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Новости за 02.12.2020

Bilim insanları resmen açıkladı. Herkesin evinde var, koronaya kafa tutacak


Bilim insanları resmen açıkladı. Herkesin evinde var, koronaya kafa tutacak
North Carolina State Üniversitesi’nden bilim insanları başta ülkemizde olmak üzere tüm dünyada en çok tüketilen meyvelerden biri olan misket üzümün, korona virüs yüzeyindeki belli bir enzime veya proteaza bağlanıp, işlevsiz hale getirdiğini ortaya koydu. Ancak uzmanlar, tezin kesinliğe kavuşması için daha fazla çalışma gerektiğini belirtti.

First Alzheimer's blood test now on the market, without FDA approval - CBS News

Top Stories (us) - Google News (ru) 

  1. First Alzheimer's blood test now on the market, without FDA approval  CBS News
  2. Blood test could help diagnose Alzheimer's  FOX5 Las Vegas
  3. In potential ‘gamechanger,’ blood test may accurately predict Alzheimer’s  The Times of Israel
  4. First Alzheimer's Blood Test Goes on Sale  Newser
  5. Brain's 'speedometer' could help solve part of dementia puzzle  Medical Xpress
  6. View Full Coverage on Google News

Rural jobs scheme: Demand for work falls in November

The Financial Express 

The big jump shows the high efficacy of the popular scheme to avert a rural distress in the pandemic period that saw tens of thousands of migrant workers returning to their rural homes from cities.

Should cop killers be eligible for parole?


The Herald reports: On June 19 Matthew Hunt was meant to have dinner with his mother Diane after work. But he never made it. Several hours after he put on his beloved blue uniform, Constable Matthew Hunt was dead – gunned down in an Auckland street while attending a routine traffic stop. Tomorrow his mother […]

Sturgeon red-faced as EU figures dismiss dream of 'economically weaker' Scotland joining - Daily Express

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (ru) 

  1. Sturgeon red-faced as EU figures dismiss dream of 'economically weaker' Scotland joining  Daily Express
  2. NHS staff could lose 75% of Sturgeon Covid bonus, say experts  The Guardian
  3. Nicola Sturgeon confirms new lockdown levels for all of Scotland's council areas  Daily Record
  4. Analysis: Lack of true transparency could come back to haunt Nicola Sturgeon  The Scotsman
  5. SNP conference face is an amateur effort  Daily Record
  6. View Full coverage on Google News

Let it snow, TO! Remake the city and embrace winter

Toronto Star 

While Toronto transforms in the summer, it seems to go into hiding in the winter. But now with COVID considered, it may be wise to embrace the season as cities like Montreal, Quebec City and Winnipeg do. Can Toronto remake this city as a place that embraces winter (and finally shake that embarrassing incident about calling in the army to help clear the snow)? Columnist Shawn Micallef joins Adrian Cheung to talk about winterizing Toronto and how we can make the most of it in the long, cold months ahead.

Dana Walden Merges 20th TV & Touchstone TV Under Karey Burke, ABC & Hulu Original Content Under Craig Erwich In Sweeping Reorg; Bert Salke Gets Producing Deal - Deadline


  1. Dana Walden Merges 20th TV & Touchstone TV Under Karey Burke, ABC & Hulu Original Content Under Craig Erwich In Sweeping Reorg; Bert Salke Gets Producing Deal  Deadline
  2. Dana Walden Reorganizes Disney TV Team; Karey Burke Moves to 20th as Craig Erwich Adds ABC Entertainment  Variety
  3. Disney TV Shake-Up: Karey Burke Moves to 20th; Craig Erwich Adds ABC Oversight  Hollywood Reporter
  4. View Full Coverage on Google News

Texas star Sharleen Spiteri reveals she got high with Wu-Tang Clan in the studio


TEXAS have teamed up with Wu-Tang Clan on a surprising collaboration called Hi – and frontwoman Sharleen Spiteri has revealed she really did get high with the hip-hop group when they first went in the studio. Recalling what it was like 22 years ago recording their last collab together, a version of the hit Texas […]

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Жёсткие экологические требования решат инновационные энерготехнологии

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Петербургский автопром вышел из кризиса, заявил Беглов

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Сергей Шнуров

Матильда Шнурова примерила откровенный наряд в сетку


Песков после угроз Блинкена КНР заявил, что РФ будет наращивать связи с Китаем

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