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Новости за 05.04.2019

Tandem Launches Fundraising For Expansion Plans


Startup bank Tandem is trying to secure a new investment to help its plans for overseas expansion. Citing sources close to the bank, Financial Times reported that Tandem is in early talks with investors in hopes of securing funds within the next three months. A spokesperson for the bank, which has around 600,000 customers, confirmed it […]

3rd death in 3 weeks at Grand Canyon


(NBC News) The body of a 67-year-old man was recovered at the Grand Canyon, the third visitor fatality in the area in the last three weeks, according to authorities. Park rangers responded to a call shortly before noon Wednesday reporting that someone had fallen over the South Rim. The park’s helicopter and technical rescue team […]

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Liverpool leave it late to claim back top spot

Cyprus Mail 

Late goals by Mohamed Salah and Jordan Henderson earned Liverpool a crucial 3-1 victory at Southampton to move them back to the top of the Premier League on Friday. For the second week running Liverpool looked like losing ground on Manchester City in a titanic title race, but once again Juergen Klopp’s side would not be denied as they […]

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Phillies welcome in Minnesota Twins for first 2019 Interleague series

Phillies Nation 

The Philadelphia Phillies (4-1) return home following a brief but eventful two-game series split with the division rival Washington Nationals down at Nationals Park in our nation’s capital earlier this week. The pair of emotional games in D.C., especially Tuesday night’s nationally televised tilt, were important on many fronts. One was that it allowed these […]

CDC investigates E. coli outbreak in several states

New York Post 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and several other US agencies are investigating an E. coli outbreak in five states, the CDC said here on Friday. The CDC, the US Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service, the US Food and Drug Administration and several states are investigating the outbreak of toxin-producing E....

Raiders sign Jordan Richards


The Raiders added another free agent to their roster on Friday afternoon. The team announced that they have signed safety Jordan Richards. It’s their second addition of the day as they previously added former AAF defensive end Alex Barrett to the defense. Richards was a 2015 second-round pick by the Patriots and spent the first [more]

Музыкальные новости
Александр Градский

В Москве семью композитора Градского обязали убрать его машины с парковки концертного зала

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How major US stock indexes fared Friday


Stocks closed higher on Wall Street Friday, capping another solid week of gains for the market, after a big rebound in hiring last month eased concerns that the U.S. economy is slowing too sharply. Health care, energy and technology companies accounted for much of the broad rally, which extended the S&P 500’s consecutive run of

Massachusetts Will Force Residents to Fund Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz After Trump Defunds It


Massachusetts is the first state to set aside funding to compensate for the possible loss of federal contributions supporting women’s reproductive health clinics following a new rule under the Trump administration that prohibits federally funded family planning offices from sharing space with an abortion provider or merely suggesting having the procedure. The law approves $8 […]

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Легионер "Локомотива" Ньямси: в Москве жизнь дешевле, чем в Париже


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Елена Рыбакина выступила с критикой в адрес WTA


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Экология в России и мире

Экологические итоги недели: Миллиарды цикад покроют Америку

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о единых принципах привлечения инвесторов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Мэр Киева Кличко рассказал о попытках встретиться с Зеленским лично

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Таунхаус Фрэнка Синатры впервые выставлен на продажу


Басков рассказал, что предпочитает гостевой брак и девушек не моложе 28 лет

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