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Новости за 22.02.2019

EU extends safety certificate validity beyond Brexit date


Permanent representatives to the Council of the European Union have approved an agreement with the European Parliament on a draft resolution intended to ensure continued validity of aviation safety certificates.

EOD: A job for the Air Force’s best and bravest


Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class Zoie Rider Senior Airman Henry Dodd, 56th Civil Engineer Squadron explosive ordnance disposal technician, places a bomb suit helmet on a volunteer during a demonstration event at Luke Air Force Base, Ariz. An EOD technician’s daily duties include maintaining flight readiness, training, and supporting any one of their...

2019 Harewood Hockey Club AGM

Harewood Hockey Club 

The Harewood Hockey Club AGM will be held at the Clubrooms, Nunweek Park, on Sunday 3 March 2019 at 4pm to welcome in our new look clubrooms. All welcome   If you have any general business please email these to harewood.secretary@gmail.com before Thursday 28 February 2019.

Mueller report won't be delivered next week: Justice Department officials - Washington Examiner


  1. Mueller report won't be delivered next week: Justice Department officials  Washington Examiner
  2. Robert Mueller won't submit report to attorney general next week, DOJ official tells NBC News  CNBC
  3. Calls for a Wide Release of the Mueller Report Intensify  Bloomberg Video
  4. Victoria Toensing: Why Mueller's report (no matter how much Dems clamor for it) must be kept confidential  Fox News
  5. Russia investigation timeline | ABC News  ABC News
  6. View full coverage... Читать дальше...

Jeff Bezos saved The Washington Post — here's what employees are saying about his recent scandals


  • Jeff Bezos has been considered The Washington Post's savior since he bought it in 2013.
  • But recent scandal around his personal life has shaken some Post employees' image of him.
  • Post employees expressed mixed feelings, with some saying the scandal humanized him and others being less forgiving.

Jeff Bezos has been credited with rejuvenating The Washington Post since he bought the paper a little more than five years ago. Amid great angst about the future of traditional news media... Читать дальше...

1988-1996 Cape Breton Oilers

Fun While It Lasted 

American Hockey League (1988-1996) Born: 1988 – The Nova Scotia Oilers relocate to Sydney, NS Moved: May 8, 1996 (Hamilton Bulldogs) Arena: Centre 200 (4,585) NHL Affiliation: Edmonton Oilers [...]

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Музыкальные новости
Пётр Чайковский

В Клину состоится праздничная программа в честь дня рождения Чайковского

Персональные новости

Частота страховых случаев по ОСАГО для такси в 6,6 раза выше, чем по полисам на другие легковые машины – ЦБ РФ

Spanier soll Mutter getötet und zerstückelt haben

Salzburger Nachrichten 

In Spanien ist ein 26-Jähriger festgenommen worden, der seine Mutter getötet und zerstückelt haben soll. Die sterblichen Überreste der 66-Jährigen wurden in kleinen Plastikbehältern überall im Haus verteilt gefunden, erklärte die Polizei in Madrid am Freitag. Ein Freund der Mutter hatte die Polizei eingeschaltet, nachdem er die 66-Jährige rund einen Monat lang nicht mehr gesehen hatte.

MEDIA ADVISORY: Parliamentary Election in Moldova


The ongoing tug-of-war between East and West marks another milestone on Sunday, February 24 when voters head to the polls in Moldova to elect a new parliament. While the pro-Russia Socialist Party, formerly led by controversial President Igor Dodon, is expected to win the most votes, it is not expected to receive a clear majority in a race that also includes the ruling, pro-EU Democratic Party and the anti-corruption ACUM (Now) bloc. The campaign has been marked by accusations by two leaders of the ACUM bloc... Читать дальше...

Israel is flying to moon after SpaceX launch

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — An Israeli spacecraft rocketed toward the moon for the country’s first attempted lunar landing, following a launch Thursday night by SpaceX. A communications satellite for Indonesia was the main cargo aboard the Falcon 9 rocket, which illuminated the sky as it took flight. But Israel’s privately funded lunar lander — a first not just for Israel but commercial space — generated the buzz. Israel seeks to become only the fourth country to successfully land on the moon, after Russia... Читать дальше...

Спорт в России и мире

Спортсменка из Бутово выиграла «золото» на турнирах по художественной гимнастике


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Новости тенниса
Даниил Медведев

Медведев рассказал, что у него не получилось в первом сете матча с Арнальди в Мадриде


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Экология в России и мире

Учения по ликвидации лесных пожаров прошли в Богородском округе

Путин в России и мире

Politico: Россия проиграет войну с НАТО, предупреждает Польша (Topmember)

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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Навальный в России и мире

Басманный суд Москвы арестовал продюсера Reuters Константина Габова за помощь ФБК в подготовке материалов

Здоровье в России и мире

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Михаил Кутушов

Токсиколог Кутушов рассказал почему возникает похмелье


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