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Who is George Gilbey’s mum Linda McGarry?


GEORGE Gilbey was a beloved telly star known for his quick wit and endearing sense of humour.

He tragically died in March, 2024 and his mum is “in bits”, here’s what we know.

Channel 4
Linda McGarry, left, is the mother of the late George Gilbey who died in March 2024[/caption]

Who is George Gilbey’s mum?

George Gilbey’s mum is Linda McGarry and she is devastated following his death.

A close friend of Linda’s told The Sun he was her “little treasure” and that she’s “incredibly emotional”.

Linda is from Clacton in Essex and was married to George’s step-father, Pete McGarry.

What does Linda McGarry do?

Linda found fame when she appeared alongside George and Pete on the popular TV show Gogglebox.

Gogglebox is a programme where a a camera is set up to film people’s reactions and opinions on different programmes.

A spokesperson for the show said: “George was part of the Gogglebox family for eight series alongside his mum Linda and step-dad Pete.

“Our thoughts and deepest condolences are with Linda, and George’s family and friends at this very sad time.

“The family have asked for privacy.”

Does Linda McGarry have any other children?

Linda has two sons and Pete was a dad of two daughters but they didn’t have children together.

Pete was very close to George despite not being his biological father.

Before they joined the Gogglebox line up, the couple fostered more than 100 children.

Following her husband’s death in 2021 Linda revealed many had reached out to her.

“I’ve had marvellous support from all the foster children,” she said.

“The phone has not stopped ringing. We fostered for 21 years and we looked after more than 100 kids.

“They’re all over the world. We’re so proud of what we’ve done for them and the successes they’ve all had.

“We didn’t have children together ourselves but many of the foster children are like our own.”

Is Linda McGarry married?

Linda was married to Pete McGary who died from bowel cancer in 2021.

Pete was told he had just six months to live after his diagnosis but he passed away just days later.

Linda told The Sun: “Pete was a lovely man and I was so lucky to have him for 25 years.

“I said to him, ‘We’ve not only been 25 years, it’s been day and night with each other.’

“I have a message from a young lad I know who said, ‘Ordinary people won’t be remembered, but we’ll remember Pete forever – like the pyramids.’ I thought that was beautiful.

George posted a collection of sweet images to his Instagram in December last year remembering Pete.

He captioned the heartbreaking video: “I want him here this year.”

The clip showed George with Pete and his mum, as well as some images of Linda beside her husband.

Tragic last photo of Gogglebox star


GEORGE Gilbey was snapped smiling just days before his tragic death this morning.

Just five days ago the star proudly posted the photo to social media.

In the snap the star donned a black hoodie and appeared to have been out exercising.

He captioned the photo, which sat alongside a pic of a gym card: “Done. Full membership.”


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