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Новости за 22.09.2022

Alex Jones grilled by Sandy Hook families' lawyer over hoax claims, doubles down on 'deep state' conspiracy - CNN

Top Stories (us) - Google News (ru) 

  1. Alex Jones grilled by Sandy Hook families' lawyer over hoax claims, doubles down on 'deep state' conspiracy  CNN
  2. Live: Alex Jones questioned during defamation trial  The Independent
  3. Alex Jones Testifies in Sandy Hook Damages Trial: Watch Live  The New York Times
  4. Sandy Hook dad testifies 'I felt like I was under water and I didn't know which way was up'; Alex Jones again claims he is a victim  Hartford Courant
  5. Emotional testimonies from Sandy Hook families at... Читать дальше...

Becca Caffyn Releases Debut EP ‘The Replacement Blonde’


Dunedin-based singer-songwriter happy to announce debut EP available now Originally hailing from Hamilton, Becca Caffyn has always had a deep intrigue for the world around her. Raised in a yellow house in the suburbs, she grew up having visions of ...

Serious Crash, SH1 Kaikoura - Tasman


Emergency services are currently attending a serious two-vehicle crash on SH1, near Wilderness Road, Kaikoura. Police were called about 4.25am. Two people are understood to have been seriously injured. The road is expected to remain closed for some time, ...

Investing With John Neff’s Contrarian Screening Strategy


Inspired by John Neff, who served as portfolio manager of the Vanguard Windsor Fund from 1964 until his retirement in 1995, the Neff value investing approach uses a stringent contrarian viewpoint. Here are 15 stocks that fit the bill.

Instagram app rendered unusable for some by instant crash bug


If you had been using Instagram's Android app in the past hour or so, you might have noticed that an error had been causing it to crash seconds after launching, rendering it almost unusable. You weren't alone: users from multiple regions flooded Twitter with complaints about this phenomenon. According to Downdetector, this bug first appeared around 12:44PM EDT today (September 23rd) — roughly matching the time when this author also started scratching head over the seemingly random crashes. At the time of writing this article... Читать дальше...

Viral Singer Greyson Chance Says Ellen DeGeneres Is 'Manipulative,' 'Self-Centered' & 'Blatantly Opportunistic'

«Just Jared» 

Greyson Chance is reflecting on his time in the spotlight. The 25-year-old Palladium singer-songwriter, who went wildly viral at the age of 12 performing Lady Gaga’s “Paparazzi” in front of his schoolmates in early 2010 before appearing on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, is getting candid about what the experience was actually like behind-the-scenes. In an [...]

Drew Barrymore Reveals How Long She Could Abstain From Sex

«Just Jared» 

Andrew Garfield was celibate for six months to get into character while filming his movie Silence in 2016, but Drew Barrymore doesn’t seem impressed by the accomplishment. In fact, the 47-year-old joked that she could do the same during a segment on her talk show The Drew Barrymore Show. Click inside to read more… “I [...]

Wakefield Trinity • Academy

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

The lads play there last of season tonight and bradford facebook page is streaming it live

Statistics: Posted by Luppylad — Thu Sep 22, 2022 6:25 pm — Replies 13 — Views 625

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«Поборол это гнусное чувство». Актер Галкин — о своей маленькой дочке, зависти и настоящей любви

How the UK's Money Is Changing After the Queen's Death



Not only was Queen Elizabeth II the only monarch most of us have ever known, but her portrait is synonymous with money in the UK. It's hard to imagine British currency without her image. Yet, following her death on Sept. 8, many things are likely to change, including the way money in the UK looks. Not only will her portrait be replaced by the new monarch, King Charles III, but the direction his portrait faces will also change.

Can Money With the Queen's Face Still Be Used? Читать дальше...

Спорт в России и мире

Московские школьники стали победителями всероссийской олимпиады по математике


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Мирра Андреева установила новый рекорд на турнирах WTA-1000


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