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Новости за 05.03.2016

Why men and women might choose to learn different languages


Do men and women prefer to learn different languages?

A new survey by the language learning site Babbel has come to surprising conclusions. "Our data shows that men have a bias towards learning German, Portuguese and Russian, whereas women seem to choose Dutch, French, Italian and Spanish," Thomas Holl, the company's co-founder and president, explained in an email. The survey is based on data provided by Babbel's 1 million customers from around the world — the majority being based in Europe and North America. Читать дальше...

Wes Bentley looks back on his one-of-a-kind career in Hollywood from 'American Beauty' to 'Knight of Cups'


Frazer Harrison/Getty

Wes Bentley is best known for his roles as a brooding extrovert, as in “American Beauty” or “The Hunger Games.” His piercing eyes and stern look have made him the perfect choice for roles in which dark and mysterious are requirements.

His latest movie, "Knight of Cups," by legendary director Terrence Malick, is filled with mystery, exploring the befuddling past of a Hollywood screenwriter, played by Christian Bale. Bentley is the writer's troubled but loyal brother. Читать дальше...

Researchers along with the US Coast Guard recorded these eerie sounds from the ocean's darkest depths


The ocean is a noisy place, even at its deepest spot.

That came as a surprise to a team of researchers who sent a titanium-encased recorder nearly seven miles below the surface to eavesdrop on the ocean floor.

"You would think that the deepest part of the ocean would be one of the quietest places on Earth," National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration research oceanographer Robert Dziak, said in a statement.

"Yet there really is almost constant noise from both natural and... Читать дальше...

Map shows how ISIS is expanding to Southeast Asia



ISIS is using its safe haven and foreign fighter population in Iraq and Syria to expand influence in Southeast Asia, in pursuit of its grand strategic objective to rule all Muslim lands.

ISIS’s Syria-based Southeast Asian fighters are resourcing and directing local networks to launch attacks. Competition between militant elements vying to lead the Southeast Asian pro-ISIS movement will likely encourage increased jihadist attacks in the short term, threatening urban areas and Western interests in the region. Читать дальше...

16-year-old entrepreneur who landed a $100,000 'Shark Tank' deal shares lessons he's learned from Mark Cuban


"Shark Tank"/ABC

The "Shark Tank" investors were charmed by baby-faced Benjamin Stern, the 16-year-old founder and CEO of bottle-less bath products company Nohbo, whose pitch involved washing his grandmother's hair.

But after the high school junior from Florida explained how he cold called invention headhunters at companies like Clorox and then set forth to secure patents after hearing interest, the Sharks respected him as a bona fide entrepreneur.

Mark Cuban said he saw himself in Stern... Читать дальше...

Canada is pretty much out of gold


At an increasingly distant point in history, a government’s currency was backed by gold reserves. But slowly, governments abandoned “the gold standard,” most notably occurring in 1971 when then U.S. President Richard Nixon abandoned the gold standard, and moved to “fiat” currencies where the value was based on faith in the government. This Today another milestone, if slightly less monumental, occurred when the government of Canada confirmed that it had sold most its gold reserves.

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A couples therapist reveals the most important quality to look for in a partner


Cameron Spencer / Getty

On old-school dating services like OKCupid, you answer a battery of questions to find a match.

On Tinder, you work with a combo of cute pictures and a few sentences description.

These platforms don't get at what couples psychologist Peter Pearson calls the "holy grail" of relationships: finding someone who shares the same core values as you. 

Core values are more important than the chemical rush of excitement that you feel when you meet someone you have mutual attraction with... Читать дальше...

4 ways you could get tricked in your next job interview


Feeling nervous before a big job interview? You're not alone.

According to a survey conducted by Harris Interactive, 92% of survey respondents were anxious about some aspect of a job interview. Among the top reasons: being too nervous, and not being able to answer a specific question.

We all know tricky interview questions are coming our way — but what if there's more to it than that? Not to fan the flames of your anxiety, but it's not out of the realm of possibility that your... Читать дальше...

These are the Amazon original shows you should watch — and the ones you should avoid (AMZN)


Amazon Studios

Even in great shows, not all seasons are created equal.

Amazon has recently begun to challenge Netflix for the crown of best original streaming content.

We decided to pull data from reviews aggregator Metacritic to find out which seasons of Amazon hits like "Transparent" and "Mozart in the Jungle" had the best ratings, and how they compared to new arrivals like "The Man in the High Castle." We left out shows aimed at kids and ones resurrected from other networks. Читать дальше...

Winston Churchill was a huge party monster and racked up an absurd amount of debt


Screen grab/Biography.com

Despite Winston Churchill's popular image, Britain's most celebrated statesman spent much of his seemingly extravagant life on the edge of a financial cliff, according to retired banker and Oxford history scholar David Lough.

In Lough's "No More Champagne: Churchill and His Money," he outlines how Churchill flirted with severe debt while projecting an image of wealth, with his limitless appetite for cigars and champagne.

Churchill's private finances often threatened his political career... Читать дальше...

