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Новости за 21.05.2020

Heaven, Drugs, Foxes, Dizzy, Romer

The Browser 

What Kind Of Country Do We Want? Marilynne Robinson | New York Review Of Books | 21st May 2020 Breathe deeply before reading. Shed a tear afterwards. A great writer’s recalibration of American life, looking back through the prism of the pandemic. “In my odd solitude I stream the America of recent memory. The pretext for drama seems always to be a homicide, but around and beyond the forensic stichomythia that introduces character and circumstance there is a magnificent country, a virtual heaven. In a dystopian future... Читать дальше...

2. Bundesliga


Football in Germany

Statistics : 270 Replies || 18286 Views Last post by ramsej84

What Flying This Summer Will Look Like

The New York Times 

New security and health policies at airports and on planes will make traveling this summer a bit stranger and, officials hope, safer.

Newcastle takeover will get green light as Premier League bosses approve £300m Saudi deal


NEWCASTLE UNITED’S £300million takeover has been approved. The Premier League will give the green light for Amanda Staveley’s Saudi-backed consortium to take charge of the St James’ Park club — when the transfer of funds are sorted. There had been a delay while authorities work on Project Restart as they try to get the game […]

Newcastle takeover given green light as Premier League bosses approve £300m Saudi deal

TheSun.co.uk (sport) 

NEWCASTLE UNITED’S £300million takeover has been approved. The Premier League have given the green light for Amanda Staveley’s Saudi-backed consortium to take charge of the St James’ Park club — with just the transfer of funds to be sorted. There had been a delay while authorities work on Project Restart as they try to get […]

HHS secretary addresses conditions at Homestead detention center


In an interview with Manuel Bojorquez, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar addressed the conditions at a controversial detention center for migrant children in Homestead, Florida. He said they were trying to reunite children with their families as quickly as possible.

Joe Biden addresses debate exchange with Kamala Harris


CBSN political contributor Molly Hooper and Antjuan Seawright, a CBSN political contributor and a Democratic strategist, joined CBSN to break down the biggest moments from the second night of the first Democratic presidential primary debate.

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Фридерик Шопен

Музыка Шопена под небом

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Театр «У Моста» вернулся в Пермь после трехнедельных гастролей

‘Almost ONE MILLION virus cases could’ve been avoided and 54k lives saved if social distancing started 2 weeks earlier’


RESEARCHERS believe that at least 54,000 lives could have been saved if social distancing began just two weeks earlier amid the coronavirus outbreak. According to a new model from Columbia University released on Wednesday, tens of thousands of coronavirus deaths could have been avoided if states issued stay-at-home orders on March 1. An estimated 704,000 […]

Trump playfully tells Putin not to meddle in election


When asked about Russian interference in the 2016 election at the G-20 summit, President Trump appeared to joke with Russian President Vladimir Putin in telling Putin not to meddle. Nile Gardiner of the Heritage Foundation joined CBSN to give a conservative's perspective on how to evaluate Mr. Trump's actions at the summit.

Спорт в России и мире

В Гостином дворе прошел форум «Мы вместе. Спорт»


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Финалисты «Мастерса» в Монте‑Карло опередили Рублева в рейтинге ATP


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Экология в России и мире

Литва настраивает темп российским путешественникам

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге: «Запуск «Ангары-5» — новая страница в развитии космической отрасли России» 

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

У помощника Лукашенко по общим вопросам нашли три квартиры в Минске

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Владимир Зеленский подтвердил ракетный удар по аэродрому в Джанкое

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Григорий Лепс

«Я бы поступил иначе»: Юрий Лоза прокомментировал поступок Лепса, выбившего телефон у фанатки


Эксперты Президентской академии в СЗФО о современных комплексах по переработке ТКО в Карелии

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