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An Eye for Art: Westminster artist seeks to ‘create my own universe’

An Eye for Art: Westminster artist seeks to ‘create my own universe’

Sabir Aberchih, known to his family as “Star Man” for his paintings of dark night skies, lives in Westminster, a long way from his childhood home in Marrakech, Morocco.

Aberchih got interested in art when he was in preschool. He drew and painted things he could see around him. His father is a professor of philosophy and a writer.

Sabir Aberchih is pictured with his painting titled “Blue Warrior.” It is a tribe in the Sahara desert. Aberchih a Saraian Amazigh, an indigenous tribe to that region of the Sahara desert. (Lyndi McNulty photo)

Aberchih’s father visited with friends who were artists, musicians and authors. Aberchih was inspired by their work and tried to mimic it. His father encouraged his artistic efforts and Aberchih took art classes in high school.

Aberchih had art shows in Morocco in an open gallery at a college where his father taught. The shows featured his oil paintings of landscapes and still lifes. At that time his paintings were traditional. He also took commissions for his work.

“Beni Mellal,” a city in the Atlas Mountains in Morocco. Art by Sabir Aberchih. (Lyndi McNulty photo)

“It was my dream to come to the United States,” Aberchih said. “I remember watching Bob Ross on VHS tapes. I tried to paint like [him] but it did not always work out. But I learned from those tapes.”

He was also inspired by Disney movies and Japanese anime.

At age 18, Aberchih applied for a visa and came to the United States. Four years later he became a citizen. His first home was in New York City, where he lived for two years.

Watercolor of Mogador Island, Morocco, by Sabir Aberchih. (Lyndi McNulty photo)
Watercolor of Mogador Island, Morocco, by Sabir Aberchih. (Lyndi McNulty photo)

Aberchih did not like living in New York. A friend recommended he move to Maryland, so he did and stayed with another friend.

Aberchih got his Associate of Arts degree in art at Anne Arundel Community College, where he studied fine art and video game design. He was involved in a video game club and did concept art for the club, creating characters and environment designs.

Aberchih also got commissions for book covers. He has also donated art to a nonprofit.

Aberchih did freelance and commission work after college.

In 2020, he moved to Eldersburg to live with his girlfriend, who is from Carroll County. He moved to Westminster last year. “I like the art environment in Westminster,” Aberchih said.

“The Sun,” art by Sabir Aberchih. (Lyndi McNulty photo)

Aberchih has recently started working at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore in Westminster and is still doing art on the side.

He is inspired by the art of Frank Frazetta, a fantasy and science fiction artist often referred to as the Godfather of Science Fiction, who does comics, posters and other media.

“I saw a documentary on him,” Aberchih  said, “I want to create my own universe like ‘Star Wars’ or ‘Avatar.’ I write down my ideas and how I want it to be. I work on the tedious things first. like simple forms and shapes. It is brainstorming for the big things I want to do.”

Signature showing Sabir Aberchih's initials in two languages. (Lyndi McNulty photo)
Signature showing Sabir Aberchih’s initials in two languages. (Lyndi McNulty photo)

“I also love nature and animals and plants. The stars and planets are also interesting to me,” Aberchih said.

“The good feelings I get when people love my work inspires me. They don’t always have to say something,” Aberchih said. “I see it in their eyes. People say they like the color and the shapes. It means more to me than actually doing the work. They ask me questions and want to know how I did it. Making people happy with my art is my goal.”

“I paint a lot of dark night skies and my family started calling me ‘Star Man,’” Aberchih said. His website is www.theartofstarman.com. He also has a YouTube channel called The Art of Star Man. He can be contacted at aberchihsabir@gmail.com.

Lyndi McNulty is the owner of Gizmo’s Art in Westminster. Her column, An Eye for Art, appears regularly in Life & Times.


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