Asian countries are taking measures as early as 1st grade to prevent students from dropping out — and it's working


REUTERS/Choi Bu-Seok

Closing the achievement gap between the United States’ disadvantaged students and the rest of our students has been the major focus of federal education policy since 1965, when the Elementary and Secondary Education Act was passed.

Compared to the countries with more successful education systems in the world, how is the US doing? The answer is not very well.

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development just released a very revealing report... Читать дальше...

PHOTOS: Rupert Murdoch marries Jerry Hall


LONDON, ENGLAND - MARCH 05: Rupert Murdoch and Jerry Hall seen leaving St Brides Church after their wedding on March 5, 2016 in London, England. (Photo by John Phillips/Getty Images) Australian media mogul Rupert Murdoch, 84, has married former American model and actress Jerry Hall, 54, in a ceremony in London.

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Mexico's drug smugglers have an ingenious answer to Donald Trump's border wall


REUTERS/Jorge Duenes

Currently, the Mexico-US border division exists in the form of strategically placed barriers put in place as part of three large “operations” to reduce drug smuggling and illegal immigration.

These are Operation Gatekeeper in California, Operation Hold-the-Line in Texas, and Operation Safeguard in Arizona.

However, those within the US political sphere have recently been talking about constructing a legitimate border wall between the US and Mexico.

Indeed... Читать дальше...

Sam Bradford will make $100 million by age 30 thanks to one brilliant decision and some good luck


Daniel Shirey/Getty Images

Sam Bradford will remain the quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles after agreeing to a two-year, $36 million contract that could be worth as much as $40 million with incentives.

With $22 million of the contract guaranteed and a potential $9.5 million dead cap hit in 2017 (if released), Bradford will almost certainly be with the Eagles for at least two more years.

The deal also means Bradford will make at least $100 million in his first eight NFL seasons and as much as $118 million. Читать дальше...

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Анастасия Волочкова

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Антонина Арталевская

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Obama reportedly considering Appellate judges Garland, Srinivasan for Supreme Court


Thomson Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House is vetting federal appellate judges Merrick Garland and Sri Srinivasan as possible nominees to the Supreme Court to replace late Justice Antonin Scalia, the New York Times reported on Friday.

The FBI has been conducting background checks on Garland and Srinivasan, the Times said, citing a person with knowledge of the process. Scalia, a long-serving conservative justice, died on Feb. 13.

Srinivasan, 49, has served on the... Читать дальше...

This is who Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and 10 more tech leaders consider their mentors


REUTERS/Rick Wilking

Everybody needs some good advice sometimes — even billionaire tech CEOs.

Here's who Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Travis Kalanick, Jeff Bezos, and 10 more tech business leaders consider to be the mentors that supported them on their rise to the top. 

Disclosure: Jeff Bezos is an investor in Business Insider through his personal investment company Bezos Expeditions.

Steve Jobs was actually instrumental in the development of quite a few tech executives. Читать дальше...

Nothing beats the precise art of America's Blue Angels and Thunderbirds


U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman DeAndre Curtiss

The pilots of America's military demonstration teams, the US Navy Blue Angels and the US Air Force Thunderbirds, are the some of the world's best, performing death-defying tricks in fighter jets.

While the individual skills of each pilot is admirable, what sets the pilots of the Blue Angels and Thunderbirds apart is their ability to work as a synchronized team.

Here are 25 of our favorite action shots showing this beautiful coordination. Читать дальше...

'Ghostlike' octopus found in Pacific may belong to new species


Thomson Reuters

An underwater research craft has spotted a "ghostlike" octopus that appears to belong to a previously unknown species at a depth of more than two miles (3 km) on the floor of the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii, U.S. scientists say.

The milky white creature, nicknamed "Casper the Friendly Ghost" by Twitter users, was caught on cameras mounted on the craft at a depth of 4,290 meters, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said.

Describing the animal as an incirrate octopod... Читать дальше...

A top-performing hedge fund manager used a quote from the Wall Street movie 'Margin Call' to explain why it is so scary out there


Reuters/ Daniel Munoz

London-based hedge fund manager Russell Clark, an investment manager and partner at $2.75 billion Horseman Capital Management, says he is more uncertain about the direction of the market than at any other time he can remember.

Horseman is among the best-performing hedge funds in 2016. Horseman Global, a $1.06 billion fund managed by Clark and Bobby Turnbull, was up 11.31% through Wednesday, according to data from HSBC. The fund was one of the 20 best performers in 2015... Читать дальше...

Inside the store with sales so strong that Warren Buffett says they're unbelievable



A small chain of furniture stores based in the Midwest is outselling the rest of the industry, according to billionaire investor Warren Buffet.

Nebraska Furniture Mart has just four locations: Omaha, Nebraska; Kansas City, Kansas; Clive, Iowa; and Dallas, Texas.

The Omaha location is "the highest-volume home furnishings store in the United States except for our new Dallas store," Buffet wrote in his most recent annual letter to shareholders.

He said that the Omaha... Читать дальше...

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Личка — о самой дорогой покупке в Москве: два дня назад решил купить самокат за 60 тысяч рублей


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