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Новости за 19.07.2021

Review: ‘Space Jam: A New Legacy’

The Washington Free Beacon 

Space Jam 2 is a movie in the way “processed cheese food” is cheese. It wants you to like its surface and nothing else, the way fake cheese offers you a momentary spasm of flavor on your taste buds and nothing else. Everything about Space Jam 2 mimics another thing; it doesn’t have a single authentic moment or idea or joke or plot point of its own.

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AI Powered Health Assistant for Seniors: Interview with Ryan Howard, CEO of 100Plus


100Plus, a California medtech company, created a suite of remote patient monitoring technologies. These include a digital weight scale, blood pressure cuff, thermometer, and blood glucose monitor. The company recently launched Ava, an AI powered healthcare assistant that is specifically intended for senior patients who may not be tech savvy or as open to new […]

Know Your Enemy: The Afterlife of January 6

Dissent magazine 

Was the January 6 breaching of the Capitol a genuine coup attempt by an extra-parliamentary faction of the Trump movement? Or was it a disorganized and pathetic act of desperation?

Season Ticket Collection

Arbroath Football Club 

Season Ticket Collection – Please Read We are delighted to announce that our season tickets have now been delivered and are available for collection from Gayfield from tomorrow. Those supporters who purchased their season ticket online can come down from tomorrow at 10am to pick up their season ticket. Please remember if you have yet …

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Tuesday’s Rugby News

Green and Gold Rugby 

Tuesday’s news looks at justice for Marika, Tupou winning the Stan Pilecki Medal, RA to fight Koroibete charge! Okay, I’ll admit it, Marika Koroibete’s hit on French captain and big girl’s blouse Anthony Jelonch was slightly high and deserved a yellow card. But the actions of France’s captain Anthony Jelonch in the next five seconds […]

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Музыкальные новости

«Смотреть было брезгливо»: мама Тимати отреагировала на интервью Алены Шишковой

Персональные новости

Сбер подарил Орлу умный светомузыкальный фонтан

Where are all of Canada’s used cars going?


There’s a significant imbalance in the number of cars going from Canada to the United States compared to the other way around, according to recent analysis. DesRosiers Automotive Consultants observed July 14 that with the Canadian dollar notably weaker compared…

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Wildcats Top 25 – Presented by McDonald’s

Moncton Wildcats [Official] 

As a kick-off to our 25th anniversary season, we need your help selecting the Top 25 Moncton Wildcats of all-time! Over the decades there have been many memorable players who have been part of this organization, and we are excited to hear who stands out the most to you! We have narrowed down the lists to help you decide. Throughout the week we will be asking fans to vote for their favourite forwards, defencemen and goalies. The fan vote, along with a special media vote, will be tabulated and we will reveal your Top 25! Читать дальше...

Cannes winner Lapid defends taking government help

The Jerusalem Post 

Israeli filmmaker Nadav Lapid, who won a Jury Prize over the weekend for his film Ahed’s Knee, said that he is committed to saying what he truly believes, no matter how critical.

Спорт в России и мире

Легионер "Локомотива" Ньямси: в Москве жизнь дешевле, чем в Париже


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Новости тенниса
Полина Михайлова

Россиянка Михайлова стала чемпионкой Франции по настольному теннису


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Как выбрать в Москве идеальный район для семейной жизни

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о единых принципах привлечения инвесторов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Генсек НАТО прибыл в Киев: главные заявления Столтенберга и Зеленского

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Певец Прохор Шаляпин вызвал слухи о помолвке, выложив фото с кольцом


В Москве проигравшие в футбол южане отомстили спортсменам-любителям

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