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Новости за 22.07.2018

End of the World as We Know It?


Professor Simon Lewis and Professor Mark Maslin, two award-winning scientists, explain how the mass movement of people, exacerbated by NATO wars, has precipitated a global re-ordering of all life on Earth. The logic and known facts are presented in clear and concise detail, summarizing tomes of literature and research, also tying all this in to guaranteed basic income and more.

Reigning Steel

Simon Carter's Rock Climbing Photos 

A little sports action for your Sunday. And what a stunning day it was in the Blue Mountains today too. Hope you all had fun! This is

Zoes Sassy Miracle Fastest in NCQHRA Futurity Trials

Canterbury Park, Shakopee, Minnesota 

Four trials were held today for 350-yard $45,000 North Central Quarter Horse Racing Association Futurity final that will be run August 11. Zoes Sassy Miracle was the fastest qualifier, covering the distance in 17.699 for trainer Mark Barnes. Leading Q trainer Jason Olmstead will saddle five of the 10 two-year-olds that qualified. Robert Johnson qualified... Read More >

Analysis: La. Supreme Court holds little-discussed surplus

The Bellingham Herald 

As Louisiana's Supreme Court justices made their pitch to lawmakers for a state judicial budget not only free of cuts, but boosted higher, they didn't mention they were sitting on … Click to Continue »

Family Reunification Deadline Approaches

NPR (npr.org) 

The Trump administration is facing a Thursday deadline to reunify migrant children separated from their families. There are more than 2,000 kids still awaiting reunification.

Remembering L.A. Food Critic Jonathan Gold

NPR (npr.org) 

Pulitzer Prize-winning restaurant critic Jonathan Gold died Saturday at age 57. NPR's Michel Martin speaks with Los Angeles Times columnist Gustavo Arellano about Gold's legacy in Southern California.

When Does A Trump Aide Resign?

NPR (npr.org) 

Michel Martin speaks with The Washington Post's Ruth Marcus and Fred Hiatt about a debate playing out on their op-ed page: whether Trump staffers are enabling the president or preventing catastrophe.

Secret Facilities For Migrant Children

NPR (npr.org) 

NPR's Michel Martin speaks with Reveal reporter Aura Bogado about her investigation of two office buildings in Phoenix, Ariz., where migrant children were being held in secret.

T.I. Is Dreaming Big For Atlanta's Future

NPR (npr.org) 

The Atlanta rapper wants to tackle big issues affecting his native city, from affordable housing and employment opportunities to better education.

How Soon Is Soon Enough To Learn You Have Alzheimer's?

NPR (npr.org) 

Only about half the people with Alzheimer's symptoms get a diagnosis, partly out of fear of an incurable decline, doctors suspect. But Jose Bolardo says facing the future allows him to plan for it.

Sussex on top - just - but fortunes fluctuate against Glamorgan

West Sussex County Times (sport) 

Sussex, attempting to boost their promotion ambitions with a third straight win against bottom side Glamorgan, needed a spirited last-wicket partnership between Jofra Archer and Danny Briggs to gain the upper hand on the opening day of their day-night Specsavers County Championship Division Two fixture at Hove.

Музыкальные новости
The Beatles

«Если прищуриться, мы похожи на The Beatles» // Евгений Цыганов о своей карьере музыканта

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81 year old man randomly punched in the face in the Bronx; suspect on the loose


SOUTH BRONX, Bronx (WABC) -- Police are searching for a man who randomly punched an elderly man in the face. The incident happened last Sunday after 11 p.m. on Courtlandt Avenue in the Melrose section of the Bronx. The NYPD released video of the attack, in which the suspect wound up and delivered a blow that knocked the victim off his feet before running away. The 81-year-old victim suffered pain and bruising to the face and was taken to Lincoln Hospital in stable condition. Police say there... Читать дальше...

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Даниил Медведев

Медведев рассказал, что у него не получилось в первом сете матча с Арнальди в Мадриде


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Продюсера Reuters арестовали за публикацию материалов на YouTube-канале «НавальныйLIVE»

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"Нет средств для защиты от такого удара". США признали свою беспомощность перед Россией

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