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Новости за 28.06.2024

Extent and frequency of tariff revisions crucial for financial health of telcos


Following the increase in tariffs, the stock of Reliance Industries rose by 2.3% on Friday to close at Rs 3,131.9. On the other hand, stocks of Bharti Airtel and VIL were under pressure, falling by 1.8% to Rs 1,445.4 and by 3.4% to Rs 17.9 in that order amid profit booking after a recent surge in their prices.

LeBron James’ son Bronny drafted by dad’s LA Lakers

Nation News.com 

Bronny James was picked in the second round of the NBA Draft by the Los Angeles Lakers where he could play alongside his legendary father LeBron. The 19-year-old was the 55th choice of the draft in New York on Thursday after weeks of speculation about which team he would end up on. Four-time NBA champion […]

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Delhi Airport Terminal 1 roof collapse sheds light on its history with rain disasters


Amid torrential rainfall in Delhi, the collapse of Terminal 1 at the Indira Gandhi International Airport has not only resulted in tragic loss of life but also reignited a heated blame game between the Modi government and opposition parties. This incident underscores longstanding concerns over the city's infrastructure resilience during monsoon seasons, raising questions about drainage systems and maintenance practices at one of India's busiest airports.

Comcast Xfinity Outage in Ocean City, New Jersey

Mets Prospect Hub 

No problems detectedIf you are having issues, please submit a report below.Comcast is an American telecommunications company that offers cable television, internet, telephone and wireless services to consumer under the Xfinity brand. These offerings are usually available in triple play packages. Comcast Xfinity is the largest cable TV company and largest home Internet service provider in the United States. Full Outage MapAdvertisement What isn't working?Please let us know what issue you are experiencing with Comcast Xfinity... Читать дальше...

How to watch Indiana Fever and Caitlin Clark vs. Washington Mystics (6/7/24): FREE LIVE STREAM, Time, TV, Channel for WNBA game

Mets Prospect Hub 

The Indiana Fever, led by Caitlin Clark, face the Washington Mystics at Capital One Arena in Washington, D.C., on Friday, June 7, 2024 (6/7/24).How to watch: Fans can watch the game via a free trial to DirecTV Stream and fuboTV.Here’s what you need to know:What: WNBA regular season gameWho: Indiana Fever vs. Washington MysticsWhen: June 7, 2024Time: 7:30 p.m. ETWhere: Capital One ArenaTV: IONChannel finder: Verizon Fios, AT&T U-verse, Comcast Xfinity, Spectrum/Charter, Optimum/Altice, Cox, DIRECTV... Читать дальше...

Comcast Xfinity Outage in Red Bank, New Jersey

Mets Prospect Hub 

No problems detectedIf you are having issues, please submit a report below.Comcast is an American telecommunications company that offers cable television, internet, telephone and wireless services to consumer under the Xfinity brand. These offerings are usually available in triple play packages. Comcast Xfinity is the largest cable TV company and largest home Internet service provider in the United States. Full Outage MapAdvertisement What isn't working?Please let us know what issue you are experiencing with Comcast Xfinity... Читать дальше...

Comcast Xfinity Outage in Jersey City, New Jersey

Mets Prospect Hub 

No problems detectedIf you are having issues, please submit a report below.The latest reports from users having issues in Jersey City come from postal codes 07305.Comcast is an American telecommunications company that offers cable television, internet, telephone and wireless services to consumer under the Xfinity brand. These offerings are usually available in triple play packages. Comcast Xfinity is the largest cable TV company and largest home Internet service provider in the United States. Full... Читать дальше...

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Песни ветра: в Ставрополе организовали первый фестиваль этнической музыки

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*Meta незаконно использовала финансовые данные пользователей в рекламе

HR Learning Network Celebrates 5th Anniversary with Resounding Success, Highlighting Industry Accolades and Future of HR Practices

Business Standard 

Kolkata (West Bengal) [India], June 28: The HR Learning Network (HRLN), a flagship initiative by the Institute of Integrated Development and Research (IIDR), celebrated its 5th anniversary on Sunday, 16th June 2024 at the Hotel Hindustan International, bringing together over 120 HR professionals for a day of insightful discussions and networking. The event, conceptualised by Sayak Sarkar, Co-Founder, IIDR and the HR Learning Network, marked a significant milestone in the journey of HRLN. The lamp... Читать дальше...

Спорт в России и мире

"Торпедо" - "Динамо Москва" 4 ноября: где смотреть трансляцию матча


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Арина Соболенко уверенной победой стартовала на Итоговом турнире WTA


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В России с 2026 года планируют выпускать аккумуляторы для 100 тыс. электромобилей в год

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Путин в День народного единства посетил памятник Минину и Пожарскому

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Зеленский поздравил Санду с победой по телефону и пригласил в Киев

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Елена Образцова

«Будто тебя заводят волшебным ключом». В КЗЧ вспомнят Елену Образцову


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