare supermoon. So don't miss it! We won't have another one like until 2034.

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Abortion doctor: I fear for my life after Trump's election


Carolyn Kaster/AP

As I've headed to work in recent days to see abortion patients in my office, I have felt bereft: All the premises of my life, work, education, and future were gone. Something very profound in the meaning of the America I know has been destroyed with the election of Donald J. Trump as president.

One of the reasons I've felt this way is that, for the past 45 years, I have dedicated my medical career, skills, and life to the assistance of women who need my services as a physician in performing safe abortions. Читать дальше...

Ben Affleck enters the Oscar race in the trailer for gangster movie 'Live By Night'


Warner Bros.

One of the last remaining questions marks in the 2017 Oscar race, Ben Affleck’s “Live By Night” arrives in theaters for an awards-qualifying run this Christmas, three years after “Argo” took home Best Picture.

Affleck was famously snubbed for Best Director that year, and all eyes are watching his new film very closely to see if it can get him that elusive first directing Oscar nomination. All the ingredients for a powerhouse drama are certainly there, especially since... Читать дальше...

Amazon’s cloud is funding its war on Walmart, rival says (AMZN)


Getty Images

In case you still think Amazon is still predominantly an ecommerce site, here's something that'll change that.

According to Deutsche Bank, Amazon's cloud business, Amazon Web Services, has become so big that some people think it is subsidizing the company's retail operations. It wrote in a note Thursday:

"One AWS rival, making the point that the cloud infrastructure business has proven to be far more profitable than everyone thought, argued that the margin story at Amazon has now flipped... Читать дальше...

The NBA admitted that referees blew a call in a close game, and it could lead to an unusual result that hasn't happened in 8 years



The Denver Nuggets are hoping for a do-over and the NBA's first replayed game in eight years.

After the league admitted referees got a last-second call wrong in the Nuggets' 108-107 loss to the Memphis Grizzlies on Tuesday, the Nuggets have filed a protest over the result.

With a one-point lead and four seconds remaining in the game, the Nuggets turned the ball over and Grizzlies point guard Mike Conley took it down court to attempt a game-winning layup.

However... Читать дальше...

Peter Mansoor, right-hand man to Gen. Petraeus, says he would never serve a Trump administration



Dr. Peter Mansoor, the right-hand man to Gen. David Petraeus during the Iraq War, says he would never serve in the Trump administration under any circumstances.

Mansoor, a former Army colonel who now teaches military history at Ohio State University, told Business Insider in a phone interview that while he is willing to give the President-elect the benefit of the doubt initially, he remains firm in his stance as a so-called 'Never Trump' Republican.

“I was 'Never Trump'... Читать дальше...

Trump just shuffled his transition team


AP Photo/J Pat Carter

Vice President-elect Mike Pence is replacing Gov. Chris Christie as head of the team transitioning President-elect Donald Trump to the White House, Trump announced Friday.

The move comes one week after two former associates of the New Jersey governor were convicted on conspiracy charges in the so-called Bridgegate scandal.

The associates, Bridget Anne Kelly and Bill Baroni, had been charged with conspiracy and wire fraud in plotting to shut down lanes... Читать дальше...

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13 unexpected costs of having a kid


Sean Gallup/Getty

First-time parents face a mountain of expenses, from top-of-the-line nursery furniture to dozens of teensy polka-dotted socks.

But filling a nursery isn't the only thing making demands on a new parent's wallet. Unscheduled doctor's visits, utility bill spikes, and the ever-increasing cost of childcare can hit new parents' bank accounts with a variety of unexpected costs. 

While everyone's experience is different, a little foresight can be great for the budget. Читать дальше...

CLINTON CAMPAIGN: We lost because of James Comey


Thomson Reuters

The Hillary Clinton campaign pinned blame on FBI Director James Comey for its stunning election night loss to Donald Trump.

Navin Nayak, the director of opinion research on the campaign, sent an email to senior staff Thursday evening outlining what the campaign believed were the reasons for its loss. The email, which was first reported by Politico, was confirmed to Business Insider by a Clinton campaign staffer.

Nayak signaled in the email that the campaign... Читать дальше...

AT&T will lower the quality of most video on its network by default next year


Alex Wong/Getty Images

AT&T on Friday announced Stream Saver, a new feature that caps "most" video streams on its network at the standard 480p resolution instead of presenting them in high definition.

AT&T says Stream Saver will go live in “early 2017,” and pitches it as a way of ensuring customers can get more video out of their data allowance before hitting their cap and having their data throttled.

The feature will be enabled by default for users of its wireless service... Читать дальше...

Kenneth Cole is shutting down nearly all of its stores


Facebook/Kenneth Cole

Kenneth Cole is closing nearly all of its stores, Bloomberg reports. 

The retailer has 63 outlet stores across the US. All of them will shut down within the next six months, leaving just two full-priced stores that will remain open. 

The company didn't say how many employees would be impacted by the closures. 

Kenneth Cole will continue to sell its shoes, apparel, and accessories through other retailers and online, the company said.

"As we... Читать дальше...

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Личка — о самой дорогой покупке в Москве: два дня назад решил купить самокат за 60 тысяч рублей


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