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Новости за 14.12.2020

Bruce Buffer dumps random man’s girlfriend in viral Cameo video

New York Post 

UFC ring announcer Bruce Buffer can add dumping a random man’s girlfriend to his long list of legendary calls. A Cameo video has gone viral of Buffer using his signature animated theatrics to inform a woman named Kayleigh that “it’s time” for her to “move on.” The veteran voice of the Octagon is available for...

US reaches a grim milestone, passes 300,000 COVID-19 deaths

New York Post 

The US on Monday reached more than 300,000 deaths from COVID-19, data shows. The figure amounts to nearly one-fifth of the world’s total death count from the virus, according to figures from Johns Hopkins University. Between late September and mid-November, the stateside tally had jumped from 200,000 to 250,000. It has rapidly accelerated since then...

Cisco Reports It Positively Impacted Half A Billion People With CSR


#1-Ranked Industry Analyst Patrick Moorhead dives deeper as every year, Cisco releases its annual CSR report, detailing the impact of its CSR initiatives and progress towards goals. He also met (virtually) with Tae Yoo, Cisco's SVP of Corporate affairs to get the run down on the new report.

Gabrielle Union Had to Google When Stepdaughter Zaya 'Asked For a Demisexual Flag'


As parents, we all have our kids’ best interests at heart — which should mean consistently acting in their best interests, too. That, of course, includes being as supportive as possible of our kids’ true selves, whether it’s their sexual orientation or their gender identity or otherwise. Of course, even the most loving and forward-thinking […]

Coronavirus: What's happening in Canada and around the world on Dec. 14


Canada's COVID-19 vaccination campaign kicked off on Monday with the vaccinations of a long-term care resident in Quebec City and a personal support worker in Toronto, as the country tries to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus that has infected more than 464,000 Canadians.

Portland hospital readies cold storage for COVID-19 vaccines - The Oregonian

Top Stories (us) - Google News (ru) 

  1. Portland hospital readies cold storage for COVID-19 vaccines  The Oregonian
  2. Pfizer protects COVID-19 vaccine with high-tech shipping  Fox News
  3. The first doses of COVID-19 vaccine have arrived in Utah and here's who will get them  Salt Lake Tribune
  4. Americans should trust the Covid-19 vaccine: Former FDA commissioner  CNBC Television
  5. 'Light at the end of the tunnel': COVID-19 vaccinations begin in California  KCRA Sacramento
  6. View Full Coverage on Google... Читать дальше...

NASA Awards Contract for Project and Engineering Support Services


NASA has selected Millennium Engineering and Integration Services LLC of Arlington, Virginia, for a contract providing support for flight and mission projects, including all advanced engineering capabilities needed to support the research and development mission at the agency's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California.

Remember Pippa?


I distinctly recall a season in all of our lives where every other week there was a story about Pippa Middleton, sister to Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge. I cannot recall what any of these stories were about or why tabloids seemed so interested in the non-royal sister of a woman marrying into the royal family, but it…

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Музыкальные новости

Минкульт Калининградской области отказался отменять шоу «Tribute Rammstein»

Персональные новости

Сергей Трофимов выступит с летним концертом в Зеленом Театре ВДНХ

How Do We Grieve 300,000 Lives Lost?

NPR (npr.org) 

Eleven months into the COVID-19 crisis, an unimaginable death toll has been reached. NPR spoke to doctors, nurses and the bereaved about how they face loss every day.

Спорт в России и мире

Учитель из Бутово стала «Гуру физкультуры»


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Новак Джокович

Шикарный и практичный стиль Елены Джокович из базовых вещей


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Экология в России и мире

В Москве в парке нашли труп мужчины

Путин в России и мире

Politico: Россия проиграет войну с НАТО, предупреждает Польша (Topmember)

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Продюсера Reuters арестовали за публикацию материалов на YouTube-канале «НавальныйLIVE»

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




«Папа сегодня в Кемерово, и здесь кайф»: как Баста собрал стадион кузбассовцев


Герои России, меры поддержки многодетных семей и показ «Карины» в стране: топ-10 новостей недели

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