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Новости раздела «Другие города» за 02.07.2022

I made shrimp taquitos FLAUTAS

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Today I am making shrimp taquitos, or you may call them flautas, for dinner. Here is an easy shrimp recipe that's easy to make.
14 oz large shrimp
2 Tbsp cornstarch
1/2 tsp lemon pepper
1/2 tsp seasoned salt
1/2 tsp granulated onion powder
1/2 tsp granulated garlic…

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3 No-Bake Desserts QUICK & EASY

PR soft 

Here are 3 easy no-bake desserts anyone can make. I call these cookie pies which are perfect for the summer. These are easy and delicious!
Ingredients for cookie pies
8 to 9 inch ready pie crust
8 oz (227 g) Cool Whip topping
package of your favorite cookies
1 cup (236. 5 ml) milk…

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Running Up That Hill Scene Behind The Scenes

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Max undoubtedly went through Hell when she got sucked into Vecna s Mind Lair, but what exactly was it like for Sadie Sink to film this terrifying, iconic scene? We ll be spilling all the tea on the special effects that went into it, the beautiful set that was mostly created by the art department,…

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The Health Benefits of Pizza

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Is it possible to have a pizza that has health benefits? Yes! The healthy version of pizza I recommend is keto pizza which means it s low-carb. There are a lot of health benefits of going low-carb.
Benefits of a low-carb diet:
Lowered insulin levels
Weight loss
Reduced fat on the liver…

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Dell XPS 17 9720 Performance Testing

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Gordon benchmarks and reviews the Dell XPS 17 9720 equipped with an Intel Core i7-12700H and an Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060. In this video he compares the XPS 17 to other laptops in a range of tests including content creation - focusing specifically on Premiere Pro and digging deep into those results.

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The Untold Truth Of The Shining

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Kubrick s take on The Shining has much less to do with the corrupting desires of ghosts, and more to do with the visceral terror behind Jack Torrance. But are there more things we aren t seeing behind closed doors?
The fear of the unknown is just one of the film s many mysterious qualities that…

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Every Non-MCU Marvel Movie, Ranked Worst To Best

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The MCU has been a force to be reckoned with since Marvel launched their own cinematic universe in 2008 with the release of Iron Man starring Robert Downey Jr. It has grown from semi-connected films to a massive web of films, television series and streaming miniseries.
But what about all the…

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Audi R8 v Quattro Rally Car: DRAG RACE

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Mat s got his hands on the Audi R8 V10 Performance Spyder, and he s facing off against a 1985 Audi Sport Quattro S1 Group B rally car!
Let s take a look at how these Audis compare. Starting with the R8, it s powered by a mid-mounted 5. 2-litre naturally-aspirated V10 that can put down 620hp &…

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LIVE: Another YouTuber Sabotaged Us Micro-ATX Build

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In this stream, we're building with a bizarre Micro-ATX PC case that was sent to us by another YouTuber (BPS Customs). This GameKM Micro-ATX case has been sitting in storage for months now, so it's time to do something with it and make a fun PC in this tubular case. It's outfitted with 1x 200mm fan…

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Просматривали в разделе «Другие города» 02.07.2022

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Навальный в России и мире

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