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Jamie Carragher savages Arsenal on Monday Night Football and says they’re ‘like a Mourinho team without the trophies’


JAMIE CARRAGHER has brutally compared Arsenal to a Jose Mourinho team without the trophies.

The Sky Sports pundit was sharing his thoughts after the Gunners were beaten 1-0 by Newcastle on Saturday to leave them seven points behind league leaders Liverpool.

Mikel Arteta’s side are morphing into a Jose Mourinho team, says Jamie Carragher[/caption]
Jose Mourinho traits are being seen in the current Arsenal team[/caption]
But Carragher brutally reminded Arsenal fans they have not won the league
Sky Sports
Stats show Arsenal are relying more on set-pieces and like to go direct[/caption]

Carragher claimed when Mikel Arteta’s side first competed for the title, Arsenal set out to play a brand of football based on what he had learned while with Pep Guardiola at Manchester City.

But after narrowly missing out on being crowned champions in the 2022/23 season after having an eight-point lead over City in January, the manager must have felt they lacked the physicality to get them over the line.

The ex-Liverpool defender says Arteta has changed style and is now like the current Fenerbahce boss – but he so far lacks the Special One’s glittering trophy cabinet.

Carragher explained: “Guardiola and Mourinho are the two most dominant and successful managers in the last 20 years. But they are at both ends of the spectrum in terms of style of football.

“Arsenal are morphing into Jose Mourinho. It is not a criticism of Mikel Arteta, it is an analysis.

“This is a guy who has won the Premier League three times, Arsenal have not won it in 20 years.”

Carragher then listed the traits he sees in the current Gunners team that reminds me of Mourinho‘s old Chelsea side.

He highlighted they are both strong defensively, have height and strength, rely on set-piece and play a direct style at times.


But there is one difference as Carragher added: “But the one thing we should also say where Arsenal are not like Mourinho is winning trophies.

“If Mourinho is watching tonight, he will say ‘but I win trophies’.

“At the moment Arsenal have not won a trophy, but they have been fantastic.

“Anyone who thinks I have plucked this Mourinho thing out to create negativity around Arsenal – it is analysing where Arsenal are going.

“If people do not agree with that then I don’t think you are actually watching what is going on.

“I think Arteta feels he does not have the attacking quality of Man City.

“So he is going another way to try to win the league, which is being strong defensively and a more powerful team.

“This is what the team is morphing into, it is not a criticism, it is an analysis.”

Fans loved the comparison, with a Tottenham saying: “Carragher basically saying Arteta is Mourinho without the trophies lol.”

Another added: “He’s spot on. Arsenal fans done want to hear the truth.”

Carragher also highlighted how Arsenal have moved away from signing technical players like Martin Odegaard and Oleksandr Zinchenko.

Instead, Arteta with the help of resigned chief Edu have gone in favour of physical stars like Mikel Merino and Riccardo Calafiori.

The stats back up Carragher’s theory with Arsenal more reliant on set-pieces and are more playing long balls than they did last season.

On the numbers, the pundit said: “Especially in away games, I struggle to see how they score a goal aside from a set-piece.

“The elephant in the room is that Martin Odegaard is injured, he is probably among the top four or five players in the Premier League.

“But do not forget City were without Kevin De Bruyne this and last season. They are heavily reliant on Odegaard.”

Arsenal and Edu resignation statement in full

Edu Gaspar has today resigned from his position as our Sporting Director.

Edu, our former player and Invincible, re-joined us in the role of Technical Director in July 2019. He progressed through the club and was promoted to Sporting Director in November 2022, where he oversaw men’s, women’s and academy football.   

We thank Edu for the part he has played in our renewed football strategy and driving the club forward with the values of Arsenal in his heart. 

Edu said: “This was an incredibly hard decision to make.

“Arsenal has given me the opportunity to work with so many amazing people and the chance to be a part of something so special in the club’s history. It has been a special journey and I thank Stan, Josh, Tim and Lord Harris for the support they’ve given me.  

“I’ve loved working with so many great colleagues across our men’s, women’s and academy teams, especially Mikel, who has become a great friend. 

“Now it is time to pursue a different challenge. Arsenal will always remain in my heart. I wish the club and its supporters only good things and all the very best.”

Our Co-Chair, Josh Kroenke, added: “We respect Edu’s decision and thank him for his immense contribution and dedication to drive the club forward.  

“Everyone at the club wishes him well. We are all so fond of him and the positive energy he brings to everything and everyone.  

“Change and evolution is a part of our club.  We remain focused on our strategy and winning major trophies. Our succession plan will reflect this continued ambition.”


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