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Новости за 22.08.2021

A country so different to anywhere else


The dramatic events in Afghanistan inevitably sparked memories of my own brief experiences of the country more than 50 years ago while on an overland trip from London to New Delhi and beyond.

Control, don't subdue protests


Frontline workers despaired as they were unable to get to where they were needed the most. Teenagers, caught in the crossfire between security forces and protesters, became victims of indiscriminate shooting -- one of whom remained in a coma as of yesterday. Terrified residents, hoping to escape the worst of the clashes by sheltering in their apartment blocks, ended up as victims after tear gas --...

Zenubud Bali / ANTI - Architecture


Zenubud is a complex of villas perched on a jungle ravine in central Bali, Indonesia, framed by the soothing Ubudian rice fields and rivers. The pristine tropical landscape and steeply sloped site prove to be quite a challenge for the project, but they also beautifully add character to the architecture.

Israel’s Tavor Rifle Was an Assault Gem

The National Interest 

Kyle Mizokami

Israel, Middle East

Israel makes a lot of homemade weapons. This includes the powerful X95.

Here’s What You Need to Remember: In the 1990s, Israel developed an innovative new rifle designed specifically for the urban Middle Eastern battlefield. A compact weapon that moved freely indoors, the Tavor was one of the few so-called “bullpup” assault rifle designs to enter service with a modern military force. The unique design of bullpup weapons allows them to have a shorter overall length... Читать дальше...

Jürgen Klopp angry at Premier League rule change despite comfortable Liverpool win over Burnley - Liverpool.com

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (com) 

  1. Jürgen Klopp angry at Premier League rule change despite comfortable Liverpool win over Burnley  Liverpool.com
  2. Jurgen Klopp: Liverpool boss says Premier League in danger of going '10 to 15 years backwards'  BBC Sport
  3. "We always have to be ready for a proper fight, but we were today." Jürgen Klopp on Burnley conquest  BT Sport
  4. Trent Alexander-Arnold is the lopsided 'heartbeat' as Liverpool beat Burnley at Anfield  Football365
  5. Sports News, Transfers, Scores |... Читать дальше...

Tesla’s Latest Tech Aims To Kill Boring Jobs For Good


Just when you thought you would never belly laugh harder than when Elon Musk decided to demonstrate the Cybertruck's shatterproof windows, along comes AI Day 2021 - a day that we're certain is going to live in Tesla-infamy for one reason or another. Naturally, having solved the issues of making cars profitably and achieving the company's goal of 1 million robotaxis on the road, Tesla took yesterday's event as an opportunity to reveal their next game-changing product that doesn't exist, a humanoid robot. Читать дальше...

Tony Blair slams Joe Biden's 'imbecilic' decision to withdraw from Afghanistan - The Mirror

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (com) 

  1. Tony Blair slams Joe Biden's 'imbecilic' decision to withdraw from Afghanistan  The Mirror
  2. Tony Blair slams Joe Biden's 'imbecilic' retreat from Afghanistan  Telegraph.co.uk
  3. Afghanistan: Tony Blair slams 'imbecilic' military pullout and says crisis risks relegating UK to 'second division of global powers'  Sky News
  4. ‘Abandonment of Afghanistan dangerous and unnecessary’, says Blair  The Independent
  5. View Full coverage on Google News

Let’s get talking: It’s time for candid, academic, cathartic conversations

The Financial Express 

The pandemic put an end to social gatherings and impromptu chatter. Starved of conversation, be it casual, purpose-driven, intellectual, business-oriented or even inane, an increasing number of people are now taking to social audio apps like Clubhouse and Twitter Spaces to talk to their heart’s content

I'm Already Missing Carefree International Travel


I’m one of those people who has always wanted to spend a few months backpacking around Europe. The thought of a good, old-fashioned aimless wander from one place to whatever happens to strike me as a fun option next has always been appealing, and while I’ve never quite gotten the chance to make it happen, I’ve always…

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Спорт в России и мире

На территории школы имени Ткаченко в Кубинке появится новое спортивное оборудование


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Новости тенниса
Даниил Медведев

Теннисист Медведев заявил, что поражение на "Мастерсе" ударило по уверенности


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Экология в России и мире

В поселке Новой Москвы проверяют воду из-за признаков загрязнения

Путин в России и мире

Президент Сербии Вучич приедет в Москву на празднование 80-летия Победы

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко: Объявление Гутерриша персоной нон грата не связано с демократией

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Лавров: требование «Томагавков» Зеленским вызвало оторопь в Вашингтоне

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Сергей Шнуров

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