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My 3-second rule is great for people with ‘chronic clutter’ problems – my organizing technique gets quick results


IF you don’t know where to start with your spring cleaning, this tip might be the answer.

A decluttering pro has shared the three-second rule she swears by for an organized closet.

TikTok user Kayleen showed her followers the three-second rule she swears by for decluttering your closet

In her viral video, Kayleen Kelly (@kayleenkellyorganize) showed her followers the best way to clear out unwanted wardrobe items.

The TikToker, who specializes in “chronic clutter,” used her technique as she helped a client organize their walk-in.

For her first step, Kayleen removed every item of clothing from the closet and placed them on the bed.

She then worked with her client as she went through each piece to decide if it was going to be kept or donated.

“If you hesitate for more than three seconds, it’s an automatic keep,” Kayleen explained to her audience.

She added that this technique allows you to “make quick and confident decisions.”

According to the expert, seeing everything you own laid out in front of you helps in “making informed decisions without any fear of mistakes or regret.”

Kayleen explained that her trick “gets you quick results by focusing on the things you don’t care about purging instead of the things you do.”

If you don’t feel like you’re getting rid of enough stuff, she recommends giving everything a second look before adding it back to your closet.

For the things you want to dump or donate, Kayleen suggested placing them in trash bags or storage containers right away.

She also shared her simple tip for anyone feeling indecisive about certain items.

If you want to try something on before making a decision, she suggested adding it to your keep pile.

You can then circle back around to these clothing items later on instead of losing momentum while purging your closet.

Kayleen also revealed that her trick works well for neurodivergent people because it “increases that sense of urgency.”

By making decluttering into a sort of challenge, you can remain engaged and get a “dopamine hit” when you’re finished.

Cleaning tips to elevate your home

Realtor Stephanie Booth shared her go-to cleaning tips with The U.S. Sun.

  • Use dish soap and baking soda to scrub your stovetop and kitchen cabinets.
  • Clean your carpets, dishwasher, and under appliances as soon as you move in.
  • Make a crockpot potpourri of sliced lemons, vanilla, a sprig of rosemary, and two cups of water.
  • Fluff your pillows but don’t worry about karate-chopping them.

Her followers shared their thoughts on the advice in the comments section.

“Oh, I love the if you hesitate keep it rule,” wrote one impressed viewer.

“Thank you, it’s been tough for me to declutter, and thinking of things this way may be helpful! I’m going to give it a try,” said another TikTok user.

“Just got rid of 14 bags of crud today!!! Thank you for giving me direction!” commented a third person.

“Thanks so much for these posts. In the last two days, I’ve done the bedroom, bathroom, office, and linen closet, and the wardrobe [will be] next week!” wrote another follower.

The TikToker placed the entire contents of the closet on the bed before going through each item and giving herself three seconds to decide if its a keep or not


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