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Lack of financial autonomy is affecting state judiciaries - CJN cries out


The issue of adequate funding at the state level is one of the greatest challenges confronting the judiciary of this nation. It is imperative that the applicable provisions of the 1999 Constitution be duly amended to solve problem

- The Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN), Justice Walter Onnoghen, has declared that lack of financial autonomy is affecting state judiciaries

- He said financial autonomy is critical to the judiciary

- The CJN also noted that the independence of the judiciary is dependent on the level of funding it received

Justice Walter Onnoghen, the Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN) has said that the judiciary at the state level was being deprived of financial independence.

The Punch reports that he said financial autonomy was critical to the judiciary.

NAIJ.com gathered that Onnoghen said while the federal judiciary was enjoying financial independence, there was the need for the law to be amended before the third arm of government at the state level could enjoy same.

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The CJN spoke on Monday, March 19, in Abuja at the 2018 refreshers’ course organised for judges and khadis.

The event, with the theme, ‘Enhancing the quality of judicial services’, was organised by the National Judicial Institute.

While lamenting the poor funding of the judiciary, the CJN said the independence of the judiciary was dependent on the level of funding it received.

He said: “My Lords, it is true that the judiciary at the federal level enjoys full financial independence. Unfortunately, however, the same cannot be said of the state judiciaries.

“The funding of the judiciary is crucial as it is the most important index for assessing its independence.

“The issue of adequate funding at the state level is one of the greatest challenges confronting the judiciary of this nation. It is imperative that the applicable provisions of the 1999 Constitution be duly amended to solve problems of state judiciaries.

“It is my hope that within the limits of our limited resources, the judiciary will continuously strive to achieve its constitutional mandate.”

Speaking about corruption in the judiciary, the CJN said the menace was not limited to bribe-taking but included all judgments or orders given based on any consideration other than legal merit.

He described a corrupt judge as a disgrace to the bench and the legal profession as well as a disaster to the course of justice and the nation.

He said the National Judicial Council had set up the corruption and financial crimes cases trial monitoring committee to tackle the cankerworm of corruption.

He insisted that the Nigerian judiciary was as good as the institution in every other part of the world, adding that “only few judges are found wanting.”

He said the NJC would continually ensure, through rigorous screening and painstaking appointment procedures, that the best, in terms of learning and character, get appointed to the bench.

He, however, urged judges to “refrain from what could tarnish their good image or tamper with their reputation.”

The CJN also urged judges to protect human rights as a way of nurturing “our nascent democracy.”

He however said the Nigerian judiciary was living up to its responsibilities of protecting the rights of ordinary Nigerians.

The CJN called for the support of the executive and the legislature for the the newly introduced Nigerian case management system and the legal electronic mail system for the service of court processes at the Supreme Court.

This, he said, would enable smooth exchange of information and storage of cases electronically within the judicial system in order to tackle the delay in the justice system.

He said: “My Lords, distinguished guests, the delay in our justice delivery system is of great concern to me as it must be to you all.

“This unacceptable situation inevitably dictates the need for a thorough and comprehensive reform of our justice sector to ensure access to justice at affordable costs and within a reasonable time.

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“In this light, the recent introduction of the Nigerian case management system and the legal electronic mail system for the service of court processes at the Supreme Court will serve to enable smooth exchange of information and storage of cases electronically within the judicial system.”

Meanwhile, NAIJ.com had previously reported that the Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN) Justice Walter Onnoghen, on Monday, March 19, said corruption in the judiciary was not limited to bribe-taking, adding that it includes the giving of judgments or orders based on considerations other than legal merit.

EFCC stages a walk against corruption - on NAIJ.com TV

Source: Naija.ng


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