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Новости за 16.09.2015

Detroit Institute of Arts names Salort-Pons as next director

«The Bismarck Tribune» (bismarcktribune.com) 

DETROIT (AP) — Salvador Salort-Pons, the Detroit Institute of Arts' executive director of collection strategies and information who has played a key role in the museum's strategic planning pro…

Agriculture secretary announces goal for cutting food waste

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

"The United States enjoys the most productive and abundant food supply on Earth, so too much of this food goes to waste," Vilsack said in New York City, where he was joined by food-industry representatives and officials from the Environmental Protection Agency. Leslie Sarasin, president and CEO of the Food Marketing Institute, a food retailers' trade association, said the industry supports cutting food waste because it operates on a "razor-thin" margin of 1 or 2 percent. "Reducing food waste at all levels in the food chain ... Читать дальше...

Met Opera to consider selling naming rights to building

«Gazette Times» (gazettetimes.com) 

NEW YORK (AP) — The Metropolitan Opera will consider selling naming rights to its building at Lincoln Center and plans to approach its unions about instituting Sunday performances.

Met Opera to consider selling naming rights to building

«The Bismarck Tribune» (bismarcktribune.com) 

NEW YORK (AP) — The Metropolitan Opera will consider selling naming rights to its building at Lincoln Center and plans to approach its unions about instituting Sunday performances.

‘That’s his hand on her buttock’

News Herald Sun 

WE’RE down to the last two Bachelorettes, and it’s pretty clear who the favourite is, because Sam’s hands couldn’t behave.

How the Dow Jones industrial average fared on Wednesday

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

Stocks posted solid gains Wednesday ahead of a closely watched decision by the Federal Reserve on whether or not to raise interest rates. Beer companies rose on word of a possible deal between two giant brewers, and energy stocks rose sharply following a big jump in the price of oil. The Nasdaq composite rose 28.72 points, or 0.6 percent, to 4,889.24.

An Island of Refugees

The New Yorker 

Samar paid five hundred dollars to cross from Turkey to the north shore of Lesvos, in Greece, on a flimsy seven-metre dinghy with her two children and sixty-two other people. When she arrived, a Belgian woman took pity on her, and drove Samar and her children to Mytilene, the capital of the island. The drive takes about an hour and a half, on winding mountain roads, and is more than forty miles. Samar was lucky. She had paid less than half what most of the refugees and migrants arriving in Greece today pay... Читать дальше...

Foreign holdings of US Treasury securities drop in July

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

WASHINGTON (AP) — Foreign holdings of U.S. Treasury securities fell again in July as China, the biggest foreign owner of U.S. government debt, cut back its holdings. U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has been employing emergency measures to keep the government's total borrowing beneath the current debt ceiling of $18.1 trillion. In August 2011, Standard & Poor's downgraded the nation's credit rating for the first time in history because of a prolonged standoff over passing a new debt limit.

Музыкальные новости

Баста: «Я ходил в компьютерные клубы в Ростове. Любимый боец в MK – Шан Цунг»

Персональные новости

"Динамо" и "Зенит" назвали стартовые составы на матч 26-го тура РПЛ

The Wall Street Journal: Pentagon admits just ‘4 or 5’ U.S.-trained fighters in Syria


The U.S.’s Syria strategy came under a scorching attack in the Senate on Wednesday as lawmakers questioned the Pentagon’s claims of progress against Islamic State and ridiculed the U.S. program to train and equip handpicked Syrians to fight the terrorist group--an effort that by the Pentagon’s own admission now has only “four or five” fighters on the battlefield.

Спорт в России и мире

Хоккейный клуб из Балашихи выиграл Кубок Регионов


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Соболенко вышла в ⅛ финала турнира WTA в Мадриде


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6 городов России, где можно увидеть белые ночи кроме Санкт-Петербурга

Путин в России и мире

Собянин: к 2030 году на долю Москвы придется 35–40% туристов в России

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Цинизм зашкалил: Елена Зеленская повеселилась в Киеве с герцогиней Эдинбургской

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Российский рынок упал вслед за дешевеющей нефтью

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