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Elephant Rumblings: A’s end road trip on high note

Athletics Nation 

James A. Pittman-USA TODAY Sports

MLB news roundup

Happy Monday, Athletics Nation!

The A’s won their game and series at Camden Yards against the Orioles yesterday on the strength of clutch hitting late in the game and knockout relief work, the same formula that won the first game of the series on Friday. But yesterday, the save opportunity was given to Lucas Erceg even though fireballing sensation and closer apparent Mason Miller had rested on Saturday.

Erceg rose... Читать дальше...

There's No Way That The A's Get the Tropicana Site in Vegas.

Athletics Nation 

No Way.


Sounds like a nice day in Baltimore today.

The stadium con will come to Sacramento.

Gavin will support.

Welcome to your Sacramento A's.

Bye bye Oakland.


I said what I wanted to wrote.

Need to get up to 50 words to post.

Hello A's fans and wrestling fans, too!

Hi, Mr. Pogacar!

A’s vs. Orioles game thread

Athletics Nation 

Photo by Mike Stobe/Getty Images

The series is split and the Oakland A’s still have a chance to take two from one of the best young teams in the league, the Baltimore Orioles. A’s ace Paul Blackburn will be on the mound opposite O’s righty Albert Suarez.

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Fools Over Stadiums?

Athletics Nation 

The latest rendition for a beautiful one seat stadium on the Las Vegas Strip. | Photo by David Becker/Getty Images

To use a sports analogy, when you’re handed the ball 1st and goal at the 1 yard line, you’re probably going to score the touchdown you need unless you do something stupid like fumble two plays until it’s 3rd and goal at the 20.

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Athletics vs Orioles Game Thread

Athletics Nation 

JP Sears takes the mound for the 11-16 A’s as they take on the AL East leading Baltimore Orioles. | Photo by Brandon Sloter/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images

Sears takes the hill for today’s matchup in Baltimore

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Athletics vs. Orioles game thread

Athletics Nation 

Photo by Michael Zagaris/Oakland Athletics/Getty Images

The Oakland Athletics will make the final stop on their road trip Friday night when they begin a three-game series against the Baltimore Orioles. The A’s were swept in Cleveland to start the trip, but split a four-game series Yankees. Ross Stripling will get the start for Oakland Friday night, but will have their work cut out for them against Baltimore starter Corbin Burnes.

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Elephant Rumblings: A’s split four game series at Yankee Stadium

Athletics Nation 

Vincent Carchietta-USA TODAY Sports

MLB news roundup

Happy Friday, Athletics Nation!

The A’s closed out a tough series in the harsh environs of Yankee Stadium yesterday with a 3-1 win to secure a 2-2 series split against one of the American League’s hottest teams. Oakland is still playing sub-.400 ball this season, but silver lining: they’re three games ahead of the Astros in the AL West.

Second baseman Zack Gelof was widely regarded as the A’s best player coming into the 2024 season... Читать дальше...

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Удачные выходные в Воронеже: Вячеслав Бутусов, выставка «Агитпоезд» и экскурсия «Мир! Труд! Май!»


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