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What happened in Love Island tonight? Recap of episode 14 with all the highlights and gossip


LOVE Island made its explosive return to ITV2 tonight, with the islanders finally finding out which two couples had been voted the least compatible. And with that came the shocking news that TWO contestants would be leaving the villa – so who ended up getting the boot and what else occurred? What happened tonight? The […]

LOVE Island made its explosive return to ITV2 tonight, with the islanders finally finding out which two couples had been voted the least compatible.

And with that came the shocking news that TWO contestants would be leaving the villa – so who ended up getting the boot and what else occurred?

elma anton love island
Elma and Anton’s faced dropped when they were named one of the least compatible couples in the villa

What happened tonight?

The islanders were told via text that they would take part in an exciting challenge called Eyes on the Fries, with Amber Gill and Michael Griffiths serving as judges while the rest had to work together to transport food using only their mouths.

Tom Walker and Maura Higgins were doing tremendously well with a technique that proved to be working wonders, which left Yewande Biala to say: “It’s scary how well Maura and Tom did when you consider they’ve only known each other for two days!”

The couple that wasn’t so lucky was Tommy Fury and Molly-Mae Hague – the two didn’t necessarily have a technique going on that would work in their favour.

love island tommy molly
The islanders agreed in saying that Tommy and Molly had absolutely no strategy to win the challenge

In the Beach Hut, Molly had gushed: “It was like I was a little bird and he was the mummy bird. He was just spitting on my face. There was no technique whatsoever.”

Meanwhile, tension was definitely rising between Elma Pazar and Maura over their crush on Tom.

The model had made it known to Maura that he was also interested in getting to know the nail technician from Essex, which weren’t exactly the words she wanted to hear.

During a private chat in the kitchen, Maura and Tom talk about their situation together, before Tommy’s name is brought up in the conversation.

maura higgins love island
Maura shared her concerns about Tom with Elma, having found out that her pal also had an interest in the model

As Tom wonders how Maura could have gotten over Tommy in such a short amount of time, the grid girl responded saying: “It would be very different if we had a romantic relationship and he absolutely broke my heart but it’s only been three days.”

After letting Tom know that she liked him – and hearing that the feeling was mutual – Maura later took a moment to chat with Elma about their love triangle and how things would move forward between the two.

Elma declared that she would never tread on Maura’s toes but the Irish brunette argued that her feelings have notably changed – and that’s despite the fact that Elma already shared a bond with Anton Danyluk.

“We’re friends and I know if I was in your situation and a guy came in that you liked, I wouldn’t do that. If Tom wanted you, what would you do?” Maura told the Essex beauty.

“Girl-code. I just wouldn’t. I don’t want to get into another love triangle especially with my friend.”

And while the girls manage to resolve their differences, it wasn’t until the next day when Elma realised she had nothing to apologise in that situation.

While speaking to Molly-Mae, Elma recalled how Maura “sat there and went on about girl-code when she did worse to you [Molly-Mae].”

As the drama continued throughout the episode, it was the shock revelation of two islanders being dumped from the show that had left fans stunned.

Caroline Flack made her entrance during tonight’s show, making it known that two couples had been chosen as the least compatible – Lucie Donlan & Joe Garratt and Elma & Anton were the last two pairs standing.

Only one islander from each couple was going to get the boot, Caroline continued, before revealing the results.

Elma and Joe were the unlucky islanders to get voted off the island – and it went without saying that the decision left the entire villa in shock.

The two had 15 minutes to gather their belongings and leave, with Lucie struggling to contain her tears throughout.

lucie joe love island
Lucie and Joe were both nervous after finding out that one of them would be leaving the show

What days in the week is Love Island on ITV2?

Love Island returns every weekday night and on Sundays on ITV2 from 9pm.

Saturday nights sees Love Island: Unseen Bits replace the main show, offering fans a round-up of all the best moments from the week.

You can also watch Caroline Flack’s spin-off show Love Island: Aftersun on Sunday nights from 10pm on ITV2, where she discusses the latest action with famous guests.


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