Sport 24/7

Two Players Have Reportedly Gotten Gervon Dexter Into “Track Shape”


Matt Eberflus didn’t need long to notice something different about Gervon Dexter when the defensive tackle arrived for OTAs and minicamps. He was in far better condition. His body had slimmed down and he moved with far more quickness and grace than his rookie season. This is exactly what the Chicago Bears coaches wanted to see. Defensive line coach Travis Smith challenged Dexter to come back a different person, according to Larry Mayer of Chicagobears.com. Those words struck the defensive tackle.

He had a problem, though. If Dexter was going to succeed in that mission, he had to develop a plan. Coaches and trainers wouldn’t be able to help him directly until he returned for practices. That meant installing his own process of working his body into true NFL shape. Rather than stumble half-blind through crafting one, Dexter reached out for advice. He didn’t ask the coaches. They couldn’t really help with that. Instead, he reached out to two of his most esteemed teammates.

Smith challenged Dexter to an additional offseason task: “Don’t come back the same person.”

“The day we left, coach Trav told me, ‘When you come back, I don’t want to notice you. I don’t want you to look the same, walk the same, talk the same,'” Dexter told ChicagoBears.com. “That was his thing to me. So, I made that my goal.”

With the help of veteran teammates like defensive end Montez Sweat and cornerback Jaylon Johnson, Dexter curated a specific plan to achieve that goal while back home in Orlando, Fla…

…Dexter’s goal was to be in “track shape” to ensure he could “run and play a whole game.”

“It was important for me just because that’s what’s expected for this team,” Dexter said. “And this being my second year, that’s what is expected from the guys, the D-line. Coach Flus preaches ‘the backside wins championships,’ so I want to make sure I’m ready when my number is called. I wanted to make sure when I came back, I was ready to step into a role.”

Gervon Dexter understands the fundamental truth of football.

Players in the best physical condition are often rewarded the most. It is the ones making the plays late in the 4th quarter who get recognized. It’s not about toughness. If you want to thrive in this sport, you must be in great shape. That goes double for playing in Eberflus’ defense. For it to work, all 11 players must fly to the football on every play. It requires constant effort and intensity. You won’t get either if the players are gassed by halftime. Dexter wants no part of that. Sweat and Johnson both have established reputations for being deadly for all four quarters. They are the perfect ones to ask.

It appears their advice was heeded. Gervon Dexter arrived at minicamps in peak shape. That doesn’t figure to change once training camp begins next month. He should be excited. With Justin Jones out of the way, Dexter stands to inherit the starting three-technique position next to Sweat on the defensive line. That is a great honor and responsibility in this defense. It was a big reason the Bears drafted him. They saw this potential from the start. It is his time to seize the moment.


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