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Новости за 29.06.2019

Trump: Can't beat China, so lets go bully India


US opens another front in international trade war - this time with India. Trump's imposed tariffs include iron and steel products, flat-rolled stainless steel, boric acid, tube and pipe fittings, screws, bolts and rivets. The hikes also target food products such as walnuts, chickpeas, lentils, apples, pears and artemia shrimps. India is crying to Russia for help.

Japan's Shinzo Abe raises Hong Kong freedom issue

United Press International (UPI.com) 

Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe raised the issue of Hong Kong's freedom in a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping amid extradition bill protests.

Queensland drivers to be hit with $1000 phone fines


Queensland is considering more than doubling its fines for people who use their mobile phone while driving. The local government says it is necessary to get tougher measures in places to stop deaths ...

Las Vegas Is Trading Parking Tickets For Pencils, Pens And Paper For Students


LAS VEGAS (CNN) — No one enjoys paying for parking tickets, but Las Vegas is now accepting a new currency that might take some of the sting out of paying the fines. The Las Vegas City Council has approved a month-long plan allowing parking tickets to be paid by donating school supplies, according to a press release from the city council. The vote was unanimous, the statement said. The program runs through mid-July and accepts new school supplies equaling or greater […]

U.S. - If It Cannot Be Loved, It Will Rape!


A country built on greed, plunder and selfishness, has suddenly nothing tangible or optimistic to offer to the world. Therefore, it will intimidate, even murder, but never let go. It does not know how to lose. It does not know how to compromise. It only knows how to control. Losing is not in its vocabulary. If it cannot be loved, it will rape!

Andy Puzder: Trump's China trade strategy could lead to historic agreement benefiting both nations - Fox News

Top Stories (us) - Google News (ru) 

  1. Andy Puzder: Trump's China trade strategy could lead to historic agreement benefiting both nations  Fox News
  2. China warns of long road ahead for deal with U.S. after ice-breaking talks  Reuters
  3. Trump talks trade agreement with China at G20 summit  CBS Evening News
  4. Trump Bows to Xi Jinping's Huawei Demands at G20  The Daily Beast
  5. A China-U.S. Trade Truce Could Enshrine a Global Economic Shift  The New York Times
  6. View full coverage on Google News

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Trump says he’ll ‘immediately’ appeal a federal judge’s ruling to block $2.5 billion in border wall funds


Associated Press/Evan Vucci

  • President Donald Trump is vowing to appeal a judge's ruling that says his administration cannot take $2.5 billion in funds intended for anti-drug activities and use it to build a wall along the Mexican border.
  • A U.S. District Court judge ruled that the transfer of the money was unlawful.
  • Trump declared a national emergency in February and moved to divert $6.7 billion in funds approved for other purposes so the money could be used for the wall. Читать дальше...

News of the day from across the nation

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

1 Advocate dies: A former New York City police detective who was a leader in the fight for the Sept. 11 Victims Compensation Fund died Saturday at age 53. Luis Alvarez’s death from colorectal cancer was announced by Chief of Detectives Dermot Shea, who tweeted that he was “an inspiration, a warrior, a friend.” Alvarez appeared with former “Daily Show” host Jon Stewart this month to plead with Congress to extend the compensation fund. He was admitted to a hospice care within days of his testimony. Читать дальше...

66ers Top Storm in 12 Innings on Vega's Game-Winning Single

San Bernardino Inland Empire 66ers 

The Inland Empire 66ers of San Bernardino outlasted the Lake Elsinore Storm 4-3 in 12 innings on Friday as Sixers' OF Ryan Vega delivered a game-winning bounding single into left field to even a four-game set at a game apiece.

Спорт в России и мире

Росгвардия обеспечила правопорядок во время футбольного матча «ЦСКА» - «Спартак» в Москве


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Елена Рыбакина

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Рэпер Джиган вызвал Тимати на поединок после публичных насмешек в свою сторону прямо во время шоу


